
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Did I just read 25 hours of Single player?!!!! That would be amazing if it were 25 hours... Hell anything over 15 would be Epic... 25 would be like a drug overdose...

5444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know what Ubisoft was expecting from the first 2 quarters... I don't see a single good game released by them this year (even last year, I can only recall POP which sold marginally well)... The only game I see that will see well is Assassin's Creed 2.. SC is going to be released next year, so there goes their chance to earn profit..

Don't expect much this year Ubisoft. Although the 2nd half looks better than the first (mainly due to one game), I don't expect it to sell COD...

5444d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok list I guess... The only product that really bowled me over when I first saw then were... Alienware and Macbook Air...

Alienware for obvious reason... Gamer love
Macbook Air... Never was a huge Apple fan, but was all gaga over this product... People don't realize the slimness of it unless they see it with their own eyes... Always hoped that something in the industry would rival it's sexy looks, but even a year after it's release. nothing even comes close.. Officially the...

5444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't you read the previous SC article where Ubisoft said that the game requires polishing? There they mentioned that the part showcased at E3 was highly polished and the entire game wasn't looking up to that mark... Even a recent podcast on N4G (I don't remember by whom, but just a few days back..) also mentioned that what the guy saw of SC wasn't looking up to the E3 mark... Then he said that the version that was show cased at E3 might have been the PC version.. You see everything fits... ...

5444d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But not everyone has both consoles at their disposal... Out of the 31 million 360 owners, I bet not more than 3-5 million would have both and that too I am exaggerating a lot. Given these economic hardships, not everyone can own both the consoles. If SC is coming on both, then I won't be tempted to go out and buy a 360 for playing the 360 version since it looks 0.1% better than the PS3 one. On contrary, if this game were a 360 exclusive (only on 360 not even on PC), then I would be tempted to...

5444d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow hugi... Desperation in every word you wrote there.... 2010 year of 360.. Lol. So you've given up on 2009... Can't blame you on that... Not a single AAA title in 7 months and the ones that land can be termed as EXPANSION or DLC... Again lol. Well lets see, GOD OF WAR 3,The Last Guardian, Agent, MAG, Heavy Rain... If GT5 ends up in 2010, then APOCALYPSE!!!!

Have fun with Natal and Milo in 2010 jackass...

Boy if Mass Effect 2 or SC go multi plat, I want to see the...

5444d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow the game looks nice.... Looks like GOW... Too much like GOW. Even the bars of health and magic are taken from GOW3... I hope this game doesn't get ripped by reviews for being a GOW clone....
Other than that, no complains... This will sit really pretty next to GOW3..

And please, don't start the 'Protoype vs Infamous' here all over again.... Oh too late... Already started below.. sigh.. And for the record, both games are on the PS3...

5446d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

I had the same opinion until I bought a 42" Plasma and watched my PS3 in Full HD glory.... I am not bragging or showing off, but trust me a Big HDTV and 5.1 or 7.1 set up really drags you into a game. Yes, it increases the Fun quotient as well.

Graphics will never be as important as gameplay, but after being spoilt with HDTV's and Full HD, I really dislike a few PS2 games which I loved previously since they appear blotchy now... It's not that they aren't fun, but something a...

5446d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, I really pity the first guy.... Boy I hope he doesn't play a co-op game on that.. lol.

That 5th picture is what really intrigues me.... That guy has a library of over 50 games, a PSP and an PS3 and yet can't afford a small HDTV... Looks like he really loves his SDTV.

... *Goes and kisses his 42" Plasma*

5446d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Pizzagaki... I use a Mac and Apple doesn't charge for Service packs... I mean, they have these numbers like 10.4, 10.5... All of them are equivalent to new OSes... For example, the current one (10.5) was a huge jump over 10.4... A price for that is justifiable, but the Service pack equivalent are regarded as 10.5.1/2/3... Apple keeps on updating the last digit with new features= Service packs for which it doesn't charge. Also, Apple charges less if the OS update is small... For example, 10....

5447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never tried to create an excuse for GOW3... Just get a perspective here ok... Halo is meant for kids to adult whereas GOW are always mature titles targeted at only mature audience... And besides, FPSes have always had a firm grasp over the crowd unlike hack and slash games like GOW, DMC... And finally as I said, Halo outsells any FPSes like GT outsells any Car/Sim game. GOW will probably be the best selling and top rated hack and slash game of this gen.... All are winners in their particula...

5450d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shh.... Don't piss off Kratos or In the end there will be only Chaos.....

Come on Darthv.... Both are different genres and seriously the 2nd one landed when people were on a transition phase from previous gen to next gen consoles... Halo is the brand ambassador of the 360, just like Mario or GT for PS3... Even toilet paper with Halo name will be a best selling commodity. Also, seeing that GOW has always been the goriest game ever, it was always meant for mature audience.

5450d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Check the NPD numbers... PS3 was at 22.91 million in March.... In 4 months time, obviously add another million (or more) to a tally... That brings your blown up figure of 8 million to 7 million.... Yup, So the 360 is ahead of the PS3 by 7 million after a years head start and being at half the price... That deserves a standing ovation!!!! (*Claps and Laughs*).

Last year PS3 consistently outsold the 360 till September and M$ slashed the 360's price... PS3 covered that 10 million ga...

5450d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

@Xi... Dude you compare L4D CGI to Uncharted gameplay and say L4D is better looking? I have played L4D on both the 360 and the PC and even the PC version isn't half as good looking as Uncharted 2 leave alone the 360 version. In UC2, Nathan Drake comprises of 25000 polygons... thats greater than any character ever modeled on an console followed by Kratos in God Of War 3....

I don't want to get into a fanboy argument, but only delusional people think that Splinter cell or Alan Wak...

5452d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Those who had a choice, went for Infamous since it was the better game off the 2. If Prototype would have launched at any other time (without Infamous), then it would have sold something above 350000 on the PS3 since the people who bought Infamous would definitely have gone for Prototype. Those numbers are much better if you look at the ratio of PS3 and 360 in NA....

But I would any day pick up Infamous over Prototype if I had a choice. The game is truly awesome.

5452d ago 18 agree4 disagreeView comment

Even with all those 'Hypocrites' points, the PS2 literally kicked the original Xboxes fukin ass... 150 million PS2 till date to 25 million Xboxes. Yup, no competition only molestation. At least the PS3 is neck a neck with nearly DOUBLE the 360's price. That shows that people still are willing to trust the PS brand. The PS3 has reached the original Xboxes mark in nearly 3 years time at double the price, in a fukin secnod greatest recession after the deep depression.... Thats an achievement for...

5453d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Do you even know what the hel are you speaking? GT5:Prologue... A Demo nearly outsold Forza 2 (3.76 million GT5P demo against 4 million Forza 2...). Now a demo outsold a full fledged game my friend... You need more numbers, GT series is the highest selling series on PS2 platform with over 50 million GT games sold... That number is greater than Halo, Forza and Gears series COMBINED!!!

GT is like the Halo in racing. No series could ever pass it just like no FPS can pass Halo sales....

5455d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya Ok @Stoney, but KZ2 is far more graphically superior than Unreal Tournament 3. UT3 is an awesome showcase of UE3, but most UE3 games come with a bagful of glitches. The engine was good 2 years back. That is why I am backing Cryengine 3.0 to take UE3's place. I have played gears and the frame rate drops and glitches leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Trust me, even I didn't believe when people first said that you could play with 32 players on KZ2... I said with those graphics, ya...

5457d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Tarasque... Either you got a faulty copy of KZ2 or your internet sucks (which is highly unlikely cause no ones internet can suck as mine yet there is no lag)... I have played in matches with more than 20 people at a time and there is no frame rate loss... The only issue I see sometimes is that once you hit someone, sometimes it takes a second before he falls down.. That is the only problem sometimes...

The game might not have realtime shadows, but still regarded as the best look...

5457d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

But then too the best looking exclusives land only on the PS3.... KZ2 engine is light years more advanced than the UE3... The engine can render 32 players with those graphics on screen without any drop in the frame rate...Ya do that with the UE3.... that is an epic task for any engine. The dynamic HDR lighting, real life particle effect, Deffered rendering, v-sync.... you name it and the engine has it. I would put the KZ2 engine only next to the Naughty Dog engine.... People complaining about...

5457d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment