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Destiny is the perfect game..... everybody should follow in their holy footsteps (obvious sarcastic remark for those who might think otherwise)

2855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I detest personal interactions that allow people/gamers to be involved in perversion, crime, murder, and torture there is a freedom of expression.... Perversion in some cultures like Japan look at perversion as harmless more like over flirtation/ or obsession and treat these people more like fools and not as criminals and is often used comically in their society in whatever art form chooses to utilize it (in this case a Video Game).

However if we are too start micro-...

2855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not comparable...... I would say closer in comparison would be a more open world game like Skyrim..... Some of my problems with games like Destiny is the glass ceiling or wall effect to prevent players from doing what should be possible to do but the devs didn't want to spend the time to create art to make the scenery more believable as to why I can't do something in game that I am capable of doing...... it breaks the immersion........ I remember being able to do stuff in Skyrim that...

2857d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, about abuse of power using copyright law..... copyright should in theory only protect somebody claiming the work as their own which this video wasn't... This falls under news/freedom of speech and should not have been taken down due to copyright.......In other words .... Cats out of the bag...... Its getting to the point that copyright is getting so out of control that anybody can use it to to squash news/freedom of press... The video should stay, however if there was wrong doing, it...

2862d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually the demo was pretty lifeless..... Prettier graphics yes....... the game play demo is still less as a whole than No Man's Sky..... Actually, in my opinion Star Citizen isn't not worth it yet...... need to see more life otherwise it just becomes a prettier No Man's Sky with Multiplayer with nothing more than players in a really large Map with not a lot in it....

Still, here is wishing they succeed......

2864d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here is the google translation link....... the one above is broken:

Thanks to Cobra951 for the direct link to the story

2874d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I believe Microsoft actually caught Sony off-guard with the early media release of Xbox One S and Xbox Scorpio. I'm thinking they had a similar plan but now are trying to figure out how not to look weak in the eyes of media and consumers . Sony's strategy could have been exactly similar to Microsoft's strategy but because MS jumped early on their hardware plans Sony is trying to determine if staying with the same plan would look like a copy... The Neo info was leaked before ...

2874d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

First, I'm not attacking any comments before or after me this is just my opinion..... I'm ok with this cover art.... Why?

First: I believe that first party titles should be held up as an example as what is Possible or Expected by the Company who made the Console (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo). When I see this title, I know its for PlayStation as it is different than the Xbox cover and similar in presentation to the Uncharted Cover sponsored/published by Sony.....

2896d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love how Bungie and Activision spun the 10 year agreement making it seem that it was going to benefit everyone....

Bungie and Activision has made it to the Top of my list as studios/producers not to support.... The legacy consoles are still very usable and we have a PS3 still used regularly to this day in the house. There are a lot of great games coming for the new consoles so I'm not desperate to play destiny on the current consoles....

Besides I ...

2898d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its ok for us guys to wear only just shorts in a UFC cage and beat ourselves to a pulp (and some fighters do it and look good doing it). There are some sexy looking female fighters in the UFC both in and out of the cage....

Where I live is pretty conservative yet when my family goes to any place where there is water a good portion of the young women (especially under the age of 18) are dressed in bikinis that are more revealing and "sexy" than the said costume in...

2898d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have it on steam so I get the update for free....FYI the story mode of Skyrim is not required to finish in order to level up or do quests.... I actually never finished the story so probably go back ....Skyrim was a cool world to run around just doing quests ....updated graphics could be interesting even if its just for 10-30 hrs to admire the remaster...

Especially for free if your game is on Steam .

2906d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This may stop developers from pushing the specs on base systems but I don't believe it will hamper the game ....My family has multiple PCs in the home because of upgrades over the years .....the old PCs still play many of the current games at decent frames per second and with graphic settings not as high or impressive as an up to date PC but still playable even the online boys still play online against others and do not feel hampered by the hardware (the boys still like the new...

2917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On the Pc, somethings on in graphic engine scale very with well with newer improved hardware without much work in the software...For instance a big improvement in gaming visually is FPS in a game. Unless a developer purposely puts a limit on a game's FPS, most of my older games on my newest pc play at a much better FPS rate on newer hardware than when the game originally came out...... The developers didn't lift a finger to give me that improvement..... This could easily happen in the...

2919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not the game play mechanics that is bothering me ...... its the Skyrim/Dragon Age: Inquisition like monologue and something is just not right when they talk..... it feels lifeless..... This type of monologue delivery was passable back in the Skyrim and Dragon Age: Inquisition day but it really feels off with the graphic quality of the game the monologue delivery felt outdated... It could ruin the game......... Game mechanics are great but story and how it is delivered also needs to advanc...

2931d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bethesda has never been about the artistry of a game.....They have always been about efficiency....They will sacrifice graphics for efficiency.....They will sacrifice artistry for efficiency....They will sacrifice emotional content for efficiency...Now if all those traits above can be done efficiently then they will do .....

Minimalist maybe another term used to describe Bethesda....I am purposely avoiding the word lazy and cold ... Some people may find Minimalist as lazy a...

2935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda is a perfect example of great technicality and efficiency...... Bethesda is not known for artistry...... In other words... don't expect Uncharted or Last of Us beauty and artistry..... It doesn't matter if the game is running on console or the PC.... The PC version was ok graphically even on high settings but why it was impressive was the balance between how big the open world was compared to the graphic quality of the games at the time...

Bethesda also d...

2942d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I've been running Mostly Crossfire and one SLI machine in my house over the years and Myself and my family have benefited more from dual GPUs than single and save money in the process..... AMD later said that Singularity wasn't pushing the two cards and that there was a great amount of computing power left between the 2 GPUs while the game was pushing the Nvidia Card much harder to achieve the results..... There is more than enough benefits to justify having 2 cards over one.... ...

2942d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't know .... I think Valve was not looking at mass produce right now..... Valve does have the ability to see the market from a developer point of view not just from a marketing view point.... Often times developers working with new technology can see a potential in an area of technology and plan a strategy around it..... It may seem like a crazy or stupid to the consumer... Even a business person looking for mass market $$$ would question a decision of a company betting on new unprov...

2942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I agree ...death threats should be cautiously and gracefully ignored....

Very disturbing that people would send death threats over as silly as a game or something as trivial ..... If it were me I just hand them over to authorities and let them assess the level of threat... Perhaps they won't do anything....which is sad.... These people that send death threats need serious psychological help....

Better a game coming to market more complete or mor...

2948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe Sony and Microsoft are trying too bring a more PC like experience but still keep the benefits of a console....Obviously they are doing it for different reasons. Sony is trying to compete at a higher level perhaps even deciding to go after some of the PC market. Microsoft is obviously trying to unify the Xbox and PC market. Rumors running around that Microsoft is trying to create a way where Developers create for both Xbox and PC and consumers only have to buy one copy to play on bot...

2948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment