Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

just have fun and game on.

5957d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like both and don't force me into a corner with it, cuz thats when the guns start going off.

5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you have a PS3, you won't be disappointed. If you have a 360, you won't be disappointed. If you have a'll probably buy a 360 or ps3 to play this one, or you're just not old enough to play with the bigs boys. Either way, GTA4's gonna be big! And I'm glad they went back to Liberty City. But I feel like it's gonna be "old hat" for some of the vets out there. I hope they can make this a REAL sequel, and not just a reduex.

5958d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's funny, but no one realizes that Kojima's tactic is underhandedly sneaky. Appealing to an American audience through the use of a character who basis was an American character (plisken) and whose way of life can be analogous to that of Rambo: a born soldier whose only "reigns" were his commander (Rambo was Snake before Hayter ever was).

i pose one question: why would the Japanese even care about this game if it's about an American hero, and yet oppose an American ...

5958d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

at 25 gigs, it would take 3 dvds. lost oddysey is 4 dvds, so it's not impossible. blue dragon (same makers, funny) took 3 dvds. multiple discs may not be ideal, but at least i know i wouldn't be putting to much use on each disc.

5959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

his politics, his involvemnt in American affairs and his represenetation of American interests does not change his heritage. Even Shinkowa the artist himself stated this. I feel dissapointed to be among people who consider themselves MGS fans, and not be aware that PLISKEN is not Snake. Kojima expressed his interest in western culture, and the basis for his character was western. But common! Snake baring the Katana left behind by the slain Grey Fox is proof that he pays homage to his eastern ...

5959d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Snake's Japanese, bro. He's Japanese because Kojima is Japanese too. We need to remeber that the game is ORIGINALLY dubbed in Japanese. And the Japanese people love seeing a Japanese hero, okay? His culture is pure military-bred badass, but the Americans aren't the only people who can pull off a Stallone-like image. And they sure as shnitzel aren't the only eople with a military.

5959d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

You fanboys don't control how long a console lives. The software companies do. If Epic has a contract to see to it that Gears gets it trilogy, than they've already set up markers for a console's progress. Why would they sign deals to that effect it they saw that a console was "dying"? Mass Effect is also going to have sequels.

PS3 fans used to back up their console by saying that once MGS4 comes out everything will be right again. So, in essence MGS4 will be ps3's pea...

5959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

think logical. now that ps3 is at a good price, they've stretched out the time frame for their next price cut, since i don't think anyone will object to their current skus. 360 can probably hit another price drop, maybe near the end of the year. really not necessary, but of note as consoles undergo pricecuts, their life is extended due to the slight rise in demand as people who waited to buy now have incentive. that's where you start, and then work out demand when some of the more hypedup gam...

5959d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

1) during the average user's experience, the graphics chip will only get a work out when either a game/sceensaver/visualization is loaded, the entire GUI is still renedered through its 2d engine.

2) desktop has become more flexible, although the actual implementation is more gimicky than useful. as people create uses for Aero, we will start to see how indespensible a composited interface can be.

3) the network and sharing center is WAAAAAAYYY better than trying t...

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kinda woulda hoped they could store the original Japanese voice overs, though i've also gotten atached to the American localized crew. Lost Odyssey has five languages, Japanese German Italian French and English. Maybe that's too many, but FYI I have terrible memories of using the "swap" trick to get ole PS to play non-ntsc games, and subsequently falling to the "mod chip" for its similar abilities. MGS4 without Japanese voices? I'd probably still buy anyway.

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To say Halo3's gameplay is old gen isn't right. The controller isn't even wired anymore, and Live! back-then has nothing on Live! today. Broadband rules this era, providing low downtimes, low lag, and tons of gigs of content on the their end for us fans to fill our hard drives with. And Forge has no equal, save Unreal's proven mod community.

Sure, it's got negligible improvements over the initial Halo experience. I'm going to admit it, but it's still number 3 to me.

5960d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 won't save the ps3! the ps3 is in no NEED of being saved, dumbnutz! Somebody let these people know that there is NO despereration over this game. It's a hot title, that will be a console pusher, but ps3's sell ANYWAY. There's no debate on ps3's success, and there shouldn't be. And by that same logic, nor should it be accepted as such some sort of herald of 360's doom. It takes more than one game to kill a console.

If Halo3 didn't kill the ps3, than MGS4 won't kill the 360....

5961d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was sad to see Kutaragi, Hirai, and Peter Moore go too. These were some of the important icons of the industry, yet their parting never meant to be some sort of forecast on the future. Gaming will continue to shine on, long after their departure will we still be enjoying the fruits of their labour.

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...just not as great as COD4 is. Give Halo3 its props and if at the very least you played it once, you knew it to be just the same. Not every videogame has to be as real as fullon action packed or as well executed as COD4 to recieve equal praise.

I mean, hey MGS4 will sell even it's a blank disc! Stop whining about Halo3 being overhyped and realize that EVERYTHING is overhyped! That's what the marketing devision gets paid for. In fact, it's worse now. Market penetration is pure...

5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nobody can truly appriciate what it means to have to go through this arduous task of ordering warranty replacement than those who have endured it. I own a 360, and have owned one since 05/06. Drive errors drove me to finally replace it back in Jan08, but that's over a year and a half later. But it's time to put to rest Spoony Fanboys' silly overuse of this as some sort of justification of their choice of console.

Hoo-ray, you own a PS3! You know what? That doesn't mean that us ...

5961d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

that would be so nice if got one of those for Xmas.

a remote control war!t.

5961d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

capcom must be really letting it slide, oh yeah sure get the game out as soon as possible 50 percent 60 percent it don't mater.

it's good game, but for the people who have a ps3 they won't like it cuz they get the unfinished version, good job capcom put the name to shame and cover up the blame.

5961d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


5961d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FYI 360 has settings for "Reference Levels", which has three gradiations standard intermediate and expanded. Newer models support HDMI, which produces up to 1080p image and a digital audio connector all in one. However, the 360 can output the video signal through HDMI and still use the older connection to hook up analog speakers, for those who still want to use there particular setup.

WAY BACK when I first got my 360 I also picked up a 360 HD-VGA cable, which also pr...

6003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment