
CRank: 5Score: 56600

There seems to be a huge casual gaming audience that doesn't really care or is even bothered by MT and GaaS. This is why many greedy publishers felt the need to try to make everyone of their titles with this model in mind. Looking at you EA. I get that there is a market for games like these but it's foolish to think that every developer should follow this trend specially if it's only motivated by their bottom line like EA.

1780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's not wrong though when one of the biggest selling games is still COD. FYI Kojima games are weird always have been so WTF did people expect is beyond my comprehension. People don't like to be called out on their BS and seems to me that many people are criticizing the game for what they wanted it to be instead of what it is. This why so many developers are so scared to try something different.

1780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Funny how this only seems to happen with Sony exclusives, Souls games aren't for everyone yet nobody goes out of their way to shit on them. Days Gone is a decent new Ip, and Kojima games are always kind of weird so who's expectations are we talking about? Because true fans don't care about the critics and knew exactly what kind of games they were getting vs all these people crying about how they didn't get the games they wanted which seems to be where...

1780d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why developers don't like taking risks, when they do they get criticized like kojima. When they follow a true and tested formula they still get criticized like Sony Bend with Days Gone. The only common denominator for these two games getting so much hate is one thing they are both Sony exclusives. Sony games have to be either nearly perfect or head above shoulders of other games in order to be considered good unlike unmentioned games from their rivals.

1780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What do you mean? You can think critically and form your own opinion, blasphemous. No really all joking a side I don't even pay attention to reviews anymore. It's safe to assume that Kojima games aren't for everyone specially those that lack patience since he created the whole stealth genre with MGS. Expecting weird from Kojima is all you should expect.

1781d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My opinion of your opinion is that this topic has been covered to death. Both games are good but I don't care about the bad excuse of a story line TR has and if we are being fair that has to equate into the comparison in a big way. You can't just praise TR for it's game play and then excuse their bad character development. They managed to make me not care about Lara Croft with their stupid, ridicules and just plain bad story telling.

They both have room for impr...

1781d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I honestly think that's their genuine opinion it doesn't mean I agree with their takes they are often highly critical of certain games while lenient towards others. At the end of the day a review is just an opinion, they seemingly jizzed all over BOTW and I didn't think it rose to the level of praised they gave it.

I take reviews with a grain of salt these days I like Kojima games therefore I will support his creation regardless of other peoples opinions are. I...

1785d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah ok buddy go hear their podcast then say with a straight face they don't have a Nintendo bias, the only one that seems to have a pair to criticize Nintendo is Jeff Gerstmann but whatever I'm not trying to convince anyone to think otherwise.

1785d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo games never seem to get this level of scrutiny from GiantBomb but whatever. Not that I really care about their reviews all that much to begin with.

1785d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Inferior how? Since Sony exclusives actually sell meanwhile MS's only good AAA game has been Forza so Idon't actually see the value given that MS has very little in terms of must have AAA games worth even getting the service for. If by value you mean getting shitty games like sea of thieves or glitchy games like stay of decay 2 then by all means but it's stretching it a bit by saying PS Now is an inferior service given that you get access to way more games than with game pass. ...

1786d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nah save that doe for next gen or if you haven't upgraded to a 4K TV do that, at this point xbox x isn't worth the asking price just for added pixels on third party games that more often than not don't even take full advantage of the x.

1786d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I recall another PS exclusive getting so much heat and talk of failure, only to go on a be a sleeper hit despite many in the media trashing it. Anyone else get a Days Gone vibe all over again, a lot of PS gamers will buy the game regardless simply because it's a kojima game so I doubt it will fail.

1786d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reviews don't matter anymore specially from no name sites, the industry would greatly benefit from removing any numeric metric to reviews. I rarely listen to any reviewer if a game interest me I stay away from the internet to avoid spoilers. Once upon a time reviewers were needed since it was the only way to get information/context to a game but those days are long gone now and a simple search can yield you just about anything you would want to know about any game.
Anyone can be...

1786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is this on Sony? They took so much heat from everyone because Evolution Studios delivered a broken mess even after giving them extra time to fix it. Was it a mistake to shut them down? Who knows seeing that we don't actually know how much money Sony spent on them.

No one is saying there wasn't talent there much of which was absorbed into other Sony studios but rather if Sony trusted them with another huge project which is obvious they didn't and the reason ...

1787d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since you want to bring in Nintendo to this online discussion how many third party relevant AAA games did Nintendo actually support last generation or even this one? Nintendo was late to the party it has nothing to do with them being so charitable. You are not getting free online on consoles ever again thanks to MS greed, they saw a market willing to pay for a service and now all of it's competitors know that many people are willing to pay.

Don't like this go play ...

1787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Overrated weirdo that invented the stealth genre in a day in age when everything is as cookie cutter as it comes and developers are so afraid of failure that they don't even try. If a simple demo like PT can conjure up that much intrigue with its bold vision then yes he should be considered a genius. Regardless of what you may think about his delivery he definitely thinks outside the box something most developers won't even attempt to do.

1788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


WTF are you talking about like other games don't get graded on how good or bad their stories are. That's my point when Nintendo games have none if at all. Nice try trying to the deflect but what does reading a book or conspiracy theories have to do with the topic at hand? What the hell is your counter argument? No don't criticize Nintendo because it hurts your feelings.

1788d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok when was the last time Nintendo took a chance with a new ip? When is the last time they developed a game with an actual story line and voice acting? Nintendo makes fun games but they haven't pushed the industry forward they are stuck in their ways, if any other developer took as many creative liberties they do they would get hammered. There is definitely a double standard when people judge Nintendo vs other developers call it nostalgia or whatever but it's definitely there.

1788d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is such a huge Nintendo bias it's not even funny, BOTW didn't do anything revolutionary it may have fine tuned an existing formula but that's it. Nintendo can't even be bothered to make a legit story line or even voice over it's main characters. If Sony ever did that with one of their flag ship ip's they would get shatted on to no end but whatever as long as mainstream reviewers say it's the best ever who am I to question their judgment. When all we ever see ...

1788d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

Some people want Death Stranding to fail so hard, did they not learn anything from Days Gone? Reviews these days are often motivated by their own agendas so I don't care for them specially from big sites. If a game is interesting to me I buy it I don't need anyone to validate my purchase I can make my own decisions and form my own opinion.

1790d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment