Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

actually it's pretty new, the 06 label on the bottom for some reason hasn't changed.

it's there even when you click on new games see.

mass effect's review has it as well.

6034d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

he offend NG2 and said that the ps3 version was better in one sentence, also he said he took one look at the 360 version ( his words are being used against him he should have spent more time with both before he commented)

AND THEN TO TOP IT OFF HE SAYS THE PS3 VERSION IS BETTER AT LEAST THATS WHAT I THINK. (you know what that sounds like, that sounds unprofessional and bias)

6035d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

to say that you chose one over the other means that you are ignoring everything else.

i can understand if you have only one console but if your original idea is to stir up wars and not take the time to look at everything else thats not proving anything.

ps3 fanatics are acting like 360 fanatics, and the other way around just switch the names around and you all are the same.

6035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's already well known that DMC4 was in development primarily for the PS3. It will benefit a great deal from that, as evident in the videos. Capcom's chosing to release it on both consoles is purely about the money, same with Lost Planet's release on PS3. Hell, they even ported RE4 over to the PS2 in hopes that they could attract their former Sony brethern, since they went Nintendo for a few years.

I'm not here to start anything, but like I said in one of my other posts:

6035d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know what you're saying. But it's not the articles that are fault, it's the fanboys inherent abuse of them. Much like how an attorney defends his client through means that may run over the lines of decency, while a prosecutor may run over those same lines in accusing the defendant.

The facts can be missleading on either side, due to misconstrued views on either party.

6035d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect is a GENUINE example of where gaming can go, and where it can take gamers to. And Wrex is one amazingly detailed character. Crank that bass up and let his voice freakin' fill the me chills every time. The Reaper Ship, though...MAN. That's a voice that'll haunt you. Every moment in this game beats out everything I've seen done in a game (save Bioshock).

"You exist because we allow will die because we demand it"
"I am the Va...

6035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have it on the 360. Great game, on either console. But some developers might need to step it up a notch when releasing their games on multiple consoles. For the fanboys out there, I wasn't trying to start another debate on which console is stronger. The issue lies in the fact that marginal architectural differences (both consoles are really close) shouldn't account for too much. From a technical standpoint, I don't see many features on one console that can't be done on the other. Of course ...

6035d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will buy both games, since I have a 360. I really don't want to miss either anyway. Big fan of both companies, and they just make really good games. One thing though: someone said "it's using a new engine", however the big chinned fellow (Credo, is it?) looks VERY close to Bandero, one of the villains from Lost Planet. I'd day they were almost the same 3D model. So, maybe it's the Lost Planet engine. Which would make the most sense, seeing as how it's the engine they designed to r...

6036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and by that same logic, it's the reason why 360 is doing better than ps3 here in America. however, wii's success defies ALL logic! well...maybe it's just about the games. shouldn't it be?

6036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

defiantly not a ps2 game.

ps3 has some games that even look less than ps2 look at Disgaea 3 for ps3

6037d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's time for trollers to jump out...nice set of bubbles ya got there, and trigga fingers' itchn:)

6037d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think around 4mil+ (and growing) have EXPERIENCED the Halo. Three's the reason the next gen came around. It gained respected the right way: through gameplay.

6037d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gonna buy it definitely. I hold a high opinion of MystWalker, as they have proven themselves with Blue Dragon. BD's got supreme graphics (love the soft smooth edges, no jaggies) and it's got heart. Lost Odyssey somewhat reminds me of FF8, the one that had been so undeserved of such bad critisms. FF8 was a top notch RPG, upping the ante on vastness (it's world was HUGE) and depth (try mastering that really try it). To me, Lost feels like it's going to make it. 4 discs? That's like al...

6037d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simply put, Sega shouldve luanched with a 299-399 console, thereby effectivly building a machine that WOULD'VE had a chance at taking on PS2, through virtue of not aging as quick.

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dreamcast's only real problem was that for how high powered it was, it was actually low budgeted. They launched it at 199, so its competiveness was compromised given the fact that they actually were in the low end of what could've been even though of as next gen back then. It was a great console but to put in perspective, what if this gen would've started out with a 360 that had the innards of a Wii. It would have not had a chance at taking on a PS3 that would have launched only a year later....

6037d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It could be nice to see them in the hardware game again. But this time guys, let's buy their console, and drop Sony. If we really want to see them again, we need to kill Sony. If not, once again developers will abandon it, and then titles will slow to a dribble and then it happens again. I would buy a DreamCast 2. And if I were a developer, I'd make games for it too. The PlayStation brand was strong enough to force its way past all rival consoles in each gen, N64 & Saturn in one, Gamecube...

6037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

20gigs being an issue?

Not at all! That's why you network, dummy! I leave the 20 for console specific functions (DLC, new maps/levels, skins, etc). If you're trying to say that 60/80GB's is bigger, well sure it is! And 120Gb is bigger than both! But that's a game only fools play, so get the size you want and get playing!

Besides, an externally attached or wired/wireless networked storage volume is safer and easier to backup. Plus, it's easier to share its content...

6039d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's a field that MS had dominated since Windows Media Player. They released WMP 7 with Windows ME and since then it's been nothing but superb media players and awesome functionality. Even Sony's XMB is predated by XP's MCE, which had evolved into MCE 2005 and then Vista's MC. Nobody can deny that it's been one the areas they've held the top position for a LONG while.

And now that they've included support for DivX AVI MPEG4's they've added more functionality to the package.

6039d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Blu-ray wins, Sony would have contributed to the success of not only a console but to a format as well.

Which ultimately will be useless, if not for the ability to sell it to other companies and make further profits from it. Who owned DVD, again? Nobody really cares! APEX made em, Panasonic made em, Hitachi, LiteOn, LG, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, Plextor, HP, Compaq, and who ever else I didn't mention all had their own version of the CD/DVD/CDRW/DVDRW

Relax guys...

6039d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh, well neither are new format to begin with. An optical disc spinning at enough velocity to make it usefull enough to put media on it. It's nothing new, call it a CD version 3.0. Same technology, minor improvements. A blue laser beam is nothing to gloat about. It just means that data can be written on a smaller scale. Sector density. The disc itself will not offer any other advantages. And perforamnce will always be a factor that puts optical discs far behind.

PATA: 50-80mb/s...

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment