What Are All Stratagems in Helldivers 2? Full Stratagem List

Helldivers 2 image of Ship Management screen and Strategems

There are more then 50 Stratagems in Arrowhead’s latest shooter. Read on to see what are all Stratagems in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is a sci-fi co-op shooter, where a squad of four players has to fight countless enemies and complete missions, all in the name of Super Earth. You can equip different weapons, armor, and cosmetics, but Stratagems can be the real reason a mission succeeds. Knowing when to deploy a heavy weapon or call in an airstrike is crucial for success in Helldivers 2. With so many Stratagems to unlock and choose from, having a simple guide is quite helpful. So, let’s see what are all Stratagems available in Helldivers 2.

What Are All Stratagems in Helldivers 2?

In Helldivers 2, you can choose between around 50 different Stratagems. They are separated into six categories, each focusing on a different aspect of the game. All of these Stratagems can be found and unlocked at the Ship Management Terminal. Names, requirements, prices in Requisition Credits, and short descriptions of all Strategems are listed below.

Helldivers 2 destroyed tank
Image via N4G Unlocked

Patriotic Administration Center Stratagems

  • Machine Gun (Level 1) – Heavy and powerful machine gun, capable of one-shotting lower-tiered enemies.
  • Anti-Material Rifle (Level 2, 5000 Requisition) – Sniper rifle that dishes immense power to light armor. Must be aimed down sights to use.
  • Stalwart (Level 2, 3500 Requisition) – Large magazine, easy-use machine gun.     
  • Expendable Anti-Tank (Level 3, 3000 Requisition) – Single-use rocket launcher that destroys armor.
  • Recoilless Rifle (Level 5, 6000 Requisition) – A reloadable rocket launch. Useful against armored aliens.
  • Flamethrower (Level 10, 6000 Requisition) – Ignites enemies and the environment. Can also ignite teammates. Close-range battle only.
  • Autocannon (Level 10, 7000 Requisition) – A fully-automatic cannon. Useful against armored targets.
  • Heavy Machine Gun (Level 12, 6000 Requisition) – a high-caliber machine gun, able to penetrate anything but the toughest armor.
  • Railgun (Level 20, 10000 Requisition) – Has charged armor-piercing shots.
  • Spear (Level 20, 9000 Requisition) – A homing missile that must lock onto armored targets.
PS5 Helldivers 2
  • Enlist in the Helldivers and join the fight for freedom across a hostile galaxy in a fast, frantic, and ferocious third-person shooter.
  • Become a Legend – You will be assembled into squads of up to four Helldivers and assigned strategic missions. Watch each other’s back – friendly fire is an unfortunate certainty of war, but victory without teamwork is impossible.
  • Loadouts – Rain down freedom from above, sneak through enemy territory, or grit your teeth and charge head-first into the jaws of combat. How you deliver liberty is your choice; you’ll have access to a wide array of explosive firepower, life-saving armour and battle-changing stratagems… the jewel in every Helldiver’s arsenal.
  • Requisition – Super Earth recognises your hard work with valuable Requisition. Use it to access different rewards that benefit you, your squad, your destroyer ship and our overall war effort.
  • Threats – Everything on every planet wants you dead. That’s what we’re dealing with. Each enemy has distinct and unpredictable characteristics, tactics, and behaviour – but they all fight ferociously and without fear or morality.

Orbital Cannons Stratagems

  • Orbital Gatling Barrage (Level 2, 1500 Requisition) – Multiple high-explosive rounds fired from the Destroyer.
  • Orbital Airburst Strike (Level 5, 4000 Requisition) – Shrapnel rounds sent from orbit that can kill multiple low-level enemies at once.
  • Orbital 120MM HE Barrage (Level 5, 4000 Requisition) – A small but powerful missile capable of killing pockets of enemies.
  • Orbital 380MM HE Barrage (Level 8, 7500 Requisition) – Multiple airstrikes across a massive radius.
  • Orbital Walking Barrage (Level 10, 7500 Requisition) – A barrage that moves forward, with multiple artillery strikes following one after another.
  • Orbital Laser (Level 15, 10000 Requisition) – A laser that targets enemies within its attack radius.
  • Orbital Railcannon Strike (Level 20, 10000 Requisition) – A powerful strike that targets the largest enemy nearest to the beacon.

Hangar Stratagems

  • Eagle Strafing Run (Level 2, 1500 Requisition) – A fast-shooting artillery attack that kills smaller enemies easily.
  • Eagle Airstrike (Level 2, 4000 Requisition) – A group of bombs set off in a row, not specifically targeting enemies.
  • Eagle Cluster Bomb (Level 3, 4000 Requisition) – A small air strike capable of killing smaller enemies.
  • Eagle Napalm Airstrike (Level 5, 5000 Requisition) – Napalm bombs that create a wall of fire.
  • Jump Pack (Level 8, 6000 Requisition) – Charge the Jump Pack to leap over armored enemies and walls and avoid incoming damage from nearby enemies.
  • Eagle Smoke Strike (Level 8, 4000 Requisition) – Multiple smoke grenades that block the line of sight from enemies, allowing you to reposition and ambush the enemy.
  • Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods (Level 10, 7500 Requisition) – A small cluster of bombs that target the largest enemy closest to the beacon.
  • Eagle 500KG Bomb (Level 15, 10000 Requisition) -A large bomb that kills anything within its radius.
Helldiver 2 screenshot of the Stratagem purchase screen with the Eagle Strafing Run seleceted
Image via N4G Unlocked

Bridge Stratagems

  • Orbital Precision Strike (Level 1) – A single precision shot sent from above.
  • Orbital Gas Strike (Level 3, 4000 Requisition) – A projectile that releases corrosive gas.
  • Orbital EMS Strike (Level 5, 6000 Requisition) – Stuns and halts enemy movements with an electrical blast field.
  • Orbital Smoke Strike (Level 8, 4000 Requisition) – Creates a smoke screen, reducing enemies’ line of sight.
  • HMG Emplacement (Level 10, 10.000 Requisition) – A manned and stationary turret that rotates slowly but dishes high power with every bullet.
  • Shield Generator Relay (Level 10, 9000 Requisition) – Deploys an energy shield.
  • Tesla Tower (Level 15, 8000 Requisition) – An electrical pylon that shocks enemies nearby.

Engineering Bay Stratagems

  • Anti-Personnel Minefield (Level 2, 1500 Requisition) – A stationary structure that releases minefields in a large radius surrounding it.
  • Supply Pack (Level 3, 4000 Requisition) – A backpack that gives ammunition to other Helldivers.
  • Grenade Launcher (Level 5, 6000 Requisition) – launches grenades over long distances, powerful against low-level enemies.
  • Laser Cannon (Level 5, 4000 Requisition) – Fires a continuous beam and can overheat.
  • Incendiary Mines (Level 8, 4000 Requisition) – A structure that deploys mines in its radius. Has incendiary effects.
  • “Guard Dog” Rover (Level 10, 7500 Requisition) – A drone with a laser rifle.
  • Ballistic Shield Backpack (Level 12, 6000 Requisition) – A shield effective against small incoming damage.
  • Arc Thrower (Level 15, 7000 Requisition) – A weapon that shoots an arc of lightning, effective only at close range.
  • Quasar Cannon (Level 18, 7500 Requisition) – A powerful heavy laser cannon, has to cool down between uses.
  • Shield Generator Pack (Level 20, 10000 Requisition) – A shield that covers the Helldiver, effective against both projectiles and strikes up close.
Helldivers 2 player standing behind an Emancipator Exosuit
Image via N4G Unlocked

Robotics Workshop

  • Machine Gun Sentry (Level 3, 1500 Requisition) – A machine gun turret.
  • Gatling Sentry (Level 5, 4000 Requisition) – An automatic turret with a high fire rate.
  • Mortar Sentry (Level 8, 7000 Requisition) – A turret that shoots shells, great for long-range battles.
  • “Guard Dog” (Level 10, 7500 Requisition) – A drone with an assault rifle equipped.
  • Autocannon Sentry (Level 13, 6000 Requisition) – Anti-tank cannon that auto-fires.
  • Rocket Sentry (Level 15, 7500 Requisition) – Automated turret that is powerful against armored enemies.
  • EMS Mortar Sentry (Level 20, 8000 Requisition) – A turret that fires electrical generators that show enemies.
  • EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit (Level 25, 20000 Requisition) – A mech armed with a rocket launcher and a machine gun.
  • EXO-49 Emancipator Exosuit (Level TBA, 20000 Requisition) – A mech armed with dual-Autocannons.

How to Use Stratagems

Using Stratagems in Helldivers 2 is quite simple. Just open the Stratagem menu (Ctrl on the keyboard) and you will see what Stratagem code you have to type in in order to request it. Each Stratagem has its own unique code.

For more on Helldivers 2, check out Who Are the Voice Actors, How to Fix Not Getting Any XP in Helldivers 2, and Difficulty Levels.


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