Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

360 had genuine console movers back in the holiday sales frenzy, most notabley Mass Effect Bioshock and Halo3 a couple months prior (which still counts, as those who waiting until xmas got their copies then).

If we try to map it out, 360 went strong Q3 06 to Q4 07, and hit its 10 mil in US mark riding high off of a good holiday season AND a strong Q1 08. Most of 06 may not have had as many great hits, although 360 was still gaining momentum.

Gears did A LOT for ...

5975d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Patcher pulls out...shouldn't it be Sony pulls out of Patcher, and he stumbles on:P

Mad respect for the guy, but if you don't even have the fake crystal ball, you really can't see further into the future than those pay-by-the-minute fortune tellers.

5975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't appreciate PS3 faqboys entering into a forum that clearly doesn't involve them and then putting sh*t in everyones face while they're here. I just don't see the logic, unless they're so bored with whatever it is they have for a console.

As for the LevDog, he makes points that make the 360 sales EVEN MORE STAGGERING! That it STILL sells despite the tears he is shedding over these complaints! DVD9...HDD optional, wow! All good points to make.

But 360 pushe...

5977d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think Vista deserves much more credit than it has recieved, but everyone's entitled to their views and opinions. Mac is cool too, so I only look at articles with headings like "Mac Sux" or "Vista Sux" as nothing more than another inch in the divide that doesn't need to exist in the first place. You know what I like? I like any OS that can "WOW" me. Vista can can a MacOS!

And people need to lighten up about their views of inferiority in a...

5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't appreciate PS3 faqboys entering into a forum that clearly doesn't involve them and then putting sh*t in everyones face while they're here. I just don't see the logic, unless they're so bored with whatever it is they have for a console.

As for the LevDog, he makes points that make the 360 sales EVEN MORE STAGGERING! That it STILL sells despite the tears he is shedding over these complaints! DVD9...HDD optional, wow! All good points to make.

But 360 pushes...

5977d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

One day, i will look back on these most uncertain times and remeber the light that was shed so to guide us weak and weary gamers to salvation. And to deliver us from wasting $60 bucks on pieces of crap games out there when we could be offered something better...or something best.


5980d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

woo-hoo. Not that it was ever in question. Just means that we're ever closer to a REAL game.

5980d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm getting much better performance now with sp1. and it's notably more responsive. i've got a lot of bloatware with my pc, so i still have situationw where its loading like 80 processes at startup. i've used msconfig to disable startup programs (although there's a few i need) and i see a much more snappy bootup to desktop. i recommend that people try to optimize their systems as much as they knowably can. get rid of programs you dont use, startups that delay the desktop, and upgrade drivers...

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's truth: you can take ANY game, run it a while and I dunno look at some rock in the FAR off distance and say "DUDE! I found a f*cking crappy assed screenshot of this game! I mean JUST LOOK AT THAT ROCK!"

Every game had its few screens not to be too proud of.

5981d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"not because of better graphics"

stopped reading there, your comment was sh*t at first word. every succeeding generation of gpus has brought with it innovation.

and cost efficient means they can spend more making it better, so unified shader array GPUs ARE better.

don't believe me? just try to get by on a 24ps/8vs 7series in any of today's PC games. you might just be able to run it in legacy dx9 compatible settings. to be dx10 capable, yo...

5981d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

100% agreement with there, tmac.

360's architecture provides for plenty of creative space. impossing a topend limit of a 48way parallel universal shader GPU gives Cliff and co the performance they need to switch between heavy concentration of either vertex or pixel shader ops. as it stands, both major GPU manufacturers have ditched out the old standard shader array, and have opted to go universal.

also, having a topend limit of 512mb of unified memory does the eq...

5981d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

someone desperately trying to knock the other article off of the top spot, by diverting attention to this one so as to increase its HIT rating.

cheap bastard.

5981d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

resolution is the easiest way for devs to alleviate issues with a particular hardware setup. that's not to say that the ps3 has issues, just they (R*, for example) encountered some difficulties in the current build of the product. i expect to see haze running at the reasonable (and totally realist) 720p mode. 1080 is just soo much power to give away in exchange for what could amount to a lesser environment, lesser objects, or lesser persistent AI NPCs etc.

(i swear, driving dru...

5985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears has some of the most memorable moments in gaming.

Like when everything goes dark as the sun sets and suddenly swarms of Kryll come flying out from the city streets like fvcking bats! That was one awesome scene! And then later when you get the junker and you're being chased through the city by the Kryll, you end up running through the neighboring forest...all while you're enduring what's got to be the MOST AWESOME display graphics horsepower ever as a torrential rain pours...

6010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

why are there nongears fans in this section? i mean, if they don't even like the game, they sure as hell aren't prooving it by being here. if i don't like something i generally won't waste time commenting on it. that's just being paranoid, like you have to be anywhere where something good might be said about whatever it is that you dislike. like you have to make it your life's mission to tell someone that the game sux!

look fanboys, just put your $60 somewhere else and move on!...

6010d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always thought of MGS as the heart and soul of war, while FPSs and other games as the blood and guts of it.

Gears is the heart soul blood guts and spirit of war.

6010d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know what, all this is bullsh*t. Go out and buy a 360 for yourself. Make the world know that you're not falling inline and taking their word for everything. If it turns out that you owned it for the next 10 years, who will YOU beleive?

I know that I've owned one for a month shy of 2 years.

I know that I've never had a single problem with my Xbox 360.

I also know that others haven't been as fortunate, and my sympathy and support goes out to them...

6012d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment
6012d ago

i have my 360 setup to link to my Zune library on my PC, so everything I have it set to monitor can be streamed to my 360. which trims the need for a huge HDD. MediaCenter is to DIE for, since it can help tame the beast that is home entertainment. but i can safely say that internet TV is probably the LEAST used feature. i dunno, i guess i kinda feel atached to the experience i'm getting from my DirectTV service. i can see it being benefical to those who have to chose between cableTV or intern...

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3's reliability isn't really all that much better than 360. they're both going to get put through thousands of hours just as any other console, so i can see where some people would be concerned. but it's like anything else in life: if you really want to take good care of something, just don't put it through so much use. and buy retail, so that you can get the warranty. no pawnshops for me! save your pennies and get legit. and get that warranty.

Sony people just love to toss a...

6012d ago 3 agree21 disagreeView comment