CRank: 5Score: 31900

Wow, come on people chill out. It's not like GG has been pumping out RPGs for years. Seems like everyone keeps holding GG to the same level of standards as other Developers who have been pumping out great RPGs for years.

I think GG did a pretty good job on their first attempt....... GG held their own against Developers who have been working in the RPG genre for many years and had IPs and stories that date back years which makes it much easier to focus on the gaming asp...

2696d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think everyone is taking this a little too seriously..... I think Sony is really just trying to fill the missing gaps in genres they feel their fan base would like. Also maybe making genres that sell their console third party developers are not making..... The reason Sony is Zagging is because the industry is Zigging. Meaning a lot of third party right now are focused on Multiplayer games.... Sony knows this so they make sure to bring out quality single player games so their platform has m...

2703d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ah.... You young ones dont think about your history too much..... Back in the day, Movies were once called Videos.... We would go to stores dedicated to selling Videos even renting them. Then along came computer gaming. Eventually, computer gaming was able to visually display these games first as stationary pictures then as moving pictures much like Movies except you interact or play them like games.....This is where Video "Games" got the nick name technically "COMPUTER" g...

2707d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still Sony was smart to slap a turbo charger on a old block and squeeze every ounce of power they could from the older current hardware..... Yes I am speaking metaphorically. Look Sony doesn't have the Supersport car of hardware but its still sports car and doing it with much less expensive mass produce parts.....

Microsoft is coming in with the sleeker more upscale machine appealing to a more sophisticated gaming crowd and there is a market for it. The question you...

2726d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not the hardware.... It's the software taking advantage of the hardware that's the problem..... Some of it is developer support .... used to be developers had legit excuses as the tools just weren't there and devs didn't have the money and time (or desire) to write bare metal code to give support for a CPU structures more than four and let bandwidth was super narrow(expensive)...... Fast Forward...... today 2017 and the future........

Gaming Commu...

2752d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also there has been PC game developers that have step forward and said that their games currently do not support Ryzen and benchmarks would not reflect any optimizations that would take advantage of Ryzen.... Yet AMD and Developers have step up to say they will support Ryzen. Vulcan and Direct X 12 as well as many of the Popular Game Engines will support Ryzen..

Ryzen held its own on OLD games.... meaning you can play your old games and not worry about noticeable loss of...

2759d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The question is why is this level of detail bothering you when detail graphics doesn't supposedly affect game play? Why do you have to ask the question? Who cares if the artists for the game decided to put extra care and detail into THEIR game......

Beside there are Plenty of people/consumers out there who do like and appreciate art the game artist put into THEIR game.....

and sometimes game designers/creators/producers can offer additional fun ga...

2760d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I believe Sony was smart and went with finding ways to squeeze 4k out aging Jaguar CPU instead of going with newer CPU chipset.

The cost of Jaguar APU in the PS4 PRO isn't much different from the old Jaguar APU....... Sony wasn't making much of a sacrifice when AMD just double the Graphic Cores from 18 to 36 and shrunk the die 16 nm (which probably offset the cost of doubling the Graphic Cores on the chip)....

Essentially Sony found a ...

2761d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you have Wii U AND and PS4 or PS4 PRO, why not BOTH? I have more than one open world game at home....

There is no rule that you have to burn through a game in one sit through......

Horizon and Zelda both have different Moods and Emotions and different Pacing and each game may just be the story and action a person needs at that moment or time in the day......

I tend to get burnout on any game including Zelda games .... I don't ...

2762d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zelda is a IP that has been around a long time. A story and history that is very old and easy to build a very complex game around.

Other developers always have the luxury of such a deep story to draw upon.......

Quite Frankly, Zelda: Breath of the Wild should of been no less than perfect.... There really isn't no excuse..... the franchise has been making games and stories since forever....

Now take a new IP like Horizon: Zero Dawn w...

2764d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is there an option to turn off the lens glare/bloom effect on the Switch version..... It's sad.. But I actually thought the Wii U version was better. All the extra effects Nintendo added to the Switch version are not really doing anything to improve the graphics and in my opinion the Bloom effects and lens glare is actually taking away from the experience and very distracting...... in my book the Wii U version wins .......

Despite the extra sharpness in resolution the ...

2764d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Also, people are forgetting other facts and situations are much different now than back when Wii or Wii U came out....

If you are one to believe that the Switch is a direct competitive device to the PS4 and Xbox One then the problem is that when Wii and Wii U came out.

TV market HD TVs where not cheap readily available even 4K tvs can be found cheap now.... (under a $1000) which was better than it was back in the Days when the Wii was on the market 1080p...

2766d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't need it to "go my way"..... All I'm saying is a perfect score should be reserved for the perfect balance of all aspects of a game and no glitches, frame rate drops, etc...

I know It's not always about the graphics, it's not always about the story but in some games it is about both and you have to execute it flawlessly if you want that Perfect Score otherwise it's a pointless rating system

I only mention Horizon: ...

2768d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does seem a bit favored/skewed.... Perhaps the reviewer(s) at Edge are extreme Zelda fans and felt that Switch/Wii U haven't been push by Nintendo in a Way that gives their favorite series enough Media Push; so giving Zelda a 10 would give the this game an edge (yes, pun intended). The Review didn't even bother to hide the frame rate problems during heavy sequences (into the teens at 720p?) and really diffused all the other negatives that would have probably dropped any oth...

2768d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

another to add to the list; so many games...... lol

2771d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought the whole purpose of going the with the card route is so Nintendo and Gamers didn't have to worry about installing games..... The games where on the cards.... Main system's 32GB would only be there for game saves and DLC stuff etc.... Of course there is always the option of the SD card for online downloads/extension of main system drive.... Would be nice if Nintendo supported external USB drives for the base unit though.... options are always good.....


2772d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have a really nice 1080p plasma tv from 2009 that still catches people off guard thinking I just bought a new tv..... I can tell the difference..... and this is a flash video!!! I'm missing the 4K and HDR part but I still see differences..... the normal PS4 has less draw distance you can see objects pop in much sooner more often (which is distracting) compared to the PS4 Pro which seems to have more draw distance.... Physics seem a bit higher/more detailed in the Pro version (Tree...

2773d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony did the right thing by not using new hardware that would jack up the cost. Beef up old/current tech using techniques that mimic 4K still give/allow console players that have 4k TVs to take advantage of them while reducing the performance overhead that comes with going "True" 4K. Besides, in my opinion, the 4K tv market still needs to mature just a bit more OLED is the future but is still expensive and not main stream..... for gaming there is still some lag issues with some o...

2779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if it is hot swappable? usb device ok.... so you can only use one drive..... big deal so eject that usb device and plug in the other usb drive should only take a few seconds.... makes sense right? Don't see a reason why Sony would lock the external drive to the USB port once attached.....? Hmmmm

However, since you can swap usb drives pretty quickly and Sony has limited usb ports..... It does make some sense as to why Sony would limit how many usb drives are at...

2787d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a 8 year old plasma that still tricks people in thinking I just bought a new TV. The life expectancy of a Plasma tv is pretty great. Inky blacks and colors just pop out.

I've seen the new tv's and 4k is cool I really like the hdr when it's used....which is the catch.... not a lot of content yet...... if it wasn't for gaming and some smartphones support hdr photos so finally get to see the extra color depth...... But anyway

Content i...

2794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment