
CRank: 5Score: 56600

@ Claudionmc

Power is not debatable what good has that done for the xbox one x? I swear some people just can't wrap their heads around Sony and even Nintendo for that matter prioritizing what matters most and that's games. If you like MS's approach more power to you but that strategy hasn't worked and the minute Sony drops trailers for their anticipated sequels nobody will care that much. If the Switch can outsell the mighty powerful xbox x what does that re...

1593d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


Are you a developer? No because multiple devs have stated the power difference not being a factor, and yet you have xbox fanboys having meltdowns over a damn demo. Multiple developers have stated that the SSD and CPU in both consoles will change game design they both have strengths and weaknesses. Yet more developers keep praising the PS5 more why? Is it a coincidence or do they know their life just got easier because they know what the SSD capability means to ...

1593d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

As the saying goes you get what you pay for I don't want a super expensive console not because I couldn't afford it but because I want enough people to be able to adopt the new console to make it viable. I remember the NEO-GEO and Sega Saturn great tech for the time but hardly anyone bought them because they where super expensive. What good is it to have the latest and greatest if there aren't enough people to play with.

1593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This idea that Sony has to react to MS is equally puzzling, Sony isn't doing anything much different than when they launched the PS4. Yet the criticism over not revealing "enough" information is just being used by those that don't even care about PS as some sort of excuse to pile on Sony. Personally I trust Sony since they have a proven track record of delivering games, plus they still have games coming soon so I'm cool with them taking their time. If we are to believe t...

1594d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not just talking about this demo and Epic I'm talking about how Sony has better working relationships with other companies period. This why they get exclusive games from studios like Fromsoft and why Kojima chose Sony. It's also the reason why Japanese developers choose PS over MS, regardless of what some people say about those games. Yes these companies pay for exclusive rights but I've never heard of paying for demos, the real reason is that Epic choose the PS5 to showca...

1594d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cry me a river with those salty tears, Sony has better relationships with third party devs period. This is why they consistently get more games on their system. You can tell a lot of people are salty for whatever reason that many devs keep praising the PS5 yet all the xbox fanboys can't understand why since MS has more TF. Many devs have said it's not a huge difference. UE5 demo is just the latest example of how many xbox fanboys can't except the PS5 being a very capable console a...

1595d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment


One is the industry leader and have the biggest market share, one has new Ip's to showcase, one still has anticipated games releasing this year. The other well we all know why MS is eager to start next gen, what else would they talk about if they didn't talk about the xseries?

1595d ago 48 agree4 disagreeView comment


Sony's proprietary SSD will affect the PC market since there is nothing currently that can handle what it does, and sure something will come along that is better but it won't be standard making optimizing for the PS5 and it's games something that hasn't been seen before. We have already seen new techniques used in the UE5 tech demo and that is only the beginning. So unless SSD become the standard for PC expect these new consoles specially the PS5 t...

1595d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is so predictable Sony hasn't done much really but every time they do they create buzz, MS releases more info that gets people excited and then fizzles out because not enough people care.

1596d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Oh you mean like AC Valhalla rumored to be running at 30FPS on the seriesx, LOL nice try though.

1597d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment


This is a third party demo showcasing what third party developers could achieve, we all know Sony's first party studios are going to push the PS5. So as impressive as this demo is I suspect Sony's in house studios are going to blow people away.

1597d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS's solution to everything is throw money at it, they did that at the height of the 360 instead of giving Rockstar and Activision millions of dollars for exclusivity deals they should have invested in studios, Sony did and it payed off and while Sony has done the same this generation they have exclusives that they can lean on. MS is playing catch up and there is no guarantee that their new studios will deliver smash hits.

MS f's up opportunities they had indy devel...

1599d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Your entitled to your opinion of them being slow with information but if you look at previous revelations they are right on schedule. Some people are just impatient because they think that Sony has to react to what MS has announced already.

1604d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Salty much? Some people are never happy, you seem upset that more people are interested in the PS5. Sony has put the work in to be in this position and until MS shows new games the xseries isn't even worth talking about to me. FYI for all you xbots claiming the power difference being so important, need I remind you the Switch outsold the xbox x. I suggest you fall back and STFU before claiming victory over next gen without MS doing nothing to deserve the benefi...

1613d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Your smart phone and PC collect way more information on you than this controller ever will.

1631d ago 35 agree2 disagreeView comment

This might not be a popular opinion but I want the all jet black version. If this is the standard version might Sony be giving us a clue as to the color of the PS5?

1632d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Oh you mean like how BC was a non factor last generation when the PS3 was fully BC with all the way back to PS1 games and nobody cared. Or how about cross play? Since Sony had done both and it wasn't a big deal until MS PR and all you xbots made it a big deal.

1636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've said this before I'm going to laughing when PS5 exclusives are shown some people will have to eat crow. It's almost like they haven't learn from previous generations. PS peeps don't stress just wait Sony is going to shock everyone all in due time.

1636d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment


Fanboys have selective memory they like to forget the whole red ring of death. I still don't trust MS not because I don't like company but because actions speak louder than words. They rushed the 360 to get ahead of the PS3, the xbox one launch was a debacle and now their defense force is saying the spec difference between the xseries and PS5 is huge all while MS delivered a handful of games even worth mentioning this whole generation. I will wait and see unt...

1641d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ GamerRN

So then why are developers saying the power difference is marginal, just for context the difference is smaller than the xbox one vs PS4. Some of you will eat crow once first party games start being shown, at the end of the day I trust Sony to deliver games something MS has yet to achieve in a consistent basis.

1642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment