
CRank: 5Score: 56600

I see the Switch as a complementary second console only, lack of features less third party games doesn't make it ideal as a primary console. Unless you are a Nintendo super fan that only cares about Nintendo games or portability is a deal breaker the Switch wouldn't be my first option which apparently it is for many people.

1727d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo doesn't really offer value vs it's competitors. They lack features, their console is under powered making many third party developers stay away which means you get to play less games. Finally their games are always expensive even games that are years old. So Nintendo consoles aren't as attractive as a primary console and only seem enticing if you want a portable or a secondary console to play Nintendo games. Just my two cents

1728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Old McGroin

Nope Nintendo publishes the pokemon games meaning they pay to have them developed, so they most certainly know what those games will be like before they even show up on their system.

1728d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played all three games that doesn't mean I have them anymore so I will gladly add them to my collection. Plus I'm genuinely interested to see how they run on a PS4 pro. I wasn't interested in purchasing UC collection again but I'm cool with getting it for free.

1730d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fanboys are pretty delusional the average consumer doesn't care about specs, price on the other hand is another story. The Switch is out selling the xbox x being less powerful and much cheaper so predicting how the market will react simply based on specs is dumb. The PS2 was less powerful than the OG xbox it didn't stop it from being the best selling home console of all time. The only way I see this being a problem for Sony is if MS matches Sony's lower price point which I don'...

1730d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Opinions are subjective but there is such a thing as a consensus. There are far more positive reviews by both critics and users than those that don't like the game they just happen to be more vocal. So it really comes down to personal taste and expectations vs objectively saying a game is bad but only stating arguments based on opinions.

1733d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cyber Punk 2077
Ghost of Tsushima
The Last of Us 2
Nioh 2

New PS5 2020 is going to be a great year for gaming.

1733d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What where people expecting? It's a Kojima game so I'm genuinely baffled by what people some thought this game would be. Even though MGS became a huge game it's not without it's quirks and every Kojima game is like that.

1733d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

IMO Sony keeps winning simply because they have the fortitude to take risks. When was the last time you saw a new AAA Ip from either MS or Nintendo I rest my case.

1734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I guess some people don't remember that PC gaming crashed hard, and it would have taken way longer for it to recover if it weren't for console gaming remaining strong. Also many developers know they can make more money on consoles that's why they port their games. I will gladly take the close nature of consoles that talented developers push vs the raw power of PC that rarely gets used to it's full potential.

1737d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nice just got this it's awesome thanks sucker punch looking forward to GoT.

1738d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I don't even mind the price of ps plus it's pretty reasonable given that during the holidays it's lowered almost without fail. So 40 bucks a year isn't much for what you get and you often get some pretty good obscure indie games that I would never buy otherwise. This year was ok nothing special but my expectations are never crazy and you can get good deals during the holiday sales so I always have something to play year round.

1739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's be honest here there isn't much MS is doing to warrant an article like this. The only thing I see MS is doing a bit better is inter grading their services but they lack in the most important aspect of a console quality interesting new games.

1740d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ghost of Tsushima, Cyber Punk and TLOU2 where all already in development way before next gen consoles were even announced so this idea that they are being held back by current gen consoles is dumb since they were developed with current gen consoles in mind.

1740d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hold up didn't this game sell better on the PS4? Some people should chill with the expectations the game looks interesting but we all know what happens when fanboys start putting crazy expectations on games.

1743d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice try it's an optional add on that has no barring on the actual controller design. Now compare MS's lack of creativity with their most recent unveiling and it's not hard to see why many have criticized MS lack of effort. On the topic of ugly design options MS has way more cloth to cut than Sony just saying.

1744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

New flash having the latest technology is expensive no matter what it is. IMO consoles are relatively cheap for what they do given that a decent PC will cost more and I not even saying that if you bargain hunt you can't build a good PC on the cheap but rather that many people aren't willing to do that. The phone comparison is BS you can find a decent phone reasonably price that is of course if you don't mind not having the latest and greatest every year like some people do.

1746d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why? The game was already in development for the PS4. It's the same situation with Cyber Punk these games where developed for current generation consoles. There might be overlap do to the timing of next gen consoles arriving next year but optimizing these games for next gen consoles would take time and further delay the games into 2021. So no it's a bad idea not to release them for the console they where developed for and star fresh after that.

1747d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL. Have any of you seen the PS4 dev kit? It looks nothing like the PS4 so the PS5 dev kit doesn't really mean anything. If Sony even attempts to put a little effort into their design it will be better by default. MS said f it lets just put it in a box and call it a day. Functionality trumps everything but MS didn't even try, it reminds me of the OG xbox, or that massive controller they came out with really ugly designs that they eventually revised.

1747d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


How many AAA games did Sony release this year? More than MS that's for sure and they where new Ip's, people can make excuses for MS's lack of first party AAA games but they are going to be playing catch up next generation as well since quality games take time to develop and Sony has consistently done a better job at delivering games in that regard.

1747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment