CRank: 5Score: 31900

This game was awesome! Plus a new expansion..... mind blown.

1447d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol.... more like in the 30% off category. Barely any at 50% off

1447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Plenty of regulated sports that don't allow "juicing" yet still find at least one ripped women. Women, as well as men, can have varying degrees of testosterone/estrogen levels that can give them characteristics associated with stereotypes of a man or women. For men lower test/higher estro could give a man some of the more positive associated health traits such as cardio and flexibility but "MIGHT" also aquire some of the physical traits not usually associated "A...

1452d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What is interesting about the speed of PS5 IO and SSD combo is it may free up more system memory as developers eventually learn what more assets can be streamed directly from the SSD rather than filling memory saving memory for heavier tasks..... should be interesting having an IO setup where not much to worry about in regards to cpu bottlenecks.

It's possible that Microsoft could find a sweet spot not pushing the cpu/gpu to max. Finding lower graphical settings that ...

1476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me.... Money is not growing on trees and a console is a huge hit financially. If I didn't save money over the years I would not be able to get a new console.

I won't have a lot of money to spend on games and the few "next gen" games I do buy will not be in quantity... I personally get burn out playing the same game to many hours and have to mix it up with something different (not necessarily new).

Backwards Compatibility provides me ...

1478d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hydrogenporixide is better won't corrode metal parts if accidentally exposed metal areas get some of the chemical on it.

Breaks down/evaporation is essentially oxygen and water so safe to leave in surface to dry no need to rinse. It has cleaning power over alcohol where alcohol essentially is just a disinfectant.

Hydrogenporixide 3% solution or stronger is strong enough to kill the common cold(Rhinovirus) takes about 5 minutes of soak time but it'...

1532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Interesting website tracking internet usage and penetration.


North America and Europe have very close penetration numbers. Europe has a huge user rate over 700 million vs North America at over 300 million. Those numbers are regional meaning they include multiple countries in the stats but the website breaks it down even further for those who like numbers...

1552d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember everyone that until now Dolby hasn't pushed any developers into supporting Dolby Atmos and now after all this time the public finally gets a big public announcement of the gaming capabilities of Dolby Atmos like it was common knowledge ... ya right.

Also doesn't change the fact that that you have to have a Dolby Atmos Atmos supported device where Sony is trying to support STANDARD stereo and STANDARD surround sound devices. ALSO .....I believe Dolby would r...

1555d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stadia is Cost prohibited...... at least with a console there is mostly the ability to share games (mostly single player games but some multiplayer games as well with other accounts that are on the same machine as the account owner.... with Stadia everyone needs to pay for an account and everyone has to have a copy of the game because there is no shared access since there is no hardware to bind the accounts together.... Just more added cost to Stadia if there is more than one person gaming i...

1592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way games are geared in modern games... now seems more towards fun and keeping the player occupied instead of entertaining with problem solving and creativity.... A good non gaming example of the two ..... I workout because I like to workout and have fun working out. Working out is very engaging and is hard work and very rewarding..... "BUT" it is not entertainment. I play volleyball and racquetball on occasions purely for enjoyment and while the friends I play make me w...

1608d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Felt like sport games moving away from game play to game manager lost interest...... Sometimes almost get that Sports Fantasy team vibe where you pick your players and the stats does the rest..... It also seems weird that using the same game engine over and over again you think you would see some kind of super polish to sports games but there isn't.... It's sad to see games from other production/developers come out better polish on a newer engine and wonder..... Why can't the spor...

1612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like going to the gym working out... it's fun.... but it is hard work but fun..... However I would not list it as entertainment and working out is not a game. Some games seem to have done just that made games a workout like going to the gym.... Its fun but its not entertainment and it is not a game. Workaholics love to work.... they think its fun... how ever I wouldn't categorize it as a game.

I believe it is a mistake....... video games should not be taking to...

1622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with artistic mundanity or mundane tasks (to a degree) as long as it comes with a purpose in order to gives someone time to take in whatever art/music/emotion happening in the moment and allow the gamer to absorb the hardwork the creators put in too creating the scenes......

But far to often there is a lot of empty space in gaming and no artistic reason for that empty space so it is a complete waste of time...... Just Like I don't like grinding in a game just...

1622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant make a comparison to a phone. Most of the cost in a phone is not cpu/ is screen, camera, and battery tech in a phone... phones are nowhere close to trouncing a pc or console in performance in cpu and gpu.

A whole lot of money goes squishing all that cpu tech into 7nm zen 2 cpu and who knows what customizations the console makers did to the gpu to change costs definitely not comparable to a phone.......

No matter how expensive the phone is

1628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not right away.... But I wouldn't mind them pushing their game style out of the comfort zone a bit..... PS5 should provide the firepower to create a world with destructible environments would be awesome and not just make them destructible but make it part of the gameplay and puzzle solving/escaping..... I'm not asking them to copy anybody else just put their stamp on realizing a fully destructible environment genre in a PS5 era....

I believe Uncharted is suited fo...

1630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep....Yes to the 3 comments below..... loved this game. Also well balanced graphically on PC could make look good on older PC gaming hardware without affecting the frame rate making it unplayable or taking the fun out of the game.... Great mix of fun, gameplay, and graphics, and as someone pointed out below soundtrack was great.

1630d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmmm..... I wonder if this is the prelude for Sony allowing cross-play. After all.... What good would cross play have if it isn't benefitting Sony.
With Sony going Multiplat Sony is making money off the games and people are Cross playing Sony games... MLB sounds like a good Safe first game. Little to no competition and it is multiplayer online..... Death Stranding is sort of passive Multiplayer rather than direct.... but still .....

I don't see the triple...

1644d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully they address family or finance sharing groups on stadia
Paying $10 per month per person plus each person has to buy a copy of the game.... sorry no sharing...

That makes for one costly gaming ecosystem..... this isn't counting the really high tiered
Internet connection needed to service everyone in the house .....

I doubt 4 people could game at 4k on most internet tiers....

And if they can.... $$$$$$$ pe...

1704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was only matter of time that game media caught up with books and movies. It's not unusual for authors/directors/producers/ even screen writers and makeup artist to have an almost cult like or elitist group of followers who love the work produced.....

Just how some humans are.....

1717d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

I've said it before, some of us turn rumble off or any haptic feed back other than sound and video(although I know a few who listen to music while the playing and only use visual feedback.)

I don't need to feel myself run,crawl,punch,jump,float, shoot ,shake...... etc.

I'm good with just visual and audio feedback

I just hope haptic feedback is NOT forced on us. I should be able to turn it off
.....and not affect ga...

1718d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment