
Time Splitters 2 HD Remake Possible

Free Radical boss Dave Doak says to PSM3 that they are think to remake Time Splitters 2.

No platform has been announced yet

To make sure that Time splitters 2 HD become reality you must send an e-mail to this address to show your support

[email protected]?subject=Splitters HD

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BilI Gates5893d ago

Wii maybe. FR have been talking about wanting to work with the Wii.

Edit: Nvm, Wii = Not HD.

heyheyhey5893d ago

NO IT WASNT!!!! stop spinning the articles

seriously, all it said was that if there's enough interest generated- Dave Doak would do it

which naturally means that i will be living on PSM3's inbox asking for it, signing every single petition i find and make one myself and attempt ot get it on prime-time television

TS2 FTW!!!!! best shooter last gen BAR NONE (well, maybe Halo)

it was just filled with maniacal genius, especially in the challenge mode (i mean have you ever played a game that asked you to smash all the windows in a map with a brick?)

and the way the missions were so varied, and the weapons and the frantic split-screen action- and the controls were so Goldeneye-like which worked out perfectly

TS2 is THE reason im so pumped up for Haze- well that and 4-player co-op

so please people, do your best to make it happen

heyheyhey5893d ago

ok good you changed the title

now lets get e-mailing people, make this happen

Sir Ken Kutaragi 15893d ago

I got 100% in the game!;-D +TS1 & TS3(F.Perfect) 100% ;)
TS2 is the best ever Console FPS Ever!;-P
(i do like GoldenEye & Perfect Dark tho, made by the Best people who went to FRD) ;)
Can't wait for HaZe to!;-P

(+the TS2 4 player split-screen off-line mode is 1000% times better than Halo)
(Hope i don't get banned for saying that???) ;)

prunchess5893d ago

I really loved that game and Future Perfect. Free Radical are top class when it comes to first person shooters. Can't wait for HAZE!

SickNick855893d ago

i Think it's for Ps3 because he says this at PSM...but i change because time splitters 2 was a Multi-platform

predator5893d ago

it doesnt matter what mag its in, prob be multi plat which everyone wins.

paul_war5893d ago

Both TS2 & TS4 on one big blu-ray please.

Vip3r5893d ago

I'd love it if they remade all TS games in HD. I'd certianly buy them.

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Time To Split: The Life and Death of the Free Radicals (History of TimeSplitters and Free Radical)

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Derekvinyard132927d ago

Now this is a great article, this is what n4g use to be. Good articles with tons of information unlike the n4g of today that's all about fanboy wars mainly ps4 fanboys

ryuuzakibjorn2927d ago

Thank-you for the kind words!

ryuuzakibjorn2926d ago

Amen to that, Homefront is sadly the closest weird going to get, looking at the facts. I hope I am wrong though.

PaleMoonDeath2926d ago

It's a saddening affair, Doom reminded me why these arcade shooters are more enjoyable in my eyes for FPS, multiplayer mayhem in TimeSplitters 1, 2 & 3 were godly. Many a evening in my childhood were spent on TimeSplitters just unlocking all the characters for killing in capture the bag!

HD remaster is all we need, screw online it's all about that local!

BlackIceJoe2926d ago

Great article, l just wish these guys and gals could make a new Timesplitters game instead of the ones Crytek wants them to make. A new Timesplitters game with local four player split-screen gaming would be amazing. Sadly it looks like no new game is in development.

ryuuzakibjorn2926d ago

Sadly with the original developers are fragmented as they are, (I think it's about halfway through the article, I do a mini "Where are they now") - I don't see a new TimeSplitters game coming any time soon... At least not without the core feeling. If we see it come back, I see it come back as a purely competitive online shooter.


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