CRank: 5Score: 31900

Pc market has been allowing multiple hardware specs for years and this really hasn't affected the PC gaming industry.... Matter of fact, in the pc market minimum specs are left to each developer so it is fractured (no worldwide minimum hardware ) and PC gaming still going going.....

From what I've read so far, Sony is setting a minimum standard for all developers coming as of October this year. All developers will be held to the same quality control standards and PS...

2965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
2972d ago Show

Enemies, Friends...... They don't really die in game I try to teach my boys not to use the kill word even if the game does use the word kill. Killing is not what is happening and diminishes the meaning of the word. The word Kill and Murder should not be taken lightly....

I often see decisions players make in Multiplayer that would never had been made in real life because there was no risk and no loss involve......
In war there is a lot of down time and slow pe...

2974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are a lot off possibilities that Sony could take advantage of..... that may not have been realized or leaked yet..... If Neo does give an extra 30% boost in CPU and double the stream processors then its possible Sony might be able to add extra features that the base model couldn't handle like PS3 emulation perhaps? Who knows..... but the possibilities are exciting....

Also if Sony is using the new Polaris design by AMD then power efficiency and cooling is always ...

2974d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I call_bs on "it doesnt matter" ... If it doesnt matter then Link is fine as "Hero" and doesn't need to be female, transgender, or genderless character. Metroid is a strong female character and she should stay that way. I am male playing both genders because the story isn't about me.....If there is a lack of Strong female characters...create a new game .... Don't change the gender because you disagree with the "author/creator's c...

3019d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo had all they needed with the Gamecube but they dumped it quickly when they decided they did not want to cater the the adult crowd and go Wii... N64 had some incredible games that both adults and children could play....Resident Evil 4 while not perfect was an incredible looking game on Gamecube back in the day (there where other great looking games as well)..... Gamecube had the ability to do online (Lot of People loved FF Crystal Chronicles) but then online play was pulled (probably ...

3112d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I miss the fine print on the Black Friday Ad itself and It says not valid with any offers or coupons ..... So Get the PS4 bundle for $299 and the Ad does point out you do receive $75 Kohls coupon so The price on the PS4 Bundledoes not dip Below the $250 ($248).

Point if Kohls has other stuff you need or want for $75 then yea... you got the PS4 bundle for $224 but I believe that is it ..... no 15% coupons or other discount offers.....

It is also a door buster ...

3134d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually this was predicted before the fight. Everybody knew Holly's striking ability and foot work was better than Ronda's (even Ronda).. However if and if Ronda Could keep it to the floor the story would have been different as Rhonda has better Grappler than Holmes. The whole point was to see which fighter could overcome their weaknesses. Holly was smart and stayed away from the floor once she got it in her head she would lose if she went there. Ronda got frustrated because she was ...

3143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For every $50 you get $15 Kohl's Cash..... PS4 is advert at $299 so you only get cash up to $250 since there would be $49 left you don't get that $15. That's Five $50's so 5x$15=$75 off comes to around $224 not $209...

I was reading the fine print and I believe the 15% 20% 30% off deals are applied first before the Kohl's cash is applied. if receiving 20% the ps4 bundle dips between the $200-$250 mark so you only get $60 Kohl's cash because the amount ...

3143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Calm down fishy1... They are not idiots, the Tech is not quite there yet and even if it was it would be too expensive (at least for the console crowd but also for many PC fans).

There are people like me who like to have friends over, have kids, Multitask that requires all senses to be present. VR literally takes you out of the real world and can cause safety even security issues, and is less engaging with your REAL friends and family (not virtual friends and family). Some peo...

3197d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

First I want everyone to know I still play destiny, but I don't run around shouting its the best thing since slice cheese. There is a lot of balancing problems this game still has.

An example(This is just one example) is a titan? What's the point? Titan is slower/less agility, doesn't really have a significant Armor advantage (other classes can one shot/kill a titan just as easy). Other classes Should be gimped in other areas due to their class type but it doesn&#...

3197d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree.... the standard for new computers is 8 GB. This has not been the standard long. Most PC devs have targeted 4 GB. I'm sure this will go up very soon but 16 GB " requirement " .... don't think that will happen any time soon....

3214d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't have time to read all comments so if I repeat what someone said then think of this as reinforcement of what others have said......

Cyber bullying is about control .... if we let them get away with it or just ignore it..... it will only escalate. If certain people find out that they can easily manipulate who is online and where those people visit by Cyber bullying you then have a small group of people controlling the internet traffic.

Cyber bullies...

3345d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you look at what is coming for ARM based mobile cpus they are right there in terms of processing power compared to current gen consoles..... add the right kind of mobile gpu and you have a very powerful portable system.

More than likely, Nintendo couldn't get the device down to 3DS XL size because of battery size/components/costs so decided to create a hybrid category as a cover.

This allows them a bit more freedom to design a better controller layout ...

3385d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not the mechanics....People don't like drastically changing mechanics especially if the mechanics are great/fun.... Look at Final Fantasy Series.... Square loves to mess with the mechanics of the game play every generation but I feel it has not worked for them over the long haul .....

I believe its the story that is getting old. They need a fresh story and continuing to polish up the mechanics and continue working on improving the graphic engine they are using

3386d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

agreed Geo9875.....

We have yet to even imitate real life at 480p. 720p is fine if there are major improvements to other areas of the game such as physics, A.I., Sound,the amount of objects/creatures on the screen at one time complete with real physics and A.I. to match if applicable, procedurally generated environments (new current tech that is going to be the future of open world gaming).

Its crazy when playing a game I can bust open wooden boxes or barrels...

3386d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hi Genova84, Just a quick note AMD said all GCN based cards are tier 3 (fully DirectX 12 compatible).....

What this means is any Graphic Chip that is HD7000 series and above/newer will be fully compatible with DirectX 12 including yours....

Looks like AMD's bet on GCN architecture paid off and those of us with fairly current AMD cards are benefiting as well.

3387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people still don't have PS4s and I definitely don't have enough $$ to buy a second PS4...... When someone is playing on the PS4 someone else can play on the game on PS3...... Also the PS3 still is a better media player than PS4 right now - so still very useful.

I never was a big supporter of the gaming community that supported the absolute need to have more pixels on the screen....there are other ways to make a game look and feel good .....a little blurriness ...

3406d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In the article it mentions that Far Cry 4 lacked spark because the game couldn't be finished. The reason was Far Cry 4 was too similar to Far Cry 3 (no more similar than uncharted series were to each other - in my opinion). If we as gamer's are allowed to use such petty critical assessment of games then Uncharted 3 and TLOU also suffer from the same critique because I and others have not finished Uncharted 3 or TLOU.... must not be great games because it was unfinished by myself or ot...

3415d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm let's see....

VR - has already proven itself over the years it is already a niche. However, because of technology, and cost of it, hasn't taken off yet... but it will take off ....

Second/Multiple Screens - PC gamers have been using multiple screens for quite awhile now as well non gamers. Those who haven't or can't because of cost or space wish they did.... "it's evolution man..."

illumiroom - cost of dece...

3446d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment