
CRank: 5Score: 56600

I don't care all that much about specs if I did I would game on PC. Having said that it's odd that so much negativity has been focused on Sony's message or lack thereof vs what MS actually has actually delivered because they have fallen way short in the game department despite having the most powerful console. So who has more to prove? Who has more question marks about the ability to deliver quality games? Seems more like PR nonsense from MS, look at us we have better specs and fo...

1543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL. To people that think Sony's SSD won't have a huge impact, it's not about faster loading times. It's about accessing data almost instantaneously Sony build a less powerful more efficient console tailoring to what developers asked for MS built a console with raw power in mind. MS solution was to brute force everything Sony's was to be more flexible, when people see games running on the PS5 they will forget all this talk about MS having better specs specially when they s...

1543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS has the raw power but are they as efficient? I guess we will find out when we see games running.

1549d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL. Except that you don't know how efficient the PS5 will be, yes on paper the xseries would appear to have the advantage but it also has more bottlenecks. There is a reason why so many developers are excited for the PS5 raw power is just that much like a beefy PC. We shall see when games start to be shown specially first party games.

1549d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

@ Kumakai

How many new or interesting Ip's has MS released this generation? There is a reason why the xbox x didn't sell as well despite it being the most powerful console. MS having new studios doesn't guarantee them good games and even if they do manage to actually turn out something good those games are years away.

1551d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I told people to keep their expectations in check I never believed it would be fully BC all the way back to PS1. In any event Sony never promised that so to me it doesn't matter as long as they expand BC with the PS4 I'm ok with that.

1551d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

These xbox fanboys are crazy if they think people are going to be buying a more expensive console with a recession coming. I think both consoles will struggle the stock market is crashing hard, the virus is still spreading and uncertainty is at an all time high. Not a great time to try to sell any luxury item.

1551d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The xbox x was already more powerful console spec wise so, we will see who wins because everything I'm hearing seems to suggest many developers are excited about how fast Sony's new SSD is going to be potentially changing the way game design is done moving forward.

1551d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not a doomsday scenario per se but it would be very dumb to release these consoles amid so much uncertainty we are heading for a huge recession or even worst a depression. Assuming we can get a hold of the virus we are still looking at bad timing for any company trying to sell a luxury item when people are freaking out over toilet paper.

1553d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All you fools that think it's 9.2TP are going to be disappointed. I have been saying this all along devs have hinted at the power difference being inconsequential. Not that will matter the minute games start being show case my money is on Sony coming out on top again on the strength of their very talented in house studios.

1557d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment


LOL. You really think they aren't talking about the PS5 since Sony will be one of the companies requesting huge orders from them. These statements where made at an investor meeting so to think they aren't eluding to the PS5 in their next generation talks doesn't even make sense.

1559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't confirm anything but it does raise questions as to the validity of the 9.2TF rumor since they stated it was RDNA1. If we take what AMD is saying they are confirming that both the PS5 and SX are RDNA2.

1559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People do like to focus on Sony, how many other companies pulled out of GDC and PAX? GTFO The Coronavirus is most definitely affecting Sony's plans from deciding the price and reveal to maybe not even launching this year at all. Just from a logistical stand point this is a nightmare scenario and it's stupid & illogical to think that shutting down the largest manufactures of tech components won't have a huge impact. Even "IF" Sony and or MS have already found a soluti...

1565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do any of us want it to be delayed no, but given the severity of the situation it wouldn't surprise me if it did. China is the largest manufacture of electronics there will be some fallout from this and it might just mean that many tech companies are affected to the point that delays will be inevitable.

1565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cyber Punk 2077 got delayed because it ran like shite on the xbox one, surly that was a myth.

1568d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another gamingbolt article, oh wait it's Forbes sorry for the confusion but they are becoming just as bad with their opinion pieces. SMH

1569d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If there wasn't a market for remasters publishers wouldn't make them. BC is still a marginal feature as much as some people make it sound like it's not. I have the PS3 FAT and rarely did I ever go back to play PS1 or PS2 games, awesome feature to have but one that remains niche. BC was never an issue and rarely was it ever even mentioned until Sony dropped it and all of a sudden it's this must have make or break feature that people can live without?

1570d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did these games moved hardware in any significant way like Spiderman or God of War did? This is MS problem having the best performing console is just more PR for them because they don't have the games. The Switch was crushing the xbox x so all this power talk is silly without the games to back it up.

1572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many people are skeptical of MS, they have had a horrible track record from cancelling games, to delaying games that underwhelm. To pushing GaaS model so until I see these new studios come through with compelling games I suspect that many people like me will remain skeptical. MS talks a good game but has underwhelmed in the game department this whole generation so they don't deserve the benefit of doubt. MS needs to put up or shut up because they have the money to make more games and they...

1572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah I will go with what developers have said on the record and they have stated that the power difference isn't substantial. Also in a recent poll of various developers have said they where more interested in developing for the PS5 over Switch and xseries. So speculations are just that until Sony unveils their console and we get independent bench marks for both systems we won't know.

1572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment