Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

Note: the title shouldn't have passed contributer approval, since it should have been "lame". I see that we have a one-sided panel of contributers who will approve any article bashing MS, while supressing any article that has something against Sony.

Most of you don't realize that the news you read here at n4g can be "filtered" so that only the articles that the majority of the contributers approve will appear. This sort of censorship is indicative of the gre...

6097d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nobody realizes that this is true for ALL games. Just about everything out there supports some sort of DLC. So, when you bought those games you didn't get the full deal out of the box either. And fanboys want to pin this on MS, when in fact it goes back as far as Lucas not giving you "special effects" until the theatrical re-releases of episodes IV V and VI, back in 1997. Or Lucas not telling you about all those "other characters" (like Jar Jar Binks) until 20 years after ...

6097d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

someone took their merry time and hit disagree on comments supporting this game. a prime example of what sony fanboys do, showing their blunt dissdain for gamers who are actually having fun playing games.

By the way, Mass Effect is a great game. And you'd be missing out on a great game if you still haven't picked it up yet. And if you don't have a 360, get one and play this game. And bioshock too.

6100d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

there's nothing like it yet! Jackie's life went TOTALLY f*cked up, as he tries to get revenge, control the Darkness, and keep his girl safe. It has the best voice acting Ive heard in a while, plus the story ain't your typical patriotic hero versus anti america villain. And, it's got the Mafia! Take the best of Max Payne (another f*cked up hero) give him MEAN SH*T and then make IT his ENEMY! The Darkness was a blockbuster that could have been a best seller. But hey, at least now it can be a se...

6103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you're probably the guy i've beaten 324224131541 times at UT3 just because your contoller sucks. nice to see you in the forums, by the way hold on to those bubbles. they go fast:)

6103d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yes, i like the twoaxis. it makes SIGNIFICANT leaps in making games more enjoyable, and not just repeticious "boiling down" and "simplifiction" of games that deserve to be experienced at their fullest. GAMES were meant to be CONTROLLED, way before they can even begin to be PLAYED. it's rudimentary, and it's an obvious given. so, likewise the controller has to be just as versatile as the ever changing face of what a game is. can it roll, dip and sway? or how about duck run ...

6103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no, dummy! "triggers" and "buttons" are not the same thing. triggers are spring loaded to provide pressure sensitivity. buttons contain a rubber membrane underneath the button to provide a simple up and down motion. press and depress.

6103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

shoulder buttons were part of the original design of the SNES controller. if you do some history, the playstation was a nintendo/sony joint venture, thus nintendo lending some of its expertise in gaming periphirals. and there's no arguement that Sony solidified its controller as the BEST for 2 gens straight. but with every gaming evolution comes some sort of innovation. twoaxis has a nice motions sensing concept, but come on! there's only 3 actual axis in any game xy and z. that's why it's ca...

6103d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I like the triggers because they're a nice departure from an "all button" contoller. It's the reason why I always thought that the GameCube's controller was superb. Triggers provide better feedback and precision than buttons. For FPSs, it usually controls the firing of weapons and secondary functions (usually the left trigger). In a racing game, they provide the accelerator and handbrake (or brakes/reverse). In action games, usually some sort of grab/grapple hook/swinging funcion. D...

6103d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 sux

6103d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let me go on a little rant here.

N4G has become website that serves as a community so as to support the interests of its users in a way that makes the site’s intentions non-partial, yet permits not only completely biased and antagonizing contributions of news that are nearly 90% of the time rumors anyway but also the biased views and contributions of its users. These users have abused and missused the rules of the site, creating a sect of fanatical devotion to their choice of conso...

6110d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

there was always this funny idea i had a long time ago. remember erghiez? that was that 3d fighting game with the charatcers of ff7 and desgins all by the namco team (you can tell). well, i always thought that ff7 as a fighting game should've been done 2d style, like street fighter.

and remember street fighter ex? that was the 3d fighting game, that should've stayed 2d.

now, the gundam fighting games were 2d, but imho should've been 3d: it's SOOO limiting, and we...

6113d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

to conclude, vista has not failed. rather, Windows XP and MacOSX have all too well succeeded:)

6113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My previous system specs:

AMD Sempron 2400+ (1.6ghz, 333mhz FSB)
1GB PC-3200 DDR400 (2x512mb PNY Optima)
Asus a7n8x-vm (nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset)
ATI Radeon x1600 Pro (512mb DDR2, AGP 8x)
SoundBlaster X-Fi ExtremeAudio
Seagate 250gb P-ATA 7200rpm HDD

got me WIE scores of:

CPU: 3.5
Memory: 4.0
Aero: 5.9
Gaming: 5.5
HDD: 5.2

base score: 3.5

6113d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm on Vista right now, and I honestly don't see anything that can bring any major complaints. I see innovations that may have alienated previous XP users, but the same can be said of any piece of software that get's regularly updated. XP was thought to be a dressed up OS that meant to futher the progression of the overall look of a software working environment. But only those who knew the technical aspects of the it would see it for its future.

And I'll admit that Mac OS X is ...

6113d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's not like you need Cell to get a controller with motion sensing. Come ON people, think logical here. This isn't some sort of devine alchemy, we're simply talking internal renovations. They can put motion sensing into it if they want.

Just hope they don't call it by the same missleading title of "sixaxis" (in geometry there are only 3 xyz, with 2 polarites each + and -)

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

2007 was a good year. 2008 will be whatever is the cards for either side. If PS3 owners want to say it's their year, sure. But it's going to be 360's year too. And hey, I can own a 360 and still be eyeing my neighbors as they play MGS4. Where's the shame in that? They probably won't let me get a crack at it, but I can still watch!

6117d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sixaxis was bullsh*t. There are only 3 measurable in REAL geometry, x y and z with two polarities each, + and -. And we both know sixaxis only directly controls two of those axis at any given time, xy xz and yz. It doesn't measure all three at once, since that would be impossible. And it doesn't measure any of them as a free axis.

Think about it, it responds to:

Tilting left right (x+/- centered on z)
Tilting forward backward (y+/- centered on z)

6117d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

...WTF? If you're going to mod your console or any other EXPENSIVE piece of equipment then you must have deep pockets. The majority of gamers won't be too concerned with this. Modders are hobbyists, and (for the most part) aren't too worried about screwing things up.

Me? I'm not risking the chance of being without my lineup of games for what may be weeks at a time simply for complications/litigations/tech support hangups. Nope, I'm rather enjoying my 360 this holiday season.

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the most part an accurate list. So, they finally make good on their promise. I'm still waiting on 4D, however;)

(in physics, isn't the 4th dimension time? i guess games DO take up a lot of time)

Good to see games coming their way. But I won't be jealous...well, maybe a little. I have my 360 and it's amazing lineup. Plus, I've got Mass Effect and Bioshock. These games alone would've been enough for me. Sh*t, I was once so poor the only game I owned for 2 years...

6117d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment