Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

that can work with unreal and deliver a great game on time when asked.

5945d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

to those who disagreed with me, i merely reacted TO the extremists views and comments on this site in the manner OF an extremist. if you can see that my comment was overboard and offsides, yet not see that your own were of the same low grade quality, maybe this site truly is degenerating.

i can understand that people somehow feel vindicated by their choice to stick by their console. it's that whole pride thing, and they really work it on you to feel that way. people have become...

5945d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for Gears2. And Mass Effect was pretty darn good. If you ask my opinion, it should've waitied until this year. I can only imagine the polish they could've put to such a great concept. Then, it could have been considered to be Bioshock's equal, a game deserving of the highest praise. Those 3 games kept me content for would become one awesome winter (only me and the cuzins know...that was one EPIC winter vacation of gaming)

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if i have the cash, and i see the flash, i drop the dough. i buy because i want to buy, not becasue 4132229 people DID or 4132229 people DIDN'T. and not having played the first games in the series doesn't mean that you won't buy this game. would i have had to play the original SNES MG's to justify picking up MGS? Because that SURE would mean that nintendo fanboys are actually TRUER than PS fanboys, having been there to see the roots of the Metal Gear saga being born. truth is, MGS sold becaus...

5945d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i have it on the, that intro haunted me for endless nights afterward. proof that gaming takes its spot high up there in the farseen zeniths of modern art's echelon. it just kinda makes me remember those days when every game had an awesome prerendered CG cinema intro. now, it's all done in realtime! it's almost a privelage to see these masters showcase their skills.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a PSP and loved it! i bought a 2200mah battery for it and used to get 14hrs out of it, using my 1gig memory stick for all of my media needs. i figured if i was going to get really into a game on it, i would

a) be stationary for a LOT longer than a half hour
b) probably be near a power outlet
c) use it more during the night, since the screen just isn't that
visable during daylight
d) NOT use the ear buds, since prolonged use of it would wr...

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who ever said "payback time" needs reality check. payback for what? did either of these companies do something to you? did they murder your parents or something? if not, what's this whole thing about vengeance? is it the console war?! are you a soldier under the employment of some government?! do you carry a weapon?! how many years are you in?! do you have war scars?!


some people need to see a va...

5945d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

however to many insults have ben made about great 360 games, if i can recall little of other console owners have even spoke about gears, bioshock, mass effect, lost odd, dead rising, halo3, forza2, pgr4, ect, or even future 360 tiles like NG2,gears2, Alan wake, mass effect2, Too Human, Huxley, bishock 2, forza 3, pgr5, halo wars, cry on, Tales of Vesperia, ect.

5946d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Think logical people: there is no proven algorithm that concludes that a particular console exhibits a definite affinity toward sucky games. It's all on the stupid developers that put the sh*t in boxes and shove it onto shelves for the uneducated to devour. Any title they can shove out the door and make 10bucks off of will put cheese in the burger for 'em, so they do it for 60bucks and get the full combo.

The truth is, not all developers out there put their bleeding hearts into the...

5946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wait a sec...DON'T buy both consoles! If you didn't have a life when you owned one, chances are you won't even have a thought or soul owning BOTH!

5948d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not easy to please a fanboy, save announcing an official holiday for what ever it is they support, as well as an official funeral for whatever it is they hate. I just try not to hate anything, and even fanboys have their (delusional) value on this earth. Unfortunately, there are those who at this minute are hiding in a cellar armed to the teeth and decked out in camouflage and khakis, waiting for an "invasion" that isn't coming, in a war that doesn't exist.

PS: I...

5948d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

My take? It's the internet...we create and uncreate reality here. So step outside and see a REAL sun, for a change. Or better yet, buy a REAL 360 and see what it do. If it turns out that you ended up owning one for the next 10 years without any problems, who will YOU believe?

5948d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

People, it's still just a piece of plastic. It has no more reliability than any other piece of plastic. And it costs much more as a videogame. All it takes are a few scratches to ruin the experience, and your $60 are already in their pockets.

5948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Back when I first started working on PCs, I had customized a desktop from Gateway (FTB 500SE). An AMD K6-2 500mhz, ran Windows ME and It had 64mb of PC-100, and a second slot for expansion. Everything was "onboard" ie graphics sound modem NIC and USB was built into the I/O template, and it had 2 free PCI slots on its mini-ATX "VIA MVP4" mobo.

First thing I did was buy a stick of 128mb of PC-133 (Bestbuy didn't carry PC-100) and saw improvements right away, t...

5950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny thing about porn is still peek behind your hand anyway. Metatphor for how ever much we red-tape and brick-wall the subject, there's always that nagging itch to break it all down again. It's just easier to confront it and just accept it.

Oh, kids? They need to locked in their rooms with no ethernet/wi-fi/DSL/cable or phone. And their hot girl next door neighbor needs to stop dressing in front of windows.

5950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i once found my self in a ps3 section vouching for blue dragon about graphics in a swarm sony fanatics, now someone seeks to do the same for Disgaea3 ?

fine, i hold no grudges over the mater, you won't find any sony fanatic saying the same thing about blue dragon.

5954d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

disgaea3 has REALLY got nothing, not even comparable to blue dragon.

white knight does looks like good title for the ps3 but it doesn't look like a hard hitting contender against 360's line up.

5954d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

saw the video and it sounds about right, the way ryan puts it.

they need all that space for that.

5955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked GTA3 a WHOLE lot, so waiting for this game makes me feel all nostalgic. And I have a 360, so Rockstar treated me good. But there's no PS hate, people! The GTA4 you guys will get is going to be no different. Just like those hoes you pick up on the street...sloppy seconds is still good eatin.

5956d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

(WhiteElite) correct accept it has 10MB of embedded memory, 512 of GDDR3, 440 of which can be used for graphics/textures and 72 is left for main system.

total of 522 MB.

5957d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment