Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

people don't want to hear how happy 360 owners are with their version. Nope, as soon as we say "It plays great", they put disagrees on turbo. As if that's going to magically help them get their game up to par with ours. And it was in development FOR the PS3!

Guys, just wait for them to fix their issues. Assassins Creed is an awesome game. It draws many similarities to MGS Hitman and Splinter Cell. Only it's set in past, making the art of assasination more personal (i...

6139d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I've got

HP Pavilion dv9535nr Notebook PC
*17" WXGA+ Hi-Def BrightView WideScreen (1440x900)
-hooked up to an Samsung SyncMaster 906BW 19" wide LCD via HDMItoDVI
*Intel Core2 Duo 5250e (1.5ghz x2 cores, 2mb unified L2)
*nVidia GeForce 8600m GS w/256mb GDDR3 (16SPs, OC'd to 650/1300/900)
*Intel Pro/Wireless 4965AGN wi-fi
*2GB PC2-5300 (2x 1GB DDR2 533mhz So-DIMMs)
*240GB SATA (2x 120GB 5400rpm HDDs)
-also has an ...

6142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people will kill and die for a console. I live and play for the games.

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The voice from those first few ps3 ads ("Meet the Cell...and it is the future") plays as admiral haket(?) from alliance command in Mass Effect. You get to hear him in a distress call when traveling to athens system.

Funny, the guy has a really memorable voice. And he's on the right side now:)

6143d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ps4...8 core 5ghz"
"xbx3...3 core 5ghz"


so, they're assuming that MS will be 5 cores less than ps4?
how could it be a competing console then?

my take?

ATI/AMD's merger and proven success in the low end market will continue its influence into console mfgs. Nintendo likes them.

Nvidia will try to tie-up SOMEONE with its GPUs, securing marketshare in consoles for its ...

6143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just played through a truly defining momment in Mass Effect. You have to make a choice between killing off the last of the rachni race (who were hunted to near extintion for a reason) or showing mercy and helping them recreate their species. Words cannot express how truly cinematic this portion of the game was. The camera angles and the superb graphics truly shine b3yond.

For me, when a game has you at the helm of such thought provoking impasses, it has reached further into t...

6144d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who would know how many consoles have sold? WE would! Here at n4g, as well as in everyday life you will begin to flock together with your fellows of a feather. And when fanboys get rough and pile on 35463 disagrees on someone, perhaps the majority of them have the competitor to your machine.

Buy Mass Effect, play the game, and leave the sillynanny fanboys to ache and moan in seething foaming anger as they WATCH while you PLAY.

Clicking disagree will donate 10cent...

6144d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

sales is the drive in the industry. it can make or break the future. when sony opted to get a 40gb unit out there, is was because of the sales that 360's 20gb unit has brought. now that they have a direct competitor to each sku, they're hoping that some of the demand will shift from one console to the other. sony has a lot to gain from this, but the thing is that they should've gotten all this work done at launch. they probably would've gained more mommentum and wouldn't be so far behind. <...

6146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bukkakalypse???? if my grammar is correct, the root word of your screen name is QUITE A BIT offensive to females. And describes a "practice" so to speak that both objectifies and humiliates them.


6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not that Halo3 needed it anyway.

She actually has been THE hottest chick I've seen on the net today. And that's saying A LOT when we're talking about the internet! Makes me happy that I bought the game. Beat it in maybe 6-7days, and it still has a lasting appeal...

oh SH*T! Bioshock!
OoooHHHH SSSHHHH*T Mass Effect!!!!

(drop Halo3 RIGHT NOW and pick up those two)

6150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just happy to own an Xbox 360 right now. Just picked up Mass Effect, and I have to say that it FAR exceeds my expectations. It has GotY written all over it. And its graphics...yeah, they pretty much slaughter anything else out there, save maybe Bioshock Crysis and LocoRoco (hey, I really like it on PSP:).

2007= year 2/10 of Xbox 360 dominance!

Clicking disagree will donate 10cents to the poor desperate souls who lay awake at night crying as a result of purchs...

6153d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

To say that your using full specifications of a particular system is not being truthful. It's never that easy to pin down exact performance for ANY console. Numbers are just the logic. If I juggle 50 charatcers on screen, hundreds of buildings, dozens of vehicles and enough bullets and special effects to drown out audio from each of those things, I'm not really hitting the peak performance. What if I scale things around and instead of 50charaters/100buildings/24 vehicles, I use smaller amount...

6153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't belive in these people's stupid claims that PlaySh*tstation3 is better. The Xbox 360 is one high performance gaming machine. And judging from sales

Middles up to the crumbling empire that once was Fony PlaySh*station!

Clicking disagree will donate 10cents to the poor desperate souls who lay awake at night crying as a result of purchsing a PS3

6153d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i remember sony fanboys saying "oh, rumble? man that's old technology" but it looks like they've always been missing the vibe:) not starting wars here, but you do have to admit that besides the woofer, this is the way games were meant to be played.

6154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

oooh! dude, you argument is weaker than your console. Please...go back to playing beyond. It helps the weak minded keep their faith in a dying console. That's Sony for ya, using cheap slogans and false gods to keep their minions under the reigns. I broke free long ago...

6154d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm happy to say that this might be the definative purchase this Thanksgiving. Hopefully, no one notices that the turkey's smaller thanks to money problems.

(...maybe everyone'll get smaller portions. what about 450lb aunt Sally! maybe there's a "solution" to her...)

Thanks to Bioware, and thanks to Microsoft. For making the hardware that makes the magic work, and for the magic that the developers have conjured up through their mystic wizardry and other...

6154d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or, is it that ps3 gamers feel like their $600 investment "entitles" them to 9.0+ games. Reality a brick. Truth is, perefect games are hard to come by. On either console. But don't kid yourself that 8.9 isn't great. Just get used to the fact the perfection is a horizon vaguely seen and seldom reached. We 360 gamers deserve 9.0+ games just as well as any other paying consumer and supporter of this industry.

Stop procrastinating, 8.9 means a stellar game in ...

6154d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

blood, guts...just another day on the job (quoted-GOW's markes phenix)

the enemies AI seems to never loose you in it's cross-hair's...and this is in normal mode.

itagaki likes all of his games to have responsive AI, DOA had that as well.

6156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article is titled "history of playstation" That alone should show you one sided and biased the person is, as playstation is a part of the history of videogaming.

6156d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

your statement is very abysmal, at the least. As gamers, we live for the next big thing. If it happens to be on another console, we all seem to switch into defensive mode, playing it off as a game that we can live without. Then we try to train our minds into thinking "Yeah, I'm on this console and nobody else is right for owning theirs". The problem is this: one day, you will go to a friends place. There, you will be entreated to play one of "his" selection of games. It mi...

6156d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment