CRank: 5Score: 31900

So now a tattoo artist owns the body of sports star or actor ???? This ruling only hurts the tattoo industry not help it. Now actors and sport stars hell even musicians will need to pause before getting a a tattoo because now they need the get the artist permission to visual display their bodies on media?

If the tattoo artist wants full controll of their art then stop putting it on people and place it on their own bodies or their own canvas

722d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hmm. Seems to me a lot of the games offered i can play at 1080p 30fps medium settings on my old gaming pc.... Most PCs with a dedicated gpu in the last five years could easily play these games and a good number of PCs older.

It was my understanding that these kind of services were supposed to allow devices to play more resource intensive games but Amazon's Luna choices seem to favor low to mid-level games that can be played on most devices.

It makes sen...

817d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Be careful what you wish for. Developers/Publishers might actually listen and shorten the content...... but

Pricing will not change. We will pay the same price but get less for our money... Also, Developers who might listen and do shorten a game will still use all the same tricks/bloat so all we will get is a 20 hr game with the same bloat with very short real content that we all pay the same price as we did before but nothing changes except its shorter.


1156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It seems that this controller is taking away a major ps5 feature to add another...

That feature is the adaptive trigger and dual sense part of the ps5 controller.

That hardware change alone was a big boost to gameplay for some.

Then charge people over 4 times the cost of a PS5 contoller for a couple of back buttons and trigger stops while removing a big game play feature from the controller.

Somebody has been smoking...

1171d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My point is its beginning to feel a bit elitist and that is definitely what is happening in China not your everyday person is getting a pick of that 50,000 units. Actually same thing is happening all over the world but to a much larger extent since the customer base is bigger.

Sony is trying to ship PS5 to more countries at one time than they did with PS4 while there is a crisis and epidemic affecting supply it is not smart. Because of a lot of things different, its really...

1226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's no excuse in business. Like or not Sony is just shy of almost double the user base they started with when the PS4 was first introduced.

Sony should have had the manufacturing planned and prepared at least a year before the launch which would have been before covid. We also have the scalpers. Its great that Sony is on tract to profitability but the PR spin only benefits Sony not its consumer base which is considerably larger than when PS4 started... most of the world ...

1226d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting, can't find any in stores or online yet Sony just opened to the largest population in the world. Sounds great for business sucks for the rest of the world.

Still struggling to get a PS5 in stores and online. Since Sony hasn't been able to keep up with that demand. it should solve the distribution issues before expanding into larger markets. Sony has yet to prove to the world is capable of meeting world demand.

More and likely base on...

1229d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

I wish people would stop spreading the corporate promotion pump. 8 million WorldWIDE sale is not good when your user base exceeds 120+ million ps4s who would benefit from the upgrade compared to the ps4 pro. Its probably a given if a person felt the need to get a ps4 pro that they will upgrade to PS5....

Basically only the elitist, the online tech savvy bot scalpers, and those who are willing to blow double the cash and support in support of the scalpers are getting a PS5. ...

1233d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Great Idea. I'd play that version.

Resistance was a great game and of all the remasters.... I would play a great remastered version of resistance series as well

1233d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not a totally dumb comment but a bit harsh. As far as a full library..... most are generic knock offs of popular games within their genre. 60%-70% of the games are blah on pc.

Add in all the cheaters and exploiters makes online pc gaming not fun.

Also in the PC world the regular gamer who has the most expensive hardware is at major advantage over those gamers who stick to basic controls mechanisms. Great Hardware goes a long way in overcoming poor st...

1285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still haven't been able to find a PS5 here in the United States.... I really don't see this as the official release of the new consoles.... When you only release a new product every 5 to 7 years and a company achieves +50 million customers (I think PS4 is around 80 million but VGChartz has it global at around 114 million)....

Globally only 5 million sold is a joke.... horrible..... This is really just a pre-release to grab some cash..... 5 million isn't eve...

1321d ago 0 agree17 disagreeView comment

Actually having high quality launch titles is a good thing only raises the stakes when future games come. SONY and Nintendo arguably start with stronger launch titles than Microsoft; especially in first party titles.

Basically the stronger the launch titles the better of we will be when the console reaches maturity. How powerful the console is doesn't matter, since Nintendo seems to have survived all these years with the least powerful console the three.

1408d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually in a recent interview it was confirmed that color filters will be provided. Classic Demon Souls color filter for purist.... black and white color filter.... probably for those classic horror lovers. Only a couple confirmed but did give an impression there were even more color filter choices

1423d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Chill Tiqila....... in a recent interview it was revealed that color filters will be provided to appease more people. There is a classic color filter more like the original..... black and white for those that like classic horror. Sounded like there was more choices than those two but the only color filters confirmed in the interview.

1423d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with casual racer can still be challenging but more forgiving concentrate more on the fun

1423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Laugh at the gamer comparing rtx 2080 to console. First, nividia's 2080 released in the year 2018 verses the consoles that released in 2013 the pro versions are just 2013 hardware on little electronic steriods nothing ground breaking. I wonder how many PC graphic cards 2080 stomp all over from 2013... quite a few I bet. Also PC don't have standards for keyboards so whoever forks out the cash for better hardware is the king or queen (assuming they can type of course). Let's not ge...

1435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt Ubisoft is targeting the 2080ti specifically. This is a unoptimized version that probably won't be fully targeted at such a specific higher card or it won't run on AMD Graphic Cards very well and alienate a few lower end / older Nvidia card owners....

The devs can never fully optimize a PC game because of the diversity of GPUs as well as CPUs.

When making a console game the Devs have the option to squeeze every optimization out of a speci...

1535d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Repetition with a purpose and complements the story is ok.

Repetition as a filler just to add hours to a game to make it seem longer than it actually is....not ok

There are quite a bit o RPGs and open world games that use the repetition tactic to make it seem the game has 100 of hours of game play but it really doesn't....... drives me crazy because some of these games are actually pretty good but I have to suffer through pointless repetition.

1537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let us say that the company that built the ssd decided to come out with an affordable 1 TB model. $2000÷8=$250. Since it consist of 4 2TB platters assume the minimum drive capacity the company would offer is 2TB = $500 to make easier cheaper and more profitable to want to provide a cheaper alternative.

Often a company will slightly raise the cost of the lower price but we won't go there.

In this theoretical possibility, we have a $500 economic ve...

1537d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some games don't allow pausing games; something that's really annoying but usually loading screens took place. Hopefully more devs will think about/not lazy about adding pause to games..... however if loading is so fast turning the game off and coming back won't be so bad except for party/group multiplayer games will log you out off the group/party/clan...whatever

Still..... I say RIP Loading Screens

1537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment