Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

that's how you stick up for someone whose had a problem with his PS3? by pretending that it doesn't exist? that his complaint isn't real?sounds a little stupid to me.

6012d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

how about being able to customize dashboard special effects, like transparency, ripple animations, or shadows. or, how about adding NEWER special effects. or letting you bundle it all up for yourself and creating a theme of your own. they need to REALLY open up on user creative space. i mean, fvck even the PSP has got great theme capabilities!

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

such negativity toward an OS? it's funny, i just hope that some of you actually go out and BUILD whatever it is that you see lacking in Vista. seriously, people! step up and get to crackin, or quit your yappin! i don't see anybody TRYING to make a better OS, so Vista still wins. Mac's gaming support is terribly lacking, so for all those those DO happen to own an 8core 16GB PowerMac, here's to finding good use for it! oh sure, you can probably melt through Maya at unseen framrates, and still b...

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

undereducated people making miniscule attempts at trying to present an intelligent debate over which OS is superior. their most intelligent response to someone saying that Vista is better?

clicking disagree.

it's funny that noone really GIVES their reasons for bashing Vista. i can honestly say one of the reasons why Mac's aren't for me is that only a Mac authorized dealer can fix it when its broken. and where i live, the nearest one is 160 miles due south. NOPE, ...

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RSX:standard shader array, 24pixel and 8vertex. shader ops are fed into their prospective pipelines and CANNOT be rerouted to unused pipes, thereby wasting pipeline efficiency. so, if there are 8 pixel ops coming in and 24 vertex ops coming in as well, 16 of the pixel pipelines will be EMPTY, while the 8 vertex pipes are working as hard as they can to accomodate the 24 that are coming in, which means 16 of them are WAITING on the GPU.

Xenos: unified shader array, 48way parallel...

6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people need to take into account the stance that each company took when designing their console. Sony decided that brute force powerhouse machinery was their rout and they stuck with a rigidly designed tight and taught system that was armed to the teeth to handle specific tasks. splitting the stash of memory gives both chips 256mb of memory. a 7series GeForce of the "standard shader array era" provided superb fillrates and pixel pipeline performance. and CellBE provides the much nee...

6015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to whoever disagreed with my comments, let me know your stance. give me reasons to justify your disagrees. don't just go aroungd clicking disagree just because it's the MOST intelligent form of response your tinny brain can muster. state your case. make a challenging interjection. do some sort of intelligent debate! otherwise, all i can say is that your sh8t, AND the brown upon it.

6015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whoever disagreed needs to stop being jealous that I'm a HAPPY CUSTOMER! because that's just bullsh*t, and they know it. don't go hatin just because YOU ain't happy! you being unhappy has got NOTHING to do with me. and clicking disagree just proves that you're jealous, since the only thing I said was that "I" (not you) have a great entertainment system setup in my home. lousy bum probably doesn't even have a home. or money. or a job. or a life! if he did, he would see nothing in my ...

6015d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

my notebook pc rocks a Core2Duo merom (2x1.5ghz) 2gigs of PC-2 5300 memory, a GeForce 8600m GS 256mb, 2x 120GB SATA 5400rpm Fujitsu drives, intel 4965AGN wi-fi, gigabit ethernet, 17" high gloss widescreen, built in altec lansing speakers, and a DVD+RW drive.

vista runs like butter, looks like a model, and shines like glass. you'd be missing out on a great experience if you haven't already gotten Vista. hell, xp doesn't even load anything 3d until d3d is called, usually a ...

6016d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see anything wrong with Vista. Funny, people complain that it needs a new PC to run, and then justify PS3's choice of expensive hardware. You can't have it both ways, guys. I have an awesome notebook pc, and Vista rips through everything I toss at it. I'm getting awesome performance in gaming too, now that SP1 has been released. I know, gaming was meant for the consoles. But there are a few games that I play on the pc, and Vista has treated me well.

I have an Xbox 360 P...

6016d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

disagrees for stating both factual and full of proof? someones not happy that I found something wrong with the PS3! oh, no, that's alright. by all means, keep blindingly believing everything they tell you. one day, Sony will even tell you that your momma's fat, and you'll suddenly hate your own mothers!

6016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Also, one more thing: you say that the animations of characters in a BASEBALL GAME(WTF?) are what led you to believ that PS3 is superior? People run, jog, skip, hurdle, and hop in these games. Nothing more than simple commonly used MOCAP, buddy. I seriously doubt that ANY animation you find in a sports title would rival, say, one of Mass Effect's characters (Wrex) facial lip synchronized animations. Also, Forza MS2's physics engine runs at 6x the rate that GT5P does! At 60fps, a car doing 180...

6017d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You made a FATAL error: saying that 360 games lok better in their photos but not in motion. BONEHEADED, dipsh* hear me out:


WTF? I suppose all the great games already out 360 account for nothing, in your eyes? Am I lead to believe your comments versus my EYES? Your words carry less weight than the pages of textbook definition they were printed on.

I admitted that each console has its place. No, PS3 gamers aren't...

6017d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The Xbox 360 has a great sense of flexibility, while the PS3 has raw strength. Let's not try to see them as rivals, more likely they are actually a team. Together, PS3 and 360 will push next gen into newer territories.

360's Xenos provides for the console world the glory of Unified Shader Architecture. Meaning that its pipelines can take in vertex, pixel, or geometry shaders. The PS3 has its RSX, a Standard Shader Array. Meaning than its pipelines have dedicated functions. This doe...

6017d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

so it still has my heart. Sorry, I just can't let go of a game THAT deep! I dunno, I kinda have fond memories of when cars didn't have to be stock looking (NFSU was the BOMB!). Not saying that GT won't give you that, just that it better be on par with those two previously mentioned. Personally, I think you can only TRULY say that a car is yours when you can say that you've gotten to tear it down right to its crankshaft! That's how I feel about racers.

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

a racer to compete against Forza...could this be? I always knew Polyphony had it in them, since damage is something I've wanted for a long while. Well, hey its the 256bit? era now, which means we can get better than just preset model deformations. So I guess it was worth the wait! That's why I kinda liked Forza MS2, and now I have something play when I put that game down.


6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3 disagrees for talking truth. they suck truly!

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll be bench marking them with lost odyssey as 360's pinnacle for jrpgs.

I know soooo harsh but lost odd is 360's jrpg champion, not some foreign companies title.

there at least welcome to try.

6018d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT's nice, and aged like fine wine and forty year old women (ill, f*k). Forza's the new up and comer, who wiggles jiggles and giggles and leaves the crowds in pools of...drool. PGR is the line that blurred between RidgeRacer and Forza, leaning more on Forza's accuracy over Ridge's arcade. Oh, and PGR is very FUN! Something a GAME should be, otherwise you couldn't call it game, rather a driving lesson.

6020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

(oh my f*cking GOD...i just walked into a bloddy battle and im crawling out on my knees)

...just...need to uuuuhhh, make it to other...ssIIDE. the gun fire...the bullets...


Beat GT, and what will you have to play next? Beat PGR4, and you'll still have Forza MS2. Get bored of either and then go play GT. Get bored of that, and you can go back to PGR4 and Forza MS2

6020d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment