Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

hope the mic doesn't go silent:P

6020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't see much of rivalry here people. it's not like Sony can MAKE me want their service, I'd have to buy their console first:P And likewise, MS Xbox Live can't make a PS3 gamer switch sides, since there's no way they can run it without an xbox. let's try to make these discussions real and not just fling words and mud at each other just because we're jealous/stupid. live! has had a long time to refine itself, and Sony is doing exceptionally well at catching up. of course they are, they're t...

6020d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

...bullsh*t. That's all I can say about people who try and make it a point that their "service" is better? WTF people! service is service! you should be getting it the way you want it, when you want it. im glad to hear that psn is giving ps3 gamers what they want. i'm a live! gamer, but i would rather see ps3 gamers get their online gaming needs satisfied just the same. sure, i pay for my gold subscription. but i pay for lots of things, too. money is money, it comes and goes.

6020d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

GOD, I have been fliping out just to get a glimspe at one for so long! I've even gone as far as to say that it's the console that doesn't exist! You'll NEVER get to see it! We comes and wii goes!

6022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're right, but you can't create saves on them. it wouldn't be...technically advisable. you see, those cards are usually formatted FAT or FAT32 so that they REMAIN readable almost 100 universally. once reformatted, you could lose compatibility with whatever devices you may want to use them in later.

oh, sure you could re-reformat. but then you lose the data on it, requiring you to create an intermediary storage, which will just end up with you deciding to keep ALL your saves ...

6022d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

DJ makes an intersting point, about the game "not puting the hardware in good light". It's interesting to see SOMEONE finally admit that the console has some serious horsepower. I didn't buy the game to WATCH it though. I came to bring the PLAY. But cross PLATFORM multiplayer online interests me more, since I would rather layeth the smackdown on some Sonyboys rather than my fellow 360 gamers:P So, COD4 takes the win.

And Unreal is a PC game, face it. Deal with it, it...

6022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

look...if halo4 is one of the terrorists demands, then it will be released. personally, i think halo3 left me smiling but it wasn't the greatest ending of all time.

but man, the final chase to get out of the, uh, halo ring whatever thing was AWESOME! and lengthy too. my favorite segement is still the jungle of the beging though. i dunno, big fan of farcry-esque jungle warfare i guess.

6022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have maybe 25 games

9 action adventure/plaformer
4 role playing game
5 first person shooter
3 3rd person shooter
2 fighting
2 racing

fpses make up a fifth, sure but that's not all 360 can do. and gears isn't an fps, and neither is mass effect which are two HIGHLY praised games on my console. bioshock are halo3 are, but of the two bioshock is superior and continues to be superior to ANY fps on ANY console to date. tomb raider legen...

6022d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

halo3's a great game, but i didn't need to buy the collectors version. i dunno, i just kinda had more cash then and i bought the damn game, but i never was into the franchise. it's been so over saturated with hype that you can't even call those collectors editions "limited"! i'm not sure that they'd net you all that much on ebay, so if you must have halo3 just buy the GAME, not all of the dopey extras.

that goes goes for ANY game, including MGS4. maybe the toys are ok...

6022d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

With big innovations like online gaming, in game messaging, communication, video chat and achievements, the Live! service has a lot to live up to. I can delete my account off of the HDD/Memory Card and still be okay with it, since MS keeps a backup of your account on their servers. Though, my save games aren't covered. With 360, you can create saves on either the HDD or the memery card. I don't think PS3 has a proprietary memory card slot anymore, so you guys have on less option.

6022d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Next gen is costly, both in money and time. The NEXT next gen might see some definite differences. Let's start with the obvious, 360 and ps3 are entertainment powerhouses. They'll do everything that you want see done in your living room. That's basically the pinnacle right there, so what will the next gen bring us? I can say that affordable won't be one of those things.

It's pretty much obvious we now have to get used to the concept that consoles DO MORE THAN GAMES! Even the Wi...

6024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I myself agree that Gran Turismo was always lacking in car damage. They call it The Real Driving Simulator, a title I won't argue with being a GT fan myself. And I'll nnever forget that awesome intro in the original with the chemical brothers BGM. Also, it had a one of my favorite soundtracks, including the cardigans and garbage.

But ever since then it's a 9shyof10 since they haven't innovated as much as they should, were they should. Forza2 wins, and since its physics eng...

6026d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll buy this one for sure. I mixes horor genre staples (wierd things that go wrong and you have to do something about it) with what i can say is the MOST contextual inventory system ever put to use in a game.

This is how games should progress, giving us something new and not just rehashed old generation concepts. I'd like a game that can step up to the plate when it comes to such innovations more than I wanna see Snake roll around in a barrel. I'm still picking up MGS4, but le...

6026d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i ran xp since it first came out, gathering service packs hotfixes and updates along the way. it truly was the next step in in the evolution of the modern OS. i had just bought a new desktop at couple years prior and it was pre-loaded with Windows ME. it kind of let me down in many ways, one was the 9x series inherent memory problems and poor user-level support. there wasn't much i could do to make the pc perform better. So, when xp came out I installed it on that system and basically took th...

6034d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If I have my face burried in some girl's vagina, and am trying to make a descision, I can see how I might be "biased", as right now Im getting the goods! It's hard not be biased in any sort of way. And when companies start "giving you the goods", it feels almost similar, without the sloppy mug afterward.

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

title shouldn't have passed approval, shows how immature a lot of n4g contributors are.

PS i ran spell check to make sure my comment was alright :P

6035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they need a rated M departure, something like Snake bidding us farewell with a barrel in his mouth, and a bullet to the brain.

6036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, they need a suicide attempt, ala, Snake wrapping it all up in glory for MGS4.

6036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People talking about how they consider xbots to be "abused...willing to accept rape". If only you people cared to think before typed. Makes me sad that these machines caused this sort of degeneration.

Look at your keyboards...if they ain't dirty or filthy after the sweaty sessions of mud flinging and name calling that ALL of you fanatics have put it through, then pat yourselves on the back. And keep it going. See how long you can keep up the hate! It might do you some...

6036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bioshock is too good for anyone to have missed out on. Personally, I'm not letting it go until I see TWO sequels. It's just that good, and I enjoyed the breathtaking atmospheric elements. Someone once told me that 360 games "lack finer details...enviroments aren't full...are usually missing out the many little details that make things feel real"

Boy, this guy never played Bioshock before! And is pretty much crying that he still hasn't. 360's a contender that produces ...

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment