Playing Deus Ex HR, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, and Forza MS 3


CRank: 5Score: 49200

Sony Fanboys are too one-track minded to see the glory that Halo3 is. I swear, if they gave the game a test-run they would see for themselves what the fuss was all about. I don't insult a game if I've never played it.

And the hordes of fanboys will say that Halo3 "looks" like a cartoon!, tell me how it PLAYS. Oh, you can't? Why? Because you haven't played it! Well if that's the case, people who continue with that arguement only have half the credibility of...

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

80,000 will buy ps3 version in halo 3 out soled it in the US 10 fold.

winer 360

theirs really not that many people in japan, it's a small island, plus the numbers of ps3 owners don't really out match the numbers of 360 and especially Wii.

6118d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

By DJ's own choice of words and logic, PlayStation 3 is the biggest dissapointment of 2007. Not saying that it sucks, far from it. It just didn't meet its expectations. There's potential not yet reached, and it sucks that PS3 owners have to wait for it. Although I'm sure many of you will be tided over with Uncharted until then, it still was not the commercial success that Halo3 was.

That level of success will come with MG4 and FF13.

(success is pretty much tied t...

6119d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How long will it be before someone notices that both formats are merely overpriced and fragile pieces of plastic? And how long will it be before people get paid for this kind of patronism?

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most should note that water is almost ALWAYS going to look different from game to game. It wasn't too long ago that a blue/whitish layer of translucent polygons was actually new sh*t. Now, with every developers own proprietary tools and shaders, the way it looks ingame can be akin to somewhat of a trademark. And they're definitely getting better at it. But none are really TRUE water effects.

Gears didn't even get mention?

After being chased by the Kryll through ...

6119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually guys, you wouldn't believe how Tomb Raider Legend's water would put many of these games to shame. And while Bioshock is the MOTHER of aquatic atmosphere, believe me when I say that Halo3's water could put its crown in question. Uncharted? Yeah, why not. But Crysis shoulda been number one, seeing as how this whole water thing was won long ago, first with FarCry and then continued in Crysis.

Metroid is a gem that only the lucky few have truly appreciated.

6119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ps3 does have limits.

if your going to put the blame on anything put it on not having more memory.

6119d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I used to play multiplayer online FPSs but not so much anymore. To me, FPS doesn't always have to be online to be fun. Single player campaigns have for the most part been put on lower priority recently.

This where games like HalfLife continue to shine on, with superb story telling.

Also, to the guy who said "Oh wow another FPS!", stop overhyping KZ2 then! And Gears remains MY top selection, seeing as how it TRULY delivered. Halo3...can it really be matc...

6120d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Saturn was a victim of circumstances. PlayStation outmatched it game for game and pixel for pixel, something that even I a 360 owner will admit to. However, I will present MY list of games that left my hands with the fondest of memories:

Astal: You are TRU hardcore elite if you KNOW THIS NAME. I won't tarnish its name trying to explain why. Sorry, if you've never played it, you MISSED OUT!

Night Warriors-Dark Stalkers: Saturn version had a code to unlock extra fr...

6120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm, the hating has to stop's CHRISTMAS, and fanboys are still in "jihad-mode". Nobody is really an "xbot" or a "sony fanboy", those are just names to keep seething rabid @$$holes at each others throats.

And quite bluntly 360 owners are unfairly ill represented. MART gets loads of disagrees for merely doing his part in democratically supporting a GAMING COMMUNITY mentality, that we should all be accepted regardless of our affiliations. ...

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza2's physics engine is actually the most precise I've ever experienced in a game. PGR4 is pure beauty, bending MINOR rules in order to keep the game playable.

IMHO, Forza is GT's perfect rival, while PGR4 creates Zen Utopia between those two and one other, the Ridge Racer series. So, everyone can be happy really. I mean, I miss the GranTurismo series, but it's time for me to move on to something new...Forza offers the most compelling experience, since cars really DO get mas...

6120d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

perhaps it mite turn out a little different, with tweaks and upgraded character models, but other than that it looks close to legend.

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Hey, look! The dimples on Dante's ass are more defined on the (insert console)! Maybe, if I stare enough at it long enough, I will conclude that the (insert console) is more superior. Of course, my eyes will be bleeding and I will skip over a week's worth of bathing. But still, those dimples are what makes (insert console) better than the rest!"

6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the DMC series, and I'm happy to see Capcom bringing it to Xbox 360. But when I see forums like the one where there's a petition trying to boycot (???) their games, simply for responding to a rising interest in something OTHER than Sony, well it just makes no sense. They're basically asking Capcom to ignore the millions in a market that will undoubetly turn them over profits. That's like boycoting IBM for its production of all 3 consoles CPUs. IBM sees money. Capcom sees money. And I'm...

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my opinion, comparisons like this only benifit two kinds of people: those with NEITHER console, and those with both.

If I have one, I will (obviously) buy the version for my console. And I quite frankly WON'T be jealous of the other. "Oh, Boo-hoo, I don't have your console." Get over it. Billions of people dont have either and live on quite happy. And millions just as well chose something other than what you fanboys have. A life, perhaps?

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, Sony wins...then what? What's to stop them from marketing a new "fad" that entails hooking a thick pipe directly into our skulls, feeding unfathomable "virtual experiences" that would immerse you in the game to the point where the machines would have won the war (Matrix, anyone)?

"Conquer the highest peak and then feel the weight of BEING the highest peak. And then look down and realize...that the world was much bigger when you were on the bottom...

6132d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really liked how cinematic the game looks, but to me I need to feel like I'm playing a movie, not watching a game. It's pretty fun really, and it's get's a lot of things right. Most games have gotten to the point where it's so engrossing that you put almost have to put the controller down so that you can stare in awe.

To me, a game is perfect when it forces you to pick that controller back up again. And again...and again.

6133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 gave me something to look forward to and delivered on all fronts. Mass Effect pushed the boundaries that some developers have seldom ever dreampt of, let alone managed to achieve. Bioshock... well if there were any doubts about 360's hardware, Bioshock crushed them. If anything can be certain, year 2 of X domination ended with the BIGGEST bang.

Don't bother me.
I'm playing.

Clicking disagree will donate 10cents to the poor desperate souls who lay aw...

6133d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

you know something...I think that after having stared at the Galaxy Map in Mass for hours on end, drooling over the immense amount of detail, depth and development, and seeing how far gaming has gone and how far gaming can tkae us...

i'm not really in all THAT a rush.

i'm just flabergasted at the promising future we gamers have to look forward to, but current games are more perfect than most of us really think.

6134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

there only a few months old just in case if anyone wants to see how it looks so far.


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