How to Increase Grasp in Hades 2

Hades 2 image of the Altar

If you want to increase the number of active Arcana Cards, keep reading. This article will explain how to increase your Arcana Grasp in Hades 2.

In Hades 2 you play as Melinoe, a sister of Zagreus (the protagonist in the first Hades game), and an aspiring witch, tutored by Hecate. The game is heavily influenced by Greek mythology and witchcraft, so it is no surprise that Melinoe uses spells, performs Incantations in a Cauldron, has Animal Familiars, and uses Arcana Cards. Arcana Cards provide you with various buffs, but there is a limit on how many Cards you can use at the same time. That limit is called Grasp. This article will explain how to increase your Grasp in Hades 2, so be sure to keep reading to learn all about it.

Hades 2: How to Increase Grasp

Your Grasp determines how many Arcana Cards you can activate simultaneously. Note that Arcana Cards have different Grasp “costs”, ie, not every Card needs the same amount of Grasp.

You start the game with 10 Grasp. After a couple of runs, you will unlock the Altar, located near the Training Grounds. Approach the Altar and press the prompted button to Meditate. That will open your Arcana menu, with Cards on the left, and Melinoe’s portrait on the right. Just below the portrait, you can see the amount of Grasp (represented by a blueish hand symbol) that you are using and the maximum Grasp you can have, separated by a forward slash (13/17, for example, where 13 and 17 represent used and maximum Grasp, respectively).

Hades 2 Arcana Cards
Image via N4G Unlocked

Select Melinoe’s portrait and that will open the Grasp of the Arcana option. In the lower-right corner, you will see the button that you need to press to upgrade your Grasp (A on the Controller, left-click on the mouse). Upgrading your Grasp will cost you some Psyche, the higher your level of Grasp, the more Psyche is needed to upgrade it.

Players state that you cannot have more than 30 Grasp, but we are still waiting for confirmation on that. Hades 2 is still an early-access game, so this can be changed down the line.

Hades 2 image of Psyche found during a run
Image via N4G Unlocked

How to Get Psyche

Psyche is a common resource that you can obtain in several ways. It looks like a ball of greenish water, so pay attention to symbols like that.

  • You can trade Bones for Psyche at the Wretched Broker‘s shop. It costs 30 Bones to buy five Psyche.
  • While on your runs, look for doors with the Psyche symbol on them. Clearing these encounters will reward you with some Psyche.
  • You can use the Tablet of Piece on stationary shades that you find during your runs. Completing their minigame will reward you with Psyche.
  • Complete Minor Prophesies that have Psyche as a reward, like Spectral Forms or Note to Self.
Hades 2 image of Wretched Broker's menu
Image via N4G Unlocked

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