
CRank: 5Score: 56600

This is why so many people don't take reviews seriously anymore, I for one I'm glad the game has found it's audience and is making that community happy. Even though live service games aren't my thing, why would I go out of my way to crap on something that others enjoy just because it's not my cup of tea.

216d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Or MS can just create good games, but nah will just buy as many developers as we can to drive our agenda. Conglomerates are bad for consumers, Disney proves why nobody should want big corporations owning so many original IP's.

239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meanwhile every publisher is crying about how expensive it is to develop games. I would gladly pay more if there was a guarantee that they released games that weren't broken. SMH

240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony? Or the video game industry as a whole needs to do better? Look as much as people want to complain MS is the one who started charging for online, EA was the one that pushed hard for GaaS and even solid developers like CD project red have faulted with an unfinished sloppy releases like Cyber Punk 2077. So singling out Sony who has been pretty consistent is unfair. Yes they are tone def at times specially with the price increase of ps plus which is why I canceled my subscription, but Sony ...

246d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this much you can't just throw money around and expect great talent to appear when you don't foster the foundation to allow it to develop. Something that both Sony and Nintendo do better than MS, this is why despite both Sony and Nintendo having far, far less money in their war chest they continue to reck MS, acquiring huge developers and publishers won't mean anything if they focus only on profits and not creativity. I mean MS has a ton of developers they have acquired to ...

310d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The UK blocking the deal isn't the end all be all, but it does mean that the EU might also block it. Meaning all of Europe no longer an option. On top of the litigation MS has going with the FTC suing MS for the same reason the UK blocked the deal. Either way this is turning into a nightmare scenario for MS one which is not looking good. If Europe and the US say NO Asia will fall in line. With the exception of China hence the article.

495d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I no longer buy into the hype train. If a game is good I will support it like Elden Ring, if it sucks well then it sucks. Now a days not even proven developers get the benefit of doubt from me anymore Cyber Punk was the game that changed the way I support any game moving forward. A year wouldn't have changed that their ambition didn't match the expectations that they help create.

786d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wrong it's sustainable the problem is error margins vs profitability games have to hit otherwise investors pull out. So if a GaaS is a hit it just keeps earning in perpetuity of as long as the community wants it to be, their is a symbiotic relationship if the community stops caring no matter how good a GaaS is it stops being profitable. So it's a good idea to have those kinds of games to off set the risks in single player games. GaaS aren't immune to being irrelevant specially if ...

868d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

FIFA sells more than COD has that made EA make the game better no. The same with COD in many ways it's stale AF and Activision loved microtransactions so no popular doesn't mean good.

970d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

GTA has been doing them since they were pixelated BS excuse just be honest you mofos rushed a game that was more ambitious for its own good. IMO they went from the cream of the crop to releasing one of the most disappointing games ever. CD project red should just shut up and prove themselves with their next game.

1009d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes let's deliver crap looking at you Cyber punk and now GTA trilogy, the most troublesome aspect is that these publishers and developers aren't indy devs but what you could have considered the best of the best. Rockstar and CD Project red would have been day one buy's for me now I will wait because if you want to charge $70 for new releases you better not sell a broken incomplete mess.

1044d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing to see here, it was NOT a cash grab at all. Oh wait we will just port the worst version in recent history with zero quality control. Rockstar can be added to the long list of developers that will no longer get the benefit of doubt, terrible look for them.

1045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just be happy with your choice, it's bad enough that people can't get their hands on either console. Halo and Forza aren't going to magically help MS manufacture more consoles for them to sell.

1050d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I rather buy games I want at full price instead of having access to a bunch of games I have no interest in. At first glance game pass seems like the better option if your strap for cash and just want the most bang for your buck. IMO both services lack long term appeal since MS has very few AAA games worth the service and Sony is reluctant to put their day one releases on PS Now.

1054d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a switch lite just for portable gaming, I'm cool with it at first I was hesitant because of all the joycon drift talk, but I'm covered with warranty up to 3 years. BoTW is cool, plan on getting Mario Odyssey and Animal Crossing and since I already have a PS5 I'm good not getting the OLED.

1059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony needs to do better with the PS Plus service? If that's the case them what should Nintendo do? They are charging $50 for N64 and Sega games and some DLC. Yeah I think the article should have been about Nintendo not Sony.

1074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you really trying to justify Nintendo's lazy attempt at upgrading the Switch? I get why they aren't going all in on a next generation Switch right now but let's no act like Nintendo is doing something that most people want by just upgrading their screen. I bet that if you asked most Nintendo fans what would they rather have a better screen or a Switch pro or whatever they end up calling it they rather have new hardware.

1074d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony didn't seem to care all that much until dbrand opened their mouths, as you mentioned they are going after every manufacture that is selling knockoffs. Moral of the story don't poke the bear, they should have kept their mouths closed and off of Sony's radar. FYI all these corporations are like this when it comes to protecting their property and they often pick and choose who they go after.

1075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

These greedy bastards want 70 bucks for a trilogy on current gen that you could have pick up on sale on the PS4. It's going to be fundamentally the same game with better frame rates. I see myself buying very few games at 70 with how things are going, specially games with micro transactions.

1081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cock fighting is where you draw the line? Yeah let's disregard the murderous vigilante justice that the main character undertakes. I swear do some of you even think it through before posting about irrational emotional outrage that makes zero logic.

1082d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment