CRank: 5Score: 31900

Scorpio does seem a bit rushed but will still do well and be powerful.... If Microsoft is going to use very current tech, it's going to be expensive with very little breathing room to adjust cost in first year or two.... so it's going to sit at its price point for awhile. Meanwhile....

Sony by stretching and pushing old hardware to compete in a 4K world is smart.... that way when the time comes... the money has been made and Sony needs to compete ...... there is roo...

2705d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The question is.... who on the market will have the first $200 4K game system.... Answer: Sony.

Microsoft will not be able to compete in a price war if they go with newer hardware on Scorpio. The PC is already more powerful than the PS4 PRO but many gamers are content with the quality of the gaming experience on the PS4 PRO because the cost savings to achieve a similar gaming experience is usually substantial. Sony hasn't even dropped the price on PS4 PRO yet. Remember...

2705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the steam controller but hate the haptic feed back and is not a poster for greatness. Much Much more thought and tech and testing needed for that feature.....right now its a novelty at best....A novelty worth exploring for thumb place/location maybe on a touchpad from center..... but not something to rave about....

I play with rumble off most of the time on my games for consoles anyways battery, and personally feel it doesn't represents reality in anywa...

2716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are duped/tricked every day into believing they want, need, or think they are missing something in their lives. People in sales, advertisers, con artist, thieves, politics, religion.....etc are trained and continue to perfect the art of deceiving the consumer and pass the knowledge down through their organization

As consumers we should band together and protect ourselves from being taken for granted from tactics used by corporations and organizations who try to over...

2718d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like where Steam is going with this sudden extended controller support.... Steam is fully aware there are plenty of PC users that play games (including hardcore gamers) that prefer controller over mouse - especially if the controller is backed by good software and driver support. Over the years, despite resistance from PC gaming developers, the PC gaming community has found a way to hack their PCs to use controllers and the number of people using game controllers has grown on PC.

2723d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every 4k tv out there right now does not support 4k/60 and there is quite a few of them, processing power of these sets can create lag when processing color (for instance HDR ) and other processes.... The Problem? there is a lot of people who bought these older 4k tvs and these owners will want to purchase a Microsoft's Scorpio but will not be able to take advantage of the extra power the console offers over the PS4 PRO.... So people will pay all this extra money for Scorpio but really ...

2740d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Has nothing to do with gender roles, but how society defines those gender roles and if we let ourselves accept those roles..... Males and Females do not act or respond exactly the same way everywhere in the world under the same conditions in different societies. For one example..... In some social circles.... some boys are raised with teddy bears and cute things, and while not dolls, may be dressed up or interacted with in much the same manner that girls would socially interact with thei...

2742d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

XV = semi-open world land based ; XIII-2 series semi-open timeline based .... totally different concepts but the closest in comparison to the rest of the ff13 series which are linear and not really in the same style of RPG.... ( don't compare open world games to linear base games - by the way people can enjoy both styles of game play)

What you can compare.... Battle systems.... I'm great with both.... Square Enix Knocked it out of the park again with another great...

2748d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Eternal Champions .... there's some gaming karma granted to you lol......... wow forgot about that fighter..... love playing that fighter back in those days gone by...

2779d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Been gaming since late 70's early 80's starting on atari console and apple computer....... I can tell you for a fact that the word "player" already had a sexist and derogatory meaning and that meaning still is used today ....

Player is an older derogatory word but still more recognized than "gamer" as derogatory term...... Player still has a positive meaning as well for instance when sitting in a sports bar the word "Player" less like...

2783d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just like Microsoft and Nintendo probably had some type of backup plans should sales go wrong, PS4 PRO was probably a more mellow, less expensive, more profitable, version of Sony's "Back Up Plan" That Sony really didn't need to implement (PS4 is already doing great in sales). Sony found a way to squeeze 4K out of used tech so people could take advantage of all the new shiny 4K HDR TVs that are dropping in price for 2016-2017 and beyond.

This is not a Bad...

2785d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just because a developer failed doesn't make open galaxy / world bad because it is big... Had No Man's Sky servers been better setup to handle multiplayer situations, The world may have had a different streaming experience where two Gamers actually may have met on a world/planet in a vast universe and may have been able to interact..... the failure could have been on purpose....restrictions place by Hello Games to prevent too many players from interacting (probably didn't work ...

2798d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just don't see it....... People flying....... and to carry a phone, laptop, and a Nintendo Switch..... Also dock-able items are tricky and expensive to maintain. Nintendo is going to have to get this made right or people will notice right away the money grab this could generate as dock-able items will wear out...... Also Switch is kind of a generic name ... I get it.... you switch components around ( but do you have to call it exactly by what you are doing??????)

I ...

2804d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

NOT (No Man Sky's, Lego Star Wars or Street Fighter V)..... I can forgive Persona 5 being on the list since it is a pretty good looking anime style game ( but will be easily surpassed graphically by upcoming games in its art style). However, we would then have to give a nod to some remastered games (remember this is looks not game play or anything else) and Valkyria Chronicles Remaster and Last of Us PS4 Remaster should get a nod. I agree with The Order.... Driveclub .....Bloodborne ......

2809d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm somewhat disagree at least with consoles.... unless consoles start to truly support backward compatibility with past games that I spent money and time into..... there are some games that I would like to be able to continue to play or replay. Classics are classics even if there is a fresh coat of paint on it......

Oh and New fresh games with new game play and with new great stories take time to developed, however, remasters and sequels already have a story line fles...

2811d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Every Gamer I know who bought a new 1080p tv because their consoles could play 720p games and watch 1080p movies ( both 360 and PS3)..... Now all of a sudden it is evil to do so? PS4 PRO can take Full Advantage of the current 4K TVs better than the old consoles could take advantage of the 1080p TVs in the past for gaming.

A Person can even argue that you can still watch 4k movies on a PS4 PRO ... you just have to stream so all is not lost there.... so ...

2814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can still watch the video in 4k on a 1080p monitor/TV if your PC can handle 4K. I have a gaming PC capable of playing 4k content that I use to game on my Plasma Big Screen (when I what to go big) Yes the picture is downsampled- it's still enough to tell the difference between the two.....

One thing that really sold me on the PS4 Pro in this demo .... the lighting... The PS4 Pro version is handling the Light more accurately and of course the sharper the picture the ...

2814d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

wow .... really..... there is a one minute difference in the chart compared to the Wii U which could be chalked down to loading times which would leave only seconds between the highest two; .... Heck even a 12 minute difference isn't that much longer in time not even worth reporting.... what I see is that essentially console gamers roughly dedicate the same amount of time for game play and a few minutes off isn't that big of a deal.......

2826d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its a business move.... provide enough upgrade to ride out the Scorpio era..... Also Sony is making money day one on PS4 Pro.... Can probably start a value war if needed when Scorpio comes out (sell it for $300 instead of $400).

Why over sell an system that is not considered a major upgrade.... Quite, simple, small and not hyped up... We all saw the damage that was done with all the hype of No Man's Sky and that was a game.... Sony made the right move by not overselling...

2842d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually I feel its a smart move by Sony.... They offer the ability for developers to give the PS4 community the ability to game at a level closer to a PC than ever before without breaking the price barrier console gamers have set .... Sony is selling this upgrade this year starting November.... They are allowing people who have 4k tvs and HDR capability to utilize their TVs while also giving owners of 1080p tvs upgraded experiences as well.

I still think as far as consol...

2842d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment