
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Just in... Wada got swine flu for being a pig.

5593d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

That video of demo made me piss in my pants.... Good to see Kratos back at his bloodiest best. Just the gore in the game runs chills down your spine.

The game is also looking good. Just see the way blood splatter on Kratos and remains after he kills. The character look well modeled... This was the definitive highlight of E3. Man March 2010 can't come early.

5593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya I agree EXgamer... In terms of graphics, those footage I saw earlier pretty much sums up to best looking game deal. Ya Forza 3 is awesome looking, but GT5 is one notch above it. I mean people are actually comparing CGI footage of Forza 3 to in game footage on GT5 and still GT5 is pwning them.. If someone would have just shown the GT5 car pics without telling me that it's shot in a game, I would have believed that those were real.

And about those Forza devs.... man they took 15...

5593d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"How many times does it have to be said that MS won. I mean ending with a demo of a game you announced last year just proves you got nothing"

@Omega4... by your logic, M$es conference sucked balls cause their biggest megaton was a multi-plat (MGS). There is no doubt Sony won on the software side... They didn't even have time to show games like FF vs 13, Quantum Theory, WKC.... They didn't even resort to go blabbing about a game for 15 min (Forza 3...). The 2 min GT5 tra...

5593d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

F*ck Natal 3D gamin is here...Nvidia and Sony have always stated that 3D gaming was possible.. bout time they revealed something...

Frankly it's better for something to pop out of the screen rather than dancing like a manic in front of it. The only thing Natal would be better is at virtual sex

5594d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol @rafaleon.... Dude you are forgetting one major aspect.... THE SONY E3 HAS NOT HAPPENED YET. Just answer me.... what changed after M$ E3 (Apart from MGS)? All the other games that were expected were the only ones that showed up. Crackdown 2 and L4D2 were the only new ones that were not rumored.... And suddenly the tables have turned?

I seriously like this... Just gloat over this and rise high. Cause after a few hours you guys are gonna hit rock bottom..... Mark my words.... ...

5594d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

OMG!!!! this was the least expected game to WOW me.... I must tell you..... IT'S FREAKIN AWESOME!!!! I want this now!!!! It's like Gears meets DMC or GOW... Mythical tale and throw in A Gun and Sword characters and you have a blockbuster.. The visuals seem awesome and so does the gameplay with co-op style battles. Also THE TOWER!!!! Just look at the way it changes shape... I can't wait for this. These Japanese guys sure know how to lure people with mythical characters... But hell I love it t...

5594d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

uh..um @Theexecutive... I think you are misinterpreting what Murderdolls meant... He doesn't like more of the same when it's a PS3 exclusive. When it's Halo 3 or 4 or ODST or Gears 3... he behaves as like OMG!!!! orgasm!!!!! It's Halo!!!! The same old thing with little better graphics and unevolved gameplay. It's acute fanboyism which emerges from jealously.

5595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Greatest games this generation if you like more of the same."

@ Murderdolls... Ya and what was Halo 3 or Gears 2 something entirely new from the previous iterations? Seriously is there any post where you don't drag in the PS3 into discussion? GT and GOW series are legendary just like Halo. If you can't accept the fact, then go troll somewhere else. Man I just feel that all the 360 trolls are just one single person with multiple accounts. Their equal level of stupidity ...

5595d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Finally a perfect 10 review gets posted on MetaCritics... Infamous is up 1 point back to 86. If we consider all the reviews (look at N4G ratings), then the average is about 9 which is an awesome game. .. like you want it @Crab...

@Crab... I agree no game is perfect. But I even say that Infamous is the best open world game to date. GTA4 was also crap and it got 10s and no one took an objection then so why now. Just cause a game is multi-plat, it gets special treatment and for a PS...

5597d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice try to dampen the spirits. Seriously.... it's personal preference. If you like Prototype more, then get it. Ya OK the game got 71.... Well that is always noted over the fact that countless other sources have given the game full marks and no one notes that (ya not even Metacritics). So more than 40-50 sites which have given the game the awesome 'must buy' status are stupid and the handful 5-6 reviews that give it a 7 are the ones used to gauge the game?

And for your kind info...

5597d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would be really really stupid for M$ to go back to HD-DVD. Mainly cause by then Blu-Ray would be the next standard by then. Obviously HD-DVD has lost the format war. This means no movies being released for HD-DVDs whereas the next PS console would have Blu-Ray as well. This really spells doom for the next Xbox. It would be like a current console having VCD player against an opposition having a universally accepted DVD player. HD-DVDs don't play Blu-Rays and vice versa (unlike VCD and DVD)....

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@qface64 and Snaz27.. Sony does pay royalty to M$ for Windows. Even in the mobile category, Sony must pay royalty to implement Windows Mobile edition (Sony Xperia). Actually it's co-exist nature for both of them. If Sony ditches Windows, it's screwed and if M$ ditches Sony, then that means less Windows sales... But I feel that in this case Sony is in a low position as compared to M$ as without Windows, Sony will have to abandon the laptop market (barring the possibility that they launch their...

5597d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they like it or not, I feel M$ will have to fall on to Blu-Ray at some point of time. Unless they device a new special format (some Holography thing was displayed somewhere.... but highly unlikely), they must have Blu-Ray. Digital distribution might be an option but frankly, if the next console arrives in 2 years, then I don't see the connection speed improving a lot in that time span.... America and Europe with few other countries is OK, but rest of the world still has slow connections an...

5597d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man this keeps on getting weirder and weirder by the minute. Somewhere Kojima must be watching this and having a blast. Just few days to go... can't wait.

5599d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gosh... anything good about PS3 is WHY DISis nightmare. You can simply expect her to troll around a PS3 section if it's good new or bad. Thank God she had only 2 bubbles.... Won't have to listen to her crap no more.

LP2.... well I at least hope it doesn't turn out to be a crap port like the first one did. Frankly speaking, my plate is too full this time around. Probably will rent this if it turns out to be good.

EDIT:Well OK... I just looked into his/her account and...

5599d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@SaberEdge.... look I really don't want to get into this. As far as I know, both the versions looked identical (although both look crap in terms of graphics). you can tell that the 360 version is better to just console yourself, but seriously I feel you must check out both versions. If you feel that colors of the 360 are better, then go play it on the 360. I have demo of both the versions on my consoles and I virtually can't see any difference. Maybe it's your TV or something (maybe the sharp...

5599d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man you are commenting as if you have played the final version of both games side by side and analyzed them to the fullest. Last I heard from the developers is that they did overcome the development hurdle on the PS3. Having played both demos, I didn't even notice any difference. Funny you found the 360 version superior to the PS3 without even trying it.

Last I heard.. The developers were praising the PS3 and said it has the potential of better graphics to the 360... Don't trust ...

5599d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol... 360 being the next PS2 haha LMAO.

In terms of hardware sales... next PS2 is the Wii.
In terms of exclusive games.... next PS2 is it's successor THE PS3!!! Just compare the exclusives (upcoming and existing) and you get a better picture (and am not talking about the ones that came before a PS3 or the timed ones). It's also logically the next PS2... Having sequels to most great PS2 games like MGS, GT, GOW show up on it...

5599d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol.. Good one there Sarcasm. These 360 fanboys are such hypocrites. When MGS4 came out as a PS3 exclusive, it was a movie and when rumors of MGS4 or MGS5 (or any MGS) crops up, then 'dooms day for PS3' articles start to roll in. Seriously just look at the interest MGS5 rumor is generating in the 360 camps. I doubt even Halo or Gears coming on PS3 would stir the PS3 gamers so much And if the next MGS is a PS3 exclusive, then the 360 fanboys will start the 'Halo or Gears rulz and MGS is a movi...

5599d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment