CRank: 5Score: 31900

Really.... there are people making money eating in food competitions for years and getting paid, people building stupid robots to destroy themselves and getting paid (and while the skills might be great you could argue that its a waste of time and skills), there are other competitions (world competition) that some people might find pretty useless and some that are quite skillful that are not televised like competitive cook competitions stuff like that.

Heck tennis was jus...

2633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is my opinion but I consider the Switch a mid cycle refresh for Nintendo..... there isn't that much of a leap technology wise over the Wii U except for Size (smaller -more portable) and graphically not much more powerful.... Sony and Microsoft have both shrunk their consoles mid cycle and as we, obviously can see, also increase performance without actually advancing to a "New Generation". Also, the PS4 Pro is not considered a Next Gen console only a refresh and is less co...

2639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just depends on my mood and what I want.... I have both.... Sometimes the PC bothers me..... It feels like I have to keep up with the greatest hardware just to stay competitive. Also there is this "air" about a lot of PC players that if you play on a PC your better.... but really they are just better at using a keyboard and mouse. Put a controller or other device in their hand and they will get smoked or they are no better strategy wise than the rest..... PC is very Hardware conne...

2641d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I against mini-maps myself.... It's not like I carry full maps of around in real life...... I can also tell you that uber/lyft/taxi drivers that are new and completely reliant on mini-maps are the worse compared to there counterpart drivers who know the area (because the have explored the area/been there/ live there)......

Yes there was a time in Video game history where Hardware was limited and Developers had to copy and past textures and objects so environments, dunge...

2646d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because something is eating a person doesn't necessarily make it a "Zombie".... Aliens, Mutants, and of course the obvious Cannibals have all had stories of eating "people" they are not necessarily "undead". It looks like they have gone out of their way to make sure that the living ones seem to be covered in Tissue and there seems to be blood still...... Zombies technically are "undead" bloodless corpses risen from the grave and Sci Fiction F...

2647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't aimed at Microsoft but ALL..... the Companies that Demo........ Yea its really COOL when you demo a game in a Simulation Booth that Nobody will have access too when the game comes out and if people actual can; 99% of the Population (or less) will never ever see that full setup because it cost more than the console itself.....

A steering wheel at best maybe..... Heck If that simulator was compatible with games currently out now probably make them feel even ...

2652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mario is dying a slow death..... going the way of Sonic and 3D is killing it.... On top of all that ... the comedy writers for Mario suck.... not original it's getting old..... My kids and their friend just shrug when any News or mention of Mario is Mention.....

Now Pokemon..... that is what got the gaming juices flowing around here.....

Metroid for us Older crowd... However we didn't get much info other than it's coming so I would not ...

2654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see what the hang up is .... Maybe it's the language barrier or something but it's not the first time an artist or engineer or scientist or anyone that is trying to convey a new concept to people who are trained in "old" concepts or ways is having difficulty.....

I can easily describe to most people today what a Television is ..... However, if I could go back in time or travel to one of the few places left on earth where there are tribes of...

2655d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I predict $399.....

Next Gen cycle 4K TVs will still be the TV of choice for main viewers..... Its going to be harder to convince people pay for 8k video when I don't think the world (internet, pricing, hardware....) is going to see a justification for it.... And People do move around a bit so carrying a 100" big screen TV (no matter how thin) is going to be a pain in the ......

I can see TV manufacturers going for a pricing war during this peri...

2656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article must be a bit old pricing had gone down..... also I would consider a Rysen 1600 in the upgraded build.
it is not much more than i5-7400 money wise...... But Rysen 1600 has a slightly faster base and very fast Turbo and Overclocks better for those who cares.....(Overclocking is pretty easy now and Rysen 1600 comes with a Stock Cooler).

Also I already have a Windows 10 Pro Gaming Machine that only 8 Gb of Ram and if you want to game at 4K resolutions 8 ...

2657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Variety types/genres of games coming to Xbox was fantastic. However, graphically the games could of used more time for polish they seemed sub par or only on par with Sony's "weaker" system..... Who cares if Forza still hasn't used 30% GPU... In a Race Car, you don't show up to the race track with only half of all your cylinders firing (in Xbox One X case 2/3 of it's cylinders firing)..... you will get roasted especially when more expensive.....

2661d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, in my opinion, neither company Sony or Microsoft won or lost but had a decent showing for different reasons.....

Microsoft.... the Good: I thought they did a great job showing variety in genre of games which is a Great thing for Microsoft and the Xbox Community.... Diversity is healthy.

Microsoft.... the Bad: I didn't think the ANY of the games really demonstrated the power of the Xbox One X console. Yes there was Potentially some great loo...

2661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not really. At least in the first game, most of Destiny environments were pretty static.

It was all about the players..... Not sure about Destiny 2. If it's much like Destiny not much is going on in the world other than the PCs and NPCs and the rest of the enviroment is not moving or have much dynamism or destructionism and the Big Bosses are generally just high armored slow moving targets with heavy fire power.... Really no need for 60 FPS other than to gain an hardware...

2661d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bungie is not wrong here....

The first consoles this Gen from Sony and Microsoft came out on HDMI 1.4 standard and while could connect at 1080p 60hz and TVs supported the standard both consoles struggled to consistently supported it. With the PS4 PRO and XBOX One X refreshes (yes refresh not full upgrades I went there) Developers still have to support the older "original" consoles.

Even though these new refreshes support HDMI 2.0 and 60hz the...

2661d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not really, Valkyrie Chronicles back in 2008 (originally released for PS3) actually got really high praise by critics but didn't sell too well when it was release.... Not sure if it was poor advertising/promo or what.....

or maybe turn based strategy is just not popular anymore (even though Sega mixed in some action elements to help attract more people to the genre (some critics actually thought that was the problem until it was finally released on PC and it did pre...

2673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't there a TV series (I haven't seen it) where a religious cult takes over the USA and forces women to breed or something due to only a small percentage of woman only able to bare children; - it is about sexism and slavery...... I

If its ok for TV to address fictional scenarios addressing real world problems ....why can't video games?

Seems a bit bias when allowing freedom of expression... Theater OK; Film OK; TV OK; Books OK;

2677d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dumb Question..... Just a little while ago it was all Doom and Gloom for Nintendo Switch yet it seems to be doing well despite it's lack of power compared to other consoles....

Scorpio will do fine........... just bunch of drama queens and kings who seriously need to find a new tv series to watch or something.......

Oh and before the next article on the Doom and Gloom of the PS4 Pro that will do fine as well...... If Nintendo Switch has proven; lack o...

2677d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks to me like new Far Cry Game has to do with a religious cult fantasy and not some "white extremism"..... If you watch the trailer the preacher appears to have "converted" people from different ethnic family histories and "not" by the color of their skin....

That said..... America is still very predominately white, so making a game where the ethnic group is predominately white is not stretching the truth AND just because there is a large...

2677d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funny how you see on the internet with headlines for Destiny 2 with something like: Bungie " Destiny 2 Righting the Wrongs of Destiny" and everyone cheers.....

So everyone admits finally that Bungie did not live of up to their promises with Destiny??? Lots of cheering that Bungie is righting the wrongs fixing their issues with their first problems. Adding a match making system that should of been there in the first place, much more things to do in Destiny 2 wh...

2682d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea I agree give VR a break let the VR and its fan base be, I'm not a fan of VR, but I'm not going to bashing it - and only wish it the best.....

by the way current gaming didn't start off with big block busters.... it took years of gaming and tons of mistakes and bad games to get where we are today ...

and there are still crappy games and developers still making the same mistakes pulling the same crappy tricks to get our hard earn money. <...

2689d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment