CRank: 5Score: 31900

Both systems, Xbox 360 and PS3 are made for Hi-def TV. When playing on a Standard def TV the Xbox 360 doesn't seem that much noticable from the xbox. As a matter of fact, my buddy almost got rid of his xbox 360 because he thought it sucked for $400. I asked him to make sure his Hi-def TV was setup correctly and he said he didn't have one. Dah! I had him bring his Xbox 360 over and plug it into my HDTV and he said it was like it was a whole new machine!

Bottom-line, if y...

6618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

there is only a few seconds in the game. Sony knows that a quick shot that leaves enough time for the other team to score could cost them. They will wait until the last possible second to score.

Another great Console shootout! Why is it that People naturally side with the underdog. Is it compassion, pity, or betting against the odds and if the underdog wins how sweat the victory would be.

I have to admit that Microsoft has brilliantly excuted their Marketing strate...

6626d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. Why give all your big guns away at the beginning. There is still plenty of time for developers to polish their games based on the new PS3 final dev kits and Sony has been known not to release the full list of launch titles till a couple months before. I expect to see the "Official List" around the Tokyo Game Show on Sept 22,23,24. Until then I'll just ignore the news.

2. I will never believe that the rumble feature is that important to gaming - period. It iss ...

6628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't get the video to play in their player any other site hosting this video

6629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamecube wasn't really that bad of a system. It was not quite as powerful as the Xbox and better than the PS2 but it was cheaper than both! I think they just alienated themselves from the world (What about that awful controller design).

I guess Nintendo just wanted to get it right this time. From what I see, the Wii is just a pumped up Gamecube with a better (or is it?) controller this time.

That isn't really bad. I don't think the world is ready for HD. I don't th...

6630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can that Poorman PC display and play games as good as an Xbox 360 or PS3. No! When push comes to shove I'll place my bet on better gaming experience for cheap over better (or is it any better?) Word/Data Processing any day.

6630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I recall the big news was how well betamax peformed over VHS. However, we all know betamax got shut out by the industry. HD-DVD is not an open standard it is someone elses propriety standard so what's the difference? VHS had the backing of the market and I'm sorry folks so does Blu-ray.

HD-DVD may or may not be the better format (you really have to give both formats a year to work out the kinks) - it doesn't matter.

What matters is; who is kissing Hollywood's/Movie ...

6630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not sure how great of source this is but if it was true he said that here is my theory as to why:

Its a call out. I've been watching HD-DVD news I don't honestly believe that Microsoft can put out a $200 or $300 HD-DVD this Christmas and Microsoft hasn't committed to a time frame anyway so they don't have to.

I believe PS3 camp, as well as the Movie Industry, know this or have better insight into how the industry works than we do. We consumers can find the facts in the...

6636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a gamer. I usually prefer one console but I always have more than one. I just have to justify a reason for the second or even third console. I have a PS2 my boys were tired of me hogging all the game time requested a Gamecube and got it. Between the two consoles and my beloved PC I didn't need and Xbox. However, my DVD player broke and I needed a new one. I borrowed my friends Xbox to watch movies and was impressed with the quality. The Xbox was around $200 dollars then and I notic...

6636d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When looking at different high res screen shots of linux distros the smaller or thumbnail high res screen shot look really bad - because it was actually in low resolution. I had to click on the picture to increase the size of inorder for the High res shot to look good. Not all websites are clear cut about it and some assume you know already. I've seen some really small print way off somewhere on the screen telling people to click on pictures for a full image.

Imagine if someone...

6640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In some ways the PC/Sony way is better. If a game developer or individual wanted to provide free servers for the game they could, and well, its free. Also, I've seen some killer specialize server setups that rocked on a PC but that usually came at a premium price. This can also happen on a PS3. For instance, on a pc, try playing three monthly MMO's costing $10 to $20 dollars each month which would get expensive and Xbox 360's yearly service fee is way cheaper.

Sony's plan reall...

6640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally think we need to scale back our work week to 30 hours a week as considered fulltime. After 30 hours its double time (for instance $6 becomes $12).
I also believe the law needs to be changed to prevent companies from using salary as a means of getting past the fulltime hours.

Personally, a salary should be based whatever hours is considered fulltime by law. If the company works the individual past the number of hours in a work week they must pay the ov...

6640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I not a hater I Love my xbox 360 but just listen to the talk from the HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Both are having trouble mass producing the parts needed for the blue lasers in their machines (this is hurting blu-ray camp more because they have more companies trying to manufacture HD Players) Microsoft announcement said that they would release a low cost HD-DVD addon but didn't not give when that would be. So basically what MS told us is when they can give us an addon that is $200 - $300 that's wh...

6640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, I have an Xbox 360 and I love it. However, why would I buy a stupid addon that just plays movies when I can get another console such as the PS3 that does both games and movies.

Cheaper you say? I don't think so. Here's why:

Right now if I went out and bought me a Stand alone HD Movie player the best deal and best high quality picture line up right now is coming from Toshiba and the HD-DVD camp.

Toshiba sells their HD-DVD player for $500. <...

6640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have and Xbox 360. I paid $400 for it. If I were to go get a stand alone HD movie player I'd pay $500 for the Toshiba HD-DVD (from what I've heard in the news Toshiba is selling it below cost approximately $200 to be exact). Now I've paid a total of $900 dollars for the abililty to play games and watch HD movies on my HDTV. From the way both the HD-DVD and Blu-ray camps have been talking the price ain't coming down any time soon so my hopes for a cheap HD-DVD movie attachment coming soon ...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I enjoy watching women fling their beautiful bodies around. Men like confident women and it takes a confident women to express themselves freely. Contray to what some of you above think, men don't have to "wank" to appreciate beauty. The same could go for women as well.

Matter of fact, women do us men one better. Women will attend a Swim wear show to see all the beautiful women or men show off swimsuits. Now, if your are a real honest to goodness man you won't hav...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Technically a calculator is a computer. Computer is a Computational device. Sony did go to great lenghts to not affiliate themselves with the PC but to be honest, as a gamer, which would you prefer. A $500 - $600 Computer that does video, help organize your photos, surf net, music, help you write a report, do some spreadsheet work but has only so-so gaming ability OR do you want a $500 - $600 Computer that gives awesome gaming, video, photo, surf net, music but gives me tolerable word/data ...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm going to give thumbs up for Sony trying to solve the ebay problem - it was a thorn in MS side during their xbox 360 shortage crisis. Problem is that I just don't think you make the ebay thing go away no matter what anybody does. All this huge Pre-order is going to is first of all tick off a whole bunch of people and two make it less likely that people will pre-order which is good for Sony manufacturing wise but not so good for the PR department.

This is the problem when you...

6642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HD-DVD was using VC1 and Blu-ray Movies were encoded in MPEG-2 and ancient codec. Blu-ray supports VC-1, MPEG-4/h.264 video codecs. Here's faq 1.8 from

1.8 What video codecs will Blu-ray support?

MPEG-2 - enhanced for HD, also used for playback of DVDs and HDTV recordings.
MPEG-4 AVC - part of the MPEG-4 standard also known as H.264 (High Profile and Main Profile).
SMPTE VC-1 - standard based on Microsoft's Windows Media Video (WMV) t...

6644d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many games on opening day for Xbox 360 had 40 player capability. None! How about, three months with out patches None! It's safe to say that there is room for improvement for the PS3 given the same amount of time the xbox 360 had. I wonder in 1.5 to 2 years after the PS3 comes out we don't see a substatial increase maybe matching over even exceeding PCs in number of Players. After all that's how long Microsoft had with Halo 3 to produce the 50 player ability.

Face it,...

6644d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment