Manor Lords Developer Reveals the Origin of Dreaded Loserville

Manor Lords image of the Fletcher's Workshop

If you’ve played Manor Lords recently, you might have encountered the name Loserville. Players were left confounded by it, unsure whether it was a bug or an intentional mechanism. Solo Developer of Manor Lords, Greg Styczeń, took the time to explain what exactly Loserville is.

Where the Hell is Losserville?

Fans took to Reddit to express their confusion over the apparent scamming mechanism behind hiring the mercenaries with Loserville listed as the region. Impossible_Dealer_67 complained: “I’m sorry where is this [Loserville]? They took my money and never showed up”.

The community mostly found this hilarious. As filadog77 put it: “Bro just got scammed by mercenaries”. Others had more constructive explanations. CobainPatocrator suggested: “This seems to be a bug with the new patch”. But, many players wanted this mechanism to purposefully be a part of the game.

DevinviruSpeks gave their opinion: “It’s not a bug, as far as I know. It’s some sort of anti-exploit measure, meaning you can’t save scum and get mercenaries right away”. This angle seemed to please most of the fans. Although, several players insisted they were victims of Loserville mercenaries even though they weren’t scum saving. A Reddit user, vteckickedin, offered them some words of support: “Welcome to Loserville. Population: You”.

Screenshot of a village in Manor Lords
Image via Steam

Manor Lords Dev Finally Provides an Answer

Finally, Greg Styczeń solved the mystery that was haunting Manor Lords fans. First of all, it was a glitch. He said: “I fixed it today, looks like the arrival region wasn’t saving properly in the 960 beta patch so it was falling back to the default starting region name that’s still used internally here and there”. Quite unfortunate for all of those fans wishing for the anti-exploit mechanism.

Styczeń went on to explain why he chose the name Loserville. He shared: “The origin of the name Loserville is from a Quentin Tarantino interview where he says what made him grow the most as an artist was getting out of “Loserville”, meaning the small hometown where he felt like the best filmmaker ever because there was not much competition, and therefore didn’t have the motivation to develop his skills further”.

He concluded on a personal note: “Back then I was living in my small hometown stuck as a small-time filmmaker/videographer so it kinda resonated with me”. If you ask us, this is a true way to connect with your fanbase. We’ve all been there. It’s easy to be a big fish in a small pond, but in order to grow, sometimes, you must move to a bigger one. If you take anything from this developer’s statement, let it be the idea that it’s okay to outgrow your surroundings and move on to achieve something more.


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