CRank: 5Score: 16390

didn't mention in the article (although an image shows it), but the NA retail version is available on Dec. 13; Feb. 1st is for the packaged version (and eshop?) in Japan.

3911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not to mention the clubs... i think it would be awesome! although i think it's just state or region-wide at the moment, but perhaps later you can create your own club/team... of course, technically you can create your own "exclusive" team, but you'll still belong to a certain club. all in all, this is a good thing.

3911d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

@XXL, uh, NO.

i'm not comparing a PC to a console. i am merely stating a FACT that older games (and by older i mean games before the year 2000-up), won't readily run on newer PC's. a lot of it is due to hardware incompatibility. and i'm emphasizing on "readily", because clearly there are workarounds on running an old game in a NEW PC.

this is the same for consoles, because of the difference in architecture (say, NES and Wii U), you c...

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a "gimmick" they say on the Wii U... but they call it "innovation" when done of PS4 and XBone... talk about double standards...

3923d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

excited for this as well! and the unified accounts...

3923d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

gateway flashcart is not working already on the latest patch...

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the article does have some good points. however, if it was written a few weeks/months back, it would have been more accurate. the article may have been written a while back, but anyway here're my comments on every point:

* Lower the price - the article was still talking of the $350 price point; Nintendo already announced the price cut. in fairness to the author,the article was published on the 28th of August, which is roughly the same day the cut was announced.

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as if Nintendo's not doing that? c'mon, it's not like when you "open the floodgates" all VC games will just pour in. you just can't simply let those old classic games come in without checking if it works or not.

have you tried playing a lot of the old classic PC games in a newer PC? now tell me if all of them still work? it's the same for classic NES/Genesis/etc. games; they have to make sure it runs on the new console. even if it's just emu...

3923d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

since when is a "tweet" considered an article?

also, as Kamiya already stated, the only way it'll happen is that if Nintendo allows it to. Or perhaps if Platinum/Sega buys the rights back from Nintendo (since they funded the development). Yes the IP is still owned by Platinum, but the game pretty much isn't. so in order for the game to appear on other consoles is that either Platinum/Sega buy the rights from Nintendo, and look for other publishers, or if the...

3923d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i didn't say Bethesda is not good; coz i can attest to enjoying Skyrim and others.

all i'm saying is that they're record with Nintendo consoles is not good. they have a forgettable racing game made for the Wii (and NES, and DS games), but that's it; so i'm sure Nintendo approached them in some way, but may not have been a priority since they weren't really good supporters of the Nintendo consoles before.

3926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

pretty easy... Sony and MS are paying a lot to Mojang to get it on their systems. Nintendo on the other hand doesn't stoop down to that level. the most Nintendo's probably done is to give Mojang a free devkit.

3927d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

just to note, only 101 copies were sold every day (as a promotional early game pickup). so it makes sense that only 404 copies were sold in the 4-day event.

this is for those who are emphasizing on the 404 quantity as if it's a sign that nobody wanted it, so only 404 was sold.

3927d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

omg, Bethesda's developed (and published) a handful of games for Nintendo... jeez, seeing the list here,

i can pretty much guess why Nintendo did not approach Bethesda. they developed and published a few games (as in "few"), and some of them if not all are even crappy games.

so really, if Nintendo had reached o...

3927d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

with so many 3rd party developers, I don't think Nintendo will approach them all. and if Nintendo ended up involving all the 3rd parties in the development of the Wii U, we would have ended up with a $600 or more console, given that it will always have a 2nd screen. if 3rd parties got involved, it may end up having the best specs of the 3 consoles, yet also the most expensive. and Nintendo has always been conscious about pricing their product.

i don't believe Nintendo...

3927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

old news...

3930d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

i just find it funny how people can react when Nintendo releases a remake, when the reality is, third parties are more guilty of re-releasing HD remakes (even Sony and Microsoft).

3930d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

now this one, i have no qualms agreeing to!

3931d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

another classic example of something that's not a big deal, exploding into fanboy wars.

ok fanboys do your stuff, i'll just watch here and enjoy the view.

3932d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Reggie explained the logic for the 2DS. since the 3DS was designed and recommended for ages 7-up, the 2DS (at a lower price point, and no 3D to cause headaches or such) will be targeting a younger audience. so this basically for parents who are looking into getting their child a handheld for the holidays, without the worry that the 3D may cause some possible health issues.

if it turns out okay, i may just buy me a 2DS for my son. at 2, he's gett...

3932d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

i agree. there was one indie dev interview i read recently (forgot his name). their opinion regarding why they chose the Wii U over PS4/XBone, is that they believe that when you're given a set of limitations, you tend to be more creative in terms of gameplay.

and this is true for some next-gen games for the PS4/XBone, they focus more on the visual flair, explosions, realism, etc. that the games just tend to be expensive to make, overhyped, with little substance. yet these...

3933d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment