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Look, it's not like Story games are big here in the Americas ( I"m including all countries North, Central, and South) we have Comic books but by 2010 Telltale games had what? CSI series that really did not make it big by any means.... In 2010 Back to the future put Telltales Games on the map but it paled ( and was overshadowed) in comparison to Quantic Dream's " Heavy Rain" which came out the same year as Telltale Games "Back to the future".

2213d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The state of unlimited internet without a penalty of cost is still unstable in the United States...... Some Countries already have limits on their internet usage...... so caps are a problem or a lingering concern......... Prices are high due to low competition (or virtually no competition) Some people also Love Gaming just don't like online gaming and don't like to be tethered to a cable or phone company......

Whatever the reasons..... there are many to give pause to ...

2268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a lot of processing that can be handled by GPU that CPUs traditionally are expected to handle. PC specific devs are in some ways spoiled a little because of the power CPU had especially compared to GPU over the years. However when devs venture into other hardware tech that is a bit more balanced between CPU and GPU or relies/leans more in power towards GPU, they better reallocate the games resources or don't make the game..... without all the whining........Any Dev may take a Ga...

2290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A long history of Books, Movies, Comics, and now Video Games show that is not the case too many out there.... There is a Very small Demographic that is addicted to those types of Media's, or their a fanatic.... but that Demographic is Small and NOT the majority of consumers......

If Mass Market Appeal is important then these small targeted demographic types aren't what you want to go after......

Mass Market Doesn't like blowing their money on...

2341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First,can't have it all and leave nothing for the Studio's/Devs/Pub... Look what's the current count of PS4 consoles on the market now close to 80 million (not really keeping track saw the number somewhere in forums here on N4G and elsewhere). Now it is reasonable for a company to target a 10% demographic out the total base of Consumers and just for PS4 that number is 8 million people....

8 million people out of 80 million consoles is not a lot people so I co...

2341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe EA is trying to find other reasons the modern gamer is frustrated with today's games other than pointing the finger at micro-transactions. After all, if a game, story, and ip/developer have all put the time and energy into a game to make it good/great people will pay for content. Unfortunately there is a huge history backing up both monthly subscriptions and micro-transactions .... which is why EA attempted to try it with Star Wars.......

EA made the commitm...

2349d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow.....I was actually thinking about buying the game seem like finally Farcry was trying something new..... Then they had to ruin a perfectly great story by over selling the plot using stereotypical crap that didn't need to be in there (and has already been done many many times before in books, movies, and even some games).

Lets trampled through a backwards town stuck in the 80s an 90s that using drugs as power ups (been done before). Religious cult that loves to use c...

2352d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

The problem we have to day is that genres have blurred to the point were there is really no "True" pure RPG. People don't even use the ARPG acronym anymore because most action/adventure games come with some form of RPG elements add to it and there isn't very many popular "pure" RPG games anymore.

Look basically ask yourself this question..... how much does the game really ask you to do the resource manangement "Manually". When playing...

2357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't solely directed at Microsoft (Sony struggled with PS3 but turned it around Microsoft could with Xbox One X) but can be applied to all hardware companies past, present, and future.

Powerful hardware does not equate to success. A ? Times whatever power the CPU/GPU of the system can easy produce a turd that Times as bad.

In other words, it doesn't matter how powerful a game console is it can't make a bad game better.


2359d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I always worry when developers try to get to real with the physics and reality of game after all I go see my Sci fi, Disaster, Horror, and Comedy, Movies for the FICTION "not" the reality.... I generally apply the same concepts to my gaming as well.... I not 100% hardcore about it about definitely in the high percentage where I play, watch, and read my entertainment to ESCAPE reality....

Regarding reality, we have A.I. driving cars for us
Hover bikes ...

2380d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never been a fan of loot box games and generally stay away from them if they are pay to win or require the use of money to get any decent amount of gameplay out of the game..... There are some free to play games that have loot box systems that I have played that let you get pretty far and feel like you played the heck out of the game (even if you didn't finish or complete). Open world games work well because you can play hours and gain quite a few items and levels (some games even let...

2384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sort of looking at this at how the Companies are seeing themselves right now in the market perspective.......

Nintendo is more in the Zone of letting the world know that they still have games people want to play (regardless of graphical power) so Nintentdo is reaching outward..... this is because Nintendo Wii U did not do so well and Nintendo tried to ride on the Success of the Wii and only cater to their large user base and making a profit per console but not focus...

2384d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stable enough to stand up to the "Blend Test"..... oh whoops my mistake wrong info commercial.........

2427d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because a game becomes easier to play or is easy to play does not make it not "a great Game" same goes for games that are designed for artistic quality in mine more so than how hard or challenging the game can be....

For instance ...... I played Life is Strange....... I found it very artistically creative but as a game it did not capture my attention like Journey, Papa & Yo (very easy game to play but was not bored), Rain, Ico, Even the very short game ...

2427d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if Nvidia and AMD have a silently understanding here and playing the market much like Nintendo does with their console but being a bit less obvious than Nintendo...... Nintendo loves to play the "Stocks of consoles are low because the product is selling like hotcakes"....... We know for a fact that that often times Nintendo is generating this shortage themselves and Nintendo does not really hide this business practice from the public but doesn't proudly wave it or adve...

2450d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's funny that the first choice of genre to ban the subject/genre these organizations/agencies/governe rning powers go to is sexual based genre. They pick Sexual content over a violent content...So let everyone murder, kill, and slash all day long but ........... but when it is sex based....

its the end of the world .... the greater of two evils .....
to let somebody play consensual perversion or flirtation or fantasize doing something in a skimpy outfi...

2500d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

DirectX 12 and Vulkan both have proven in their early stages that when a Developer truly focuses their efforts and takes full advantage of the new tech that a Game can perform very well and very efficiently even exceeding expectations in some areas and that is while both are in their early stages.... Vulkan has seen rapid progress and Directx 12 is also progressing at a nice pace both on the tools side for Software as well as the Hardware side for AMD, Intel, and even Nvidia...

2506d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know people will probably cringe at the sound of this but procedural generated worlds/maps/universe is probably what is going to be use to cut down on the size in a lot of games..... It's great space saving tool for programming and asset creation but does have some disadvantages.... Still Procedural Generation could Save a lot room on the Storage Drives for all those who have moved on to 4k

2531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Photo Realism is easy to achieve...... Physical Realism or Physics Simulation is still pretty far off..... Yes CPUs and GPUs can get Liquid Pretty Close..... and there has been some body physics done pretty well....

Now calculate that for everything that is going on in the world organic/non organic .... Then be able to track all those Items and remember their states so that if a player goes back it's all right where it's supposed to be.....


2531d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just updated and this is the fastest the menu system has ever ran on my PS4 PRO! Yea I'll take it.... otherwise I have not been affected by any other bugs/issues other than the lag on menu selection but now its butter smooth I mean super fast smooth....

a noticeable improvement in my menu/operating system speed ......

Thanks Sony.... No more lag at least for me :-) !!!!! (until the next update probably mess something up of course lol....)

2531d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment