
CRank: 5Score: 56600

Not liking a game is not a reason for lowering the score beyond the point it would be considered broken. Fun factor, re play ability, overall enjoyment should be factored in the final score but it can't be all of the score. If all games where graded this way many games would be considered trash.

1791d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


So how did MS do this generation in comparison? All products eventually reach market saturation and sales decline. The market also slows down in anticipation of new hardware so trying to imply that slower sales some how equates to something negative is beyond reaching.

1792d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh please the fact that you used MGSV as reference of Kojima trying to dupe people is stupid because that opinion is subjective as someone who platinum the game. When the PT demo came out it was praised for it's creativity and genuine intrigue. Even now it remains as something that could have been great. My point is that creativity should not be hampered to appease those that wish to know every little detail no one is forcing anyone to follow everything Kojima says. People need to relax a...

1862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it matter much they will get sold though it's not like we are talking about xbox ones that sit on shelves. You seem a bit salty over this milestone it's quite a feat the PS4 is out pacing the PS2 in the same time frame.

1883d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes let's just blame immigrants for greedy ass corporations taking their manufacturing over seas to third world countries with zero moral or ethical compass that treat their workers like slaves. Trump hasn't accomplished jack and worst of all is his divisive and arrogant brashness has divided the country more than ever.

1884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Right because they couldn't shift their full attention to a new Ip that is probably in the works instead? That game is cheap clone of better games but what can you expect from the mediocrity that MS pushes out these days.

1891d ago 21 agree18 disagreeView comment


Too many current generation games skip the Switch and that problem is only going to get worse moving forward. The Switch is a nice complimentary console but as a main one it's lacking in many areas unless you are a Nintendo fanatic and love gaming on the go it's not the ideal home console for many gamers.

1894d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

MS has lost every single generation since they entered the console market so if MS plan was to dominate and be the industry leader they have failed miserably. The 360 was their most successful console and they still finished last IMO there has never really been much of a war.

1896d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Kribwalker

The wii was the best selling console of that generation and what Nintendo do? Released the WiiU they clearely had no idea why the wii was so successful. That's because they sold that thing to people that weren't gamers so they though let's just make a tablet for a controller and those same people will buy the WiiU. How did that turn out for Nintendo? Sony has been the most consistent through out each generation that is why they always win the wii wa...

1898d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't use facebook anymore I don't care.

1905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii is the definition of a casual audience people that never played video games in their life bought one. Why do I bring this up because that isn't the same audience that the PS attracts. True the PS4 may have more casuals by the simple fact that they have more people but that doesn't mean their core audience is casual. Otherwise how is it that Bloodborne, Nioh, Persona 5, Yakuza do well on the platform. I don't know where you get the idea that the PS is the go to for casuals ...

1910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly I don't get people I pay for PS plus for online access not the games, free games are a bonus that being said Sony does need to address the value proposition given that Vita and PS3 owners no longer get free games. Also people need to keep their expectations of getting AAA games through PS plus to a minimum since that shouldn't be the primary way you get games you want.

1915d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Must be a slow week for gamingbolt, don't even bother.

1925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Proof fanboys can't be objective the fact is MS has zero new good Ip's this generation that's just plain sad. Nintendo has good games but when was the last time they mixed it up and took a risk on a new Ip? ARMS really is that the best Nintendo can do? and that was 2yrs ago. Come on now Sony at least tries Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima. That's more new IP's than both MS and Nintendo combined.

1925d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good games don't need an incentive to have people play them just make good games and people will play and support them. Cross play adds nothing to badly designed games that suck it just means more people can play them together.

1927d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Duh streaming games is NOT the same as streaming music or media, lag plays a huge role sometimes if the conditions aren't perfect streaming anything sucks let a lone a game that requires precision. Streaming might be how most games are leased and played in the future but that time is still far from being viable.

In any event we will find out how viable it is with stadia since google is bent on forcing the issue we will see how many of these clowns that keep saying strea...

1930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
1932d ago Show

Maybe just maybe people should wait and see how it runs on the Switch before getting all jazzed up about this. The game has had to be massively down graded to run on the Switch just saying.

1932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A good way for Sony to incentivize PS gamers to buy into PSVR is to offer free PSVR games with PS Plus, I know a lot of people have been pissed about how now we are only get two free games, if they where smart they would do something like this. I suspect Sony is waiting for the PS5 to restructure how and what kind of games we get with PS plus.

1933d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

VR isn't mainstream yet but the technology is cool for what it is and has enough of a following to keep it alive, the only thing holding VR back at this point is the convenience factor. If and when wireless VR headsets hit the market Sony has positioned it's self for that. Say what you will but MS much like their lack of investment in AAA games MS will be playing catch up once VR really takes off, MS's lack of foresight has cost them every single generation IMO this is no differen...

1933d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment