
CRank: 5Score: 56600

Fist of all we all know the specs by now the PS4 has more going on under the hood, how much more we won't know that until the later part of the generation. Third party games should not be used as a comparison because typically they are trying to reach a parity. A good example is the Last of Us on the ps3 Naughty Dog was able to optimize the game to push the hardware thus resulting in a game that clearly stands out. You won't see the difference until good first party developers actuall...

3260d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I disagree having lived in Japan I can tell you that they love western things but they won't support a product that quite frankly does not offer much to them. MS focuses heavily on western gamers and it show's with the kind of games they develop.

3260d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be surprise if this is the start of a new trend in Japan, it's no secret that the number of console gamers has been trending downward. However Japan does love their tech and I wouldn't be surprised to see VR be huge there only time will tell, if Sony can tap into that market and bring new experiences it should bring back Japanese gamers to console's.

3260d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have both been hugely influential and have had a great impact on the video game industry. I think it's silly to compare them in this way because they both have strengths which have help them to stand out, and it is clear and evident to this day that other games have been hugely influenced by them.

3260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I had to choose I would say the PS4 it has a boarder appeal and a more diverse line up now and in the future. Halo is a huge title and will move units, it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against other games. My prediction is that third party AAA games will be the deciding factor particularly Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty depending on what system gamers buy these games will determine who wins.

3262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how they are gaining momentum they are doing fine but, they have fallen so far behind in sales and market share that this generation is all but lost. The X1 appeals to a certain demographic and they need to do some serious work on expanding their brand to appeal to a broader gaming demographic. I personally do not like MS as a company because of the way they do business. They have a history of trying to screw you over as a consumer the red ring of death, and the policies prior...

3262d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is not on EA it's on people that are going to buy the season pass. People never learn you get what you deserve for supporting idiotic business practices that are obious cash grabs. Yet people will buy it and then complain that it was not good enough, and EA will laugh all the way to the bank. If you are thinking of buying the season pass just remember what WB did with Arkham Knight and ask your self if it was worth it. Any how that's my two cents food for thought people can spend...

3263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People saying is this news? The answer is yes because people keep making it news they continue to comment and make it news. To me it is apparent that MS has all but lost this generation that is not to say that XboxOne does not have an audience and appeal, It's just not as appealing as the PS4 to many gamers. I don't care what fanboys say sales matter and they do affect you as a gamer because the higher selling console generally gets more support from developers which means more games ...

3264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a consumer if I have the choice I will always choose physical copy. One of the biggest reason is the huge installs for games that eat up so much hard drive space. Yes you can upgrade your hard drive but space still becomes an issue specially if you download a lot of games. In the end it is a preference between the accessability and convenience over the knowledge that a physical copy will always be there no matter what.

3269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that's what passes for game journalism these days. What a joke some of these so call game journalist don't even play games, but you are supose to trust their opinion? I stop taking reviews seriously long ago. The best way to gage the quality of a game is to look at a developers track record more often than not that is the best way to determine if a game will be good or not.

3270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason I am excited for this is CDPR. The same reason I am excited when naughty dog announces what they are working on they have proven track records. I had a blast playing the Witcher 3, and would love to see what world they can create next.

3270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny how some people are saying the Witcher 3 is broken because of bugs, yes they were annoying but they were not game breaking. The same people that will give Fallout 4 a pass for having the same problem, because you better believe that it will have bugs.

3270d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At this point Uncharted series carries more weight. The fact is that the Tomb Raider reboot copied heavily from Uncharted, gamers that have played the older Tomb Raider games can attest to this. If I had to choose one it would be Uncharted, Tomb Raider reboot resembles more to Uncharted than it does to the old Tomb Raider games.

3279d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

MS dropped the ball with independent developers. In fact they had the upper hand last gen and what do they do try to implement policies that turned them away. The fact is that Sony has embraced them and it is paying off. What people seem to forget is that those indy devs if successful will continue to grow and eventually become bigger studios. The fundamental difference between how MS and Sony operate as corporations is evident. MS seems to want to buy it's way in and Sony seems to want t...

3282d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some gamers are so hypocritical and whinny you don't have to like the game. I feel that there is a difference between not liking a game and a game being bad. Many gamers seem to be taking this all or nothing attitude in regard to this game for some reason.

3284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with a game being exclusive as long as it is a real console exclusive, which has been a selling point since the beginning of console gaming. However the way both MS and SE went about announcing the game is what I have a problem with because they new that it was timed exclusive and were disingenious about disclosing said information. I hope that SE got financially compensated because MS pretty much sentenced this game to an early grave.

What are the...

3284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been in the beta since it launched and the only feature that I like is the extra cloud storage. But I can see the appeal some might have if they like streaming and sharing since it does seem to be focused on those types of features. I think that some of the features people are asking for such as ID change, external support, online/offline all have to do with potential security risk's that Sony is concerned with for good reason. What I don't understand is why they can't add ...

3285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can guarantee you that when Uncharted 4 releases know one will care. In the end you can still play Tomb Raider later so much for MS's exclusivity.Lol. One more thing shouldn't a multi platform game sell better than exclusive game. Logically you would think so not case in this example sadly Tomb Raider under performed as a third party game what makes you think that making it a timed exclusive will help it's sales. You can continue trolling now.

3286d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Honestly as a gamer I would love to see Konami just sell the MGS franchise to Sony because I think they would do it justice, however that will never happen for obvious reasons. Konami is just not interested in making AAA titles anymore the writing is on the wall. As far as Kojima goes without him at the helm I feel as if the franchise will erode in quality. I can read between the lines and see that Konami will milk the franchise to death until it is no more. It sadden's Me to know that an...

3286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

VR is going to be the future I don't think it will replace traditional gaming any time soon but the possibilities with entertainment on VR are huge. I think it will have a far bigger impact on other forms of entertainment a side from gaming than most people realize.

3291d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment