CRank: 5Score: 31900

Why is this so hard to understand for what isn't that hard of a concept. Modular design in computer chips isn't a new concept actual been around awhile.

Think of the core or main aspect of the CPU as a person. Everything else is like clothes. Generally clothes have purpose. For instance a person could function without clothes but would be severely limited in what they could do. In other words I don't think anyone would want to play American contact football na...

1969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another area is multiple monitor/TV support. It's possible portable gaming and streaming cant compete and appeals to hard core community also adds value to the product and pushes the console further over the line drawn vs PC gaming

1985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Probably a m.2 drive which is beginning to be common on modern motherboards now. Saves mega space. Sony could still keep the removable slot. Also quite possible Sony will could squeeze USB 4 into the device which should be finalized this year. Essentially USB 4 is thunderbolt version 3 with USB compatibility. 100 watts to the ports and 40 Gbps data rate could open up whole new peripheral options for the console VR, sound ... sky's the limit as long as Sony doesnt screw with what can be co...

1985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Google says platform agnostic..... Meaning any platform can take advantage that can run chrome/chromium..... PS4's browser does run on Webkit which Google chrome is forked from and we know that chrome/chromium can run in Linux and other Unix based operating systems...... so technically PS4 and XBOX could offer the service as well...... however.....

More and likely will be blocked by Sony because of PS NOW is a competing service, however I'm wondering since Microsoft...

2011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem isn't actual implementation or flipping the switch.

it's the worry that something negative will happen in a game either positively or negatively that is traced to System issues allows a game exploit or severe gameplay issues that affect everyone server wide. Everyone is having trouble trying to adjust their consoles/PCs to overcome the exploit or server issues but cant be done. Essentially millions on one console or PCs are banned so everyone else can ga...

2024d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Two Type c usb one for charging one for peripherals like headset.

Wouldn't mind adding paddles or additional buttons on back side of controller. Sony should lengthen the trigger buttons or shift the positioning of L/R buttons to accommodate shifting of hand when playing.

I love the light bar on top but I like having people over so I have multiple controllers and consoles in the house. This maybe pointless to mention if rumors are true about replacing...

2054d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yawn..... all consoles have this issue... Game publisher/developer takes advantage of a gap in competition. Literally what other game that appeals to a large age group on Nintendo... there isn't any so everyone in Nintendo land is focused on Smash .....

Come on football and golf are two sports with a ball.... that's the only common thing...... other than that not comparable. The seasons are different but overlap so the push for video games based on the sport happ...

2072d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not when it comes to books, movies, and video games. Published works are owned and controlled by the author/publisher/etc...

The only entitlement a person has with published works is the choice to buy or not to buy.

2103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm..... I believe Chess and Curling is considered an official sport in Germany.... Couldn't find anything about Pool (billards) so can't comment on that...... Not the most Physically demanding sport but..... Curling relies heavily on Dexterity and the Curling broom/brush does have some endurance and occasionally some force may need to be applied however control seems to be more important than physical strength..... Chess requires hardly any physical exertion and both sports are pla...

2121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they put the right amount of technology into the console it could be a success.... Remember there is a huge fan base of 2D pixel gaming on PC!!!!.... all that graphic power and people still prefer 2D....

Now it's possible that Intellivision when they announce "State of the Art" 2D that could include 2.5D and methods of applying shaders to 2.5D. Technically 2.5D is still 2D fooling the eye into thinking there is depth where there is not...

2164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find them more a distraction than progressive.......... Often times getting tons of junk or repeated items before you find the "one" meaningful item..... Sell them? Yea right.... usually prices in game take grinding into account so in game currencey is worthless and takes massive amounts of time to gather the needed resources to sell to get any "meaningful" items.....

Sometimes you don't have much control at all over loot and gathering necessary...

2283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a big fan of all those effects either if possible the first thing that is turned off is motion blur...

I also don't like lens glare especially in a game that is first person view..... for me it often breaks the immersion.....

why is there lens glare in a game world with no cameras? I wear glasses and lighting does not reflect that dramatic even if the excuse was a visor or glasses..........
In a game that could justify or make s...

2283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still think there is a VERY large market of people who like phyiscal........

You know there are other forms of physical media besides Discs..... Something will come along.......

and if the big boys don't play perhaps it leaves it open for another smaller player to fill that space....

I was looking at external usb 3.1 hardrives (and I believe usb 3.1 hard drive are faster than blu-ray) and 80GB drives are like $20 that's plenty...

2283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry the post screwed up and it wouldn't let me edit.. anyway....

I agree there is no way the author could back his opinion because the person is making huge assumptions as to why people are excited...

Seems quite Shallow....

Everyone in my house is quite excited for this game each have their own unique reasons.


2293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Superhero comics all have similar basic foundation of story plot. This goes for Movies and other media even music. If we all just paid attention to what is on the surface of a plot, story or music we would have stopped using all forms of entertainment along time ago

We could cry like the person who wrote this article to just about anything....

(With sarcastic tone) It's just another cop or doctor show....

2293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, I'm not boycotting a game I just will not support until it feels complete. I have played both No Man Sky and Sea of Thieves and not worth it yet. However supposedly true multiplayer is coming to No Man Sky that and the fact that the small indie company has continue to support their community might give it a go if the price is right

My son is having a problem with Destiny 2 right now says the dlcs were to short and feels that it should have been included feels v...

2305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its all about control my fellow gamers....... has nothing to do with Sex...... Let me explain....

My family loves to go to Water Parks and If you see the number of underage girls that are wearing very skimpy bathing suits all of them obviously dressed to impress and to attract attention the question is: Where are all these activists shouting or trying to get laws passed to prevent such a thing from happening (this also happens in Beach Cities along the coast). You can'...

2306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree

2306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I agree this game and the developers in my opinion is/and lied just as bad as No Man's Sky developers. There is a lot of parallels. Both games release to early while both games played pretty decent both lacked the promise content.

Let us all hope that Rare puts in as much effort as Hello Games did to fixing the wrongs

Hello games is not the first to pull the crap that is releasing an unfinished game but got the most hate from the gaming Community...

2306d ago 8 agree16 disagreeView comment

Not fair comparison. Sony and Nintendo use different marketing strategies to generate profit.

Nintendo tends to hold on to the full retail of games and, until recently, did not have an online platform to generate additional revenue.

Sony has created additional services that are quite competitive to their non gaming counterparts such as Playstation Vue. My parents recently decided to dump cable for live online tv. They decided to get Vue after researchin...

2307d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment