
CRank: 5Score: 18470

'' the 360 will be putting out a new system sooner then you guys think. With that being said, Im pretty sure that the next xbox will have double, if not triple the RAM, better processor, and built in Natal. What are you guys gonna be saying after every dev gets their hands on a machine that has 2 gigs of RAM or more? You still gonna say the ps3 is better?''

Dude, then we won't have to say anything... The 360 fanboys will release another petition to M$ like they did for L4D2 about...

5580d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup that is one of the main advantages of M$.... The 360's so called exclusives show up on the PC (which by the way one can even download illegally via torrents) and that too it supports better graphics than the 360 version with 16xAA and better textures.

If I were interested in this game, I would definitely get it n the PC mainly cause of the 'enhanced graphics' that it supports. And my PC that is custom built by myself cost me around 800$ and can run Crysis at the highest sett...

5580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really feel that the devs did a really crappy job with the PS3 version. I mean even when you can't pull out an equal looking version when you use the PS3 as a lead platform just speaks tons of the talent the devs have.. I don't care about the game since I am not a big ghostbuster fan, but I really feel the devs should have done a better job at it.

Especially looking through all the recent multi plats looking nearly identical (RE5, SF4,UFC.. Even better for PS3 in case of Protot...

5580d ago 20 agree22 disagreeView comment

Awesome news. I was just starting to be skeptical about MGSR, but after that, I am officially hyped about this game. I don't care if the thing is multi-plat, but just don't gimp it anyway.

I just need the story to be written by Kojima himself... I am pretty sure his team can do the gameplay part justice, but the cut scenes and story should have that Kojima touch to it.

5581d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

This will go on till the next gen consoles are released and then the PS4 vs 720 debate will start all over again. Both sides are to be blamed. Just try to have a mature talk with someone and there might be at least one or 2 rouges (hint... see below 3.0) who will start few stupid fanboy rants (from both sides..) and then a war breaks out.

The main thing about this gen is that the consoles are so closely pitted against each other in every aspect. Previous gen the number of PS2 sol...

5581d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Idleleesing.... One single answer to that entire crap you have posted from a biased site like Eurogamer.... UNCHARTED 2. The game is unlike anything you have seen or will ever see on the 360.. The game runs at 30FPS without any frame rate drop... Oh and did I mention it's the best looking game till date on a console and there are absolutely NO aliasing issues... Check the video of demo shown at E3...

In short, PS3 and 360 version of FF13 will look same cause I am sure M$ has loa...

5581d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow @Beyond Circle... Wow that post just proved that you have an IQ of an 8 year old. All I meant to say was that Infamous being a PS3 exclusive cannot be experienced on the 360.If you only owned a 360, then you would be missing a great game. Man you took the logic quiet literally there my friend.

Good thing the world runs by more logical guys than Beyond circle....

5581d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I felt even GOD OF WAR franchise has an EPIC sound track... Should have been mentioned.

5582d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol.. Was that suppose to be funny. If not, then those are the most ridiculous points given.

I just bought Prototype the other day and after playing Infamous, the game just doesn't match up in terms of story and graphics. The powers and running on buildings is fun.. For the first 20 min, but then again gets repetitive. The game isn't bad by any means, but it just gets overshadowed by the immersive story and gameplay of Infamous... I just thought that climbing buildings was a lot ...

5582d ago 41 agree11 disagreeView comment

Ha Ha Omega... Better TPS... I know where you are going... Trust me on this Omega (I don't give a sh*t if you don't), but currently, this is the best multiplayer online around in TPS. Well it didn't have much competition judging it only had to WORK to beat glitchy laggy Gears, but still the GRAPHICS are unlike anything seen on the 360 and the PS3(till now) and the gameplay is more solid than ANY TPS OUT THERE.

The only game that could have given this a run for it's money is GOW3,...

5582d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ceedubya9 $ ApocalyPS3.... That is the main problem with M$. They didn't plan anything and just rushed in the next gen console to beat the PS3 first to the market. Now it's coming back and biting them in the ass. First the hardware issues (E74 and RROD) and now the storage issues.

Yes M$ can start digital downloads of new games and make DVD's redundant, but what about the huge chunk of Arcade owners who don't have a hard drive? You don't expect everyone to buy a 100$ drive do yo...

5582d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

If that happens, then there are gonna be a lot of pissed 360 owners out there. Especially after M$ commented that no new Xbox till 2015...lol. They can claim that it's a slight hardware improvement like a PSP gets every year, but even a slight graphical improvement qualifies as a new console.

That 'Graphical improvement' part intrigues me. At least then the devs will start utilizing the PS3 to the fullest.. Since a better hardware won't limit the devs to cut down on the quality o...

5583d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

lol... El Zorro stop trying so hard to prove the world wrong and just correct yourself. I just seem to notice the desperation increasing with each of your post. Now you do not have a mature way of countering, like all 8 year 360 fanboys, you try to bash a PS3 game and say RUNNER UP RUNNER UP... I hope you know what that means don't you.... Runner up=Second place my friend.

Oh ya.. And GOW3 was shown at a native 720P resolution in the demo. The devs themselves have said that the g...

5583d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

You guys should be even grateful if SC looks as good as UC1. If you think SC and AW look better than games like GOW3, UC2, Heavy Rain, then sadly your fanboyism is blinding you. Every site out there and every individual (except for 360 fanboys and blind/colorblind people) have passed their verdict that UC2 trumps all games graphically. Even GOW3 shown at 720P blew any 360 exclusive.. Just wait till it gets released in native 1080P after 9 months of polish in march... Boy you guys will feel li...

5583d ago 28 agree5 disagreeView comment

@TheRealSpy... Dude I have nothing against you, but I must disagree with your post there. Firstly, this is about PS3 and 360, so leave the PC out of this. We already have the conclusion that PC multi plat games look better than console counterparts.

Secondly, Uncharted and KZ2 are the best looking games this gen on consoles. You can throw in Gears and MGS4 as well. But out of all of then KZ2 is the best one. You have to get your eyes checked if you don't see the striking differen...

5583d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Man the reviews don't have any consistency. I just want a bloody demo to know if I should buy this or go with RFG. IGN gives it 7.5 and now GS gives it 8.5 which is not bad. The main problem I have with this one is that after playing Infamous, this might seem bad to me. This is where a demo is so useful.

Guess will have a safer bet and will go with RFG.

5584d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol.. I love it when Saberedge tries to downplay anything related to the PS3.. Now he is even comparing the multi-plats to prove that 360 is better LMAO. Dude stop living in 2007.

And ya Infamous>Prototype. Prototype is getting rave reviews. Infamous got only a handful of low scores and that too from sites like Edge & Eurogamers which are completely 360 biased. Prototype just got a 7.5 from IGN and is getting more and more reviews in that 7-8 marks. Even I don't give sh*t ...

5585d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

The hardware battle will mainly boil down on one variable and that is whether or not PS3 gets a price cut this fall. If it does (or a cheaper PS3 slim is released), then I think it will be tough for 360 to beat it.

Also, if GT5 gets released this fall, then it's going to be mayhem especially in Europe. When GT5P demo came out, the PS3 sales nearly doubled in Europe... The game really has that CONSOLE SELLER status written over it.

360 has a great line up as well. So...

5585d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol... That is what happens when you mess up with a 50 million franchise. I mean even the GT5 demo nearly outsold Forza 2... and it was a DEMO!!!!It was jus that M$ started bundling up the game and so the game barely scraped passed it.

I remember seeing the voting at 70% in Forza favor... and then suddenly yesterday GT beat the crap out of it. And what makes the victory even sweeter is the fact that Forza tried to rig the poll but failed.

I wouldn't have taken a ja...

5585d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Boy kojima seriously seems to be uninterested in Rising. Guess he was not kidding about the fact that he won't work on a 360 MGS... I think that Kojima not only spit on the face of M$, but also vomited all over it.

M$: I am willing to give you XX million to bring MGS4 to the 360.
Kojima: Are you joking.. The game is 40GB. Would take 5 discs on the 360 and the royalties you charge over a disc is ridiculous.I will incur losses if I even brought it to the 360. And besides I am...

5586d ago 51 agree1 disagreeView comment