
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Something really great is happening here. Long gone are the times when people compared PS3 exclusive to 360 exclusives.... Just look at all the posts here. Gamers comparing PS3 games with each other. Just shows how much things have changed. We have come a long way since 2007.

5586d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't still believe that the thing shown was not native 1080P... So when the game comes out at native 1080P, it will literally blow away any competition. I don't know why people keep comparing this game to Uncharted 2 in terms of graphics. I mean GOW3 has an over the top 3rd person view game and Uncharted 2 has a typical 3rd person view... Just look at the game when Kratos enters closed corridors and the camera zooms in and becomes like UC2... The detailing is as impressive as UC2. It's ju...

5586d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Didn't IGN US give it a 7.5? That 1 point is a drastic difference between reviews from the same site.
I was gonna go for Prototype, but after the mixed reviews, I am going for Red Fraction Guerilla... Infamous +RFG will be enough to last until decent titles start to show up.

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol... Now since the list of boycotters is reaching astronomical numbers, 360 fanboys are saying that it's the PS3 fanboys that are doing that LMAO. Man I don't give a s*it about L4D. I don't even give a s*it if they brought out L4D3 along with the 2. And I am sure many PS3 gamers feel the same.

I even don't want to comment anything on L4D2.. If it's good or bad that a sequel is coming out a year after. Ya just don't go blaming PS3 gamers for everything M$ or Valve screws up wit...

5587d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow Saberedge... You compare 5 games to 3 PS3 games and declare a winner.. wow. And seriously...
L4D2... A game that should have been a DLC.. And ya just go through that Valve story before replying.. The story that appeared in the 360 section.. Even the 360 gamers are agreeing that it should have been a DLC.. and Halo:ODST- IT's AN EXPANSION.. Will sell millions but it's an EXPANSION.

Compare GOW3, Uncharted 2, Rachet & Clank, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (ya better graphics+ e...

5587d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yipee another site acknowledges that M$ won only due to a fake demo shown at E3. And another Yipee cause Sony Just Steam Rolled 360 in the Gaming Department (Best Demo: GOW3, Best visuals: GOW3, Best Game: GOW3, Biggest Surprise:FF14...).

Ya wait for the Natal to show up after 2 years until then we PS3 gamers play the best games around. YIPEE!!!!

5587d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Yup I agree there. I felt that after Rock* ditching PS3 for GTA4 DLC's, 3rd Party exclusivity for an entire new game was dead. I knew about the 2007 deal, but I thought that it must have been canceled due to the current economic situations. Good to see Rock* making a PS3 exclusive.

I can't imagine the potential of this game.It might have gone under the radar due to no clip shown, but Rock* on PS3=Something Big.

5587d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Boy.. They keep on wrapping the same thing again and again with a new gift cover and shoving them down peoples throats. I am really disappointed with the last 2 releases after the 1st one revolutionized the mobile market. I mean 3G and all is great, but no leap from the first one after 2 years!!! I admire their OS support making even the ones who have the original one happy, but come on release a new iPhone (different looking) already with a new interface. Don't become like Nokia who just sti...

5588d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wow Omega... You keep on saying that for 2 years till Natal shows up and disappoints you while we PS3 gamers play jaw dropping games you wish you had on the 360.

5589d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Again the same old Natal vs PS motion controller crap... It's ironic how before E3 everyone were boycotting motion controllers and saying that it's like a stray dog and has to be put down... After E3 all of a sudden motion controllers seem to be the new thing..

I seriously can't see how these things could REDEFINE THE GAMING INDUSTRY. If companies think like that, then sadly they don't even know what true gamers want.

As far as this article goes... M$ made fools of c...

5589d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

People must be really nuts to assume that such AI existed. Even huge companies like NASA are just scratching the surface in AI development and people assume that M$ suddenly comes out of nowhere and says they have the breakthrough.... A thing that will have AI better than the ones even used in space crafts for less then 100$... You must be fukin joking. The thing is a pre scripted AI.. meaning it gives general answers for everything and only logical for the ones pre written in the program. No...

5589d ago 45 agree8 disagreeView comment

lol.. That Head ripping from Kratos on GOW3 itself was the highlight of E3.... These jerks say GOW3 does nothing new... Well why do they have to if the mechanism is flawless. Bayonetta was Good... As great as GOW3... LMFAO.

I just want to see these guys expressions when GOW3 comes out.

5589d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol Murderdolls PS3 outdated... What does that make the 360? Vintage? I totally agree with that feature part... Only 360 can set a house on fire and scratch discs you put into them... Or else show the RROD or E74 errors... Man I must admit.. The 360 can do a lot more things than paying games.

360=2004 piece of crap... Ya jerk it was released in 2005... development didn't take one day you know. Even EA said 360 is maxed out (outdated spelled carefully not to hurt M$ or the 360 fan...

5589d ago 45 agree7 disagreeView comment

lol.. The title is misleading... The writer actually agrees with the violence... Those are valid points. If you don't like so much violence then don't buy it,STFU and don't post BS comments and behave like Cry-babies. It's Rated M for a reason.

Frankly, I love the way it looks. Still 9 months to go... damn March can't come quick. Just hope they polish it to the point where the blood oozes out from the screen... Muhuhahaha... Ya I am turning Evil...
But hell I don't care if ...

5589d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Winter47th... Dude GOW isn't was the weak hearted and people who follow principles of non-violence...

For the reason why Kratos rips Helioses head.. Well for one, the head is required to show him the doors and ways that only Gods can see.... He can't carry Helios entire body everywhere.. Another thing why he rips his head is cause Helios betrayed him.. Just play GOW:COO on PSP and you will know what I mean. He saved Helioses ass back then and Helios returned the favor by bloody ...

5589d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@SaberEdge... You can say all you want to console yourself, but the fact remains that Sony did have more games showed up.... L4D2... seriously... Yesterday I just heard 10000 people cursing Valve.. Having played L4D1, I must say it's noting mind blowing. The graphics are hardly next gen and the game sucks if you don't have a friend... Ya, you may like to buy a game after a year or so, but not me.. that too with same engine a small campaign....Games like COD's are alright as they get supported...

5589d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

@GamerPS360... Hey jerk just dump the PS3 if you have one, go buy a Wii and play sh*tty Mario games without any violence... Start a petition... Ya like people are going to give a rats ass if you go do that... You might even get beaten by few GOW fans. If you don't like it then don't play it.

Don't try to fu*kin influence me not buying this game.

5589d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

One can actually see the skin develop strain when it's pulled and the expressions on Helioses face of sheer fear is priceless... Man those GODs are in for some violent endings. I hope Kratos rips Zeuses head and thrusts it up his ass.

5589d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel from the hardware front M$ won, but from the Software front Sony kicked more ass. Yes MGS:Rising was a good one for M$, but UC2, MAG, GOW3, Agent, FF14, GT5, TLG.... Sony did indeed take the software war.
Sony didn't even have time to show games like FF vs 13, Quantum, Heavy Rain, WKC... just shows that there is a lot in the pipe line more than M$...

Yes Splinter Cell looked awesome and I was impressed with Alan Wake, but compared to Uncharted 2 and GOW3... They fall...

5589d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

I would have chosen GOW3, but UC2 just took the cake due to it's online aspect which got added and gotta admit... IT ROCKS.

After seeing what ICO could do with Shadow of Colossus... TLG will be even bigger and better. Though I still feel next year belongs to GOW3... Don't take that game lightly.... It's gonna be Epic.... But hell both are PS3 exclusives and both will rock in respective categories. From the looks of it, even 2010 is shaping out to be PS3's year... G...

5589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment