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Ya Immortal, but I commented before reading the article.. I usually tend to stay away from links that go... "Game X better than Game Y or how Game X can dethrone Game Y..." But after reading it now I get most of the points are good... I frankly love both games, but story wise UC does have a big edge.

5352d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Off the top of my head, Better graphics, better story, better online and better character interaction (dialog). Make the game more open which I really loved about UC2... Like meaning you can take on enemies in different ways.. You can either climb and fight from a height or use stealth or go head on.

Gears as I have said before was my favorite TPS till UC landed. Hopefully Gears 3 and UC3 go head on for the best TPS crown. But Epic needs some serious writers who can jot a good s...

5352d ago 15 agree11 disagreeView comment

A Twisted metal with Killzone 2 theme graphics would be dope. We will definitely see Twisted Metal or any other game revealed at E3 for Sony... Expect a Q4 release date for this game.

5352d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"360 has more game" LOL ironically the best "GAME" on the 360 last year was this so called 'Exclusive' GTA DLC pack LMFAO.

What 'GAMES' are you talking about lol? ME2 lol firstly it's multi-plat and see how it makes to the PS3 in some time like all the other so called 'Exclusive' Bioshock, Oblivion, GTA DLC, Fallout DLC, Saints Row.... List goes on and on. 3rd Party exclusives=Dead this gen and the worrying factor for bots is that 3rd party is all they got unl...

5353d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Elven yup, you can even put that argument forward.. Actually i read somewhere that Rock* actually had a 50 million loan from M$. So they in turn agreed to give the DLC as timed exclusives.If thats the case, then Rock* used some witty tactics to pay off the debt. I have also read that the 50 million comprises of getting GTA4 on the 360 and getting the DLC... Guess we will never know.

The only reason I support the 50 million for GTA DLC is cause M$ never denied the statement and th...

5353d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Elven... Again you fail to understand the logic... Firstly I find the numbers fishy. As per the article, M$ got 70 million back which is 30% of the money the DLC grossed... So in short the entire DLC brought in nearly 240 million $ off which M$ got 70 million (30% of the full amount as revenue.. 40$ per DLC). So that means, the DLC must have sold about 6 million units which is where I smell something fishy. I read Rock* were really disappointed with the sales of GTA4 DLC... So do they mean th...

5353d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Last time I checked Rock* was whining about poor DLC sales... Guess all those who went out and bought 360s for it forgot to get the DLC :P

5353d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

You fail to see the bigger picture... It's Sony who has the last laugh in this case. M$ PAID 50 million and got 70 million.. So 20 million profit. So if Sony sells the DLC at 40$ and even manages to sell 2 million DLCs, then they bring in more cash than M$ did. Simple math (Each company gets 30% revenue of DLC so 30% of 40$-12$, so if Sony manages to sell 2 million DLCs, then they end up with 24 million in profits).

If M$ would have been smarter, then it would have let the DLCs c...

5353d ago 52 agree14 disagreeView comment

All GOW games have a single sex mini game which lasts only about 30 secs (you don't even see what's happening).. You really think that it's a selling point of the game... It's just something thats fun to talk about. Hell I wouldn't even care if there were no sex mini games in it...

5354d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well in their defense, they are speaking in terms of number of copies the game will sell. I have no doubts GOW3 will be the biggest game atleast in the first quarter. HR will get critical acclaim, but I don't see it selling anywhere near GOW3 sales..

5354d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Dead Don't be a drama Queen now. Somebody called you a fanboy and the whole world fell apart did it? It's not you comments, but the way you take jabs (unintentionally or intentionally) on the PS3... Just like your last comment."And if not buying Uncharted 2 makes me a 360 fanboy, then by that logic, MOST PS3 owners are 360 fanboys since we know DAMN well most PS3 owners didn't get Uncharted 2. "... See unnecessary calling out trouble. You yourself call the people immature and then ...

5354d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

The device still lacks the power or features to sway someone buying a laptop. For starters, no multi-tasking= FAIL... Even prehistoric Chinese phones can do multi-tasking (hell even my jailbroken iPod Touch can do it), but Apple doesn't want to hurt it's users sensitive brains by unlocking multi-tasking.

Secondly, the thing still will be a pain to type on. On Screen keyboards really don't cut it.

I am sure the device will see gazillion units soon, but it's pretty muc...

5355d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Prices just in people.... Starts at 399$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for 16GB (without 3G), 600$ for 32GB and 700$ for 64GB

with 3G: 16GB 629 32GB 729, 64 GB 929!!!!

The thing just got interesting...... Sorry for the mistake earlier..

Yup Butterfingers.. only AT&T means sucks for me.. Man what is it with Apple sucking on AT&T so much?

5355d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sorry for that Butterfinger... Couldn't edit my post after 30 min... Sorry people price still unconfirmed....

Let me guess... 800,900,1000 for the 3 models or start with 700... But 16GB sucks man.

5355d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

999$ confirmed price.. Boy thats costly.. Was hoping for something around 600-700$
See more details below.


But iPad sound really weird.. Something like a women hygiene product lol.. iSlate would have been much better.. But Apple seems to be banking on the iPod iPad thing... Hope it works out for them.

5355d ago 10 agree18 disagreeView comment

No offense to DI, but after playing the demo, it frankly looks like something thats come out of Kratoses rear end... Really, it looks PS2ish in some parts actually. GOW3 visually slaughters DI. That E3 demo itself looks a lot better, imagine the new build screen and then compare it to DI... No competition.

5355d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am a PS3 fan (check my history) and even I admit the game is really good. In fact I like it more than Fallout 3 which was my previous favorite WRPG. I played it on my PC (these shots aren't good, it's 720P and the game easily runs at 1080P with more AA which makes it look much cleaner), but getting it on the 360 is also recommend if you have one. Just like UC2, it's a MUST BUY for any 360/PC gamer out there.

5355d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just hope they don't ditch the single player like MW2 did.. I want long single player games and not a game which lasts 4 hours. As much as I like longevity with multi-player, Single player is the heart and soul of the game for me.. Please Dice give me a good and decent length single player mode and I am sold.

As far as the game making a Billion $, well I doubt it. Firstly, the game isn't coming out during a holiday season or has a huge name behind it like COD does. Secondly, i...

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am getting the PC version this Saturday :) Loved the first one and will love the 2nd as well.

As far as this showing up on PS3, I think it will happen eventually. I expect some announcement at E3. If we don't hear anything by then, then it's probably better to leave the hope since then only chance of it coming on PS3 will be after the Third part is out which will be like 2 more years... No one will care about it by then.

I hope PS3 gamers get a chance to play this ...

5356d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^^^ It all depends of the timing. Usually games which release later in the year bag most GOTY awards and the same would be the case with UC2 if it were released in late 2010. A meta of 96 is no joke.. I am pretty sure ME2 will land in the 90s, but still I feel no other game this gen will pull of an UC2 in terms of reviews.. Hell the game was 97 when 1 last review of 80 landed and it dropped to 96.. That is unheard of till now (apart from GTA4)...

UC2 is what people call a cinema...

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment