List of Best and Funniest Quotes from Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 screenshot of Helldivers with one standing on a levitating box

Helldivers 2 is never short of great quotes, inspiring you to give 110% of yourself. That is not to say that those quotes can’t be funny, so read on to see your list of the best, coolest and funniest quotes from Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is an engaging co-op shooter, where you and a squad of your mates spread the message of Liberty and Democracy, with bullet, laser, and flame. Humanity’s enemies are many, and inspiration is key to keeping the spirits of Helldivers 2. The developers have done an excellent job in providing us with memorable quotes, so let’s take a look at the list of the best and funniest quotes from Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: Best Quotes

Helldivers 2 is a blend of engaging gameplay and political satire. That is perfectly represented in the lines spoken by your Helldivers, Officers, and other support staff. These capture the true patriotic spirit of Super Earth’s finest and are sure to give you a chuckle.

  • “That’s one more victory for the right side of history!” – you get this one when you complete a mission. The best part about this quote is that it implies the existence of the wrong side of history, surely the opposite of Super Earth’s side.
  • “Freedom doesn’t come free.” – rarely anything comes free, and that is doubly true in Helldivers 2. You have to pay dearly to spread the idea of Freedom, besides it having “free” as part of the word.
  • “Incoming friendly fire! Dodge… or don’t. Your call.” – a hilarious reminder that friendly fire is a thing in the game. When you accidentally call an orbital on your squad, there is nothing much you can do besides dodging…or accepting your fate.
  • “Every bullet fired is a freedom seed planted in the hearts of our enemies.” – you cannot have a political satire without resorting to pseudo-philosophy. This quote reminds you that Helldivers are not bringers of destruction. Rather, they are gardeners, planting the seeds of Freedom and cultivating the garden of Democracy.
  • “How ’bout a nice cup of Liber-TEA?” – Mankind is nothing if not well-mannered. Offering a nice cup of Libertea to aliens is our way of extending a friendly hand…that, and an Orbital Laser.
Helldivers 2 image of a downed Automaton Dropship with a trapped Berserker
Image via N4G Unlocked

List of Funniest Quotes from Helldivers 2

The game is in no short supply of hilarious quotes, to keep the spirits up. While we cannot list each and every quote from the game, we have made a short list of the funniest.

  • “Democracy fills my sample container!”
  • “Injury? What injury!?”
  • “Say hello to DEMOCRACY!”
  • “I need stims!!!”
  • “Return, refit, and redeploy to purge the stain of this failure with the peroxide of victory.”
  • “Prosperity, Liberty, Democracy…Our way of life.”
  • “Managed democracy offers absolute freedom. Freedom from the burden of choice”
  • “Let them come. Let them brawl. Let them face the insurmountable might of the Helldivers!”
  • “Dispense peace with the ultimate weaponry.”
  • “How’d you like the taste of freedom?”
  • “Today the light of liberty will grace the skies of this world once more!”
Helldivers 2 image of player carrying the faf-14 Spear
Image via N4G Unlocked

We got more Helldivers 2 articles, so be sure to check out Is There PvP in Helldivers 2, Best Shotguns Tier List, and How Many Players Play Helldivers 2.


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