
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Read the review it's actually quiet positive... Don't know why it's scored so low actually. He says it's better than Killzone 2 and can stand toe to toe with Halo:Reach and COD so I think thats kind of a complement... They rated Killzone 2, the best FPS I have played a 6, so I take the score with a pinch of salt.

Only con I could read is that it didn't have some definitive moments like the Nuke in COD but every other review I have read has said there are t...

4982d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hey @Dead, did someone piss in your coffee today. He is just mentioning an opinion cause embargo ends tomorrow. .

15/20 for graphics seriously even the most deluded fanboy can't give the thing a 7.5 for that.

5055d ago 20 agree7 disagreeView comment

The future of gaming LOL.

5056d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

"I have a 120GB fat, I haven't any need to upgrade to a larger HDD"

When the hell did Sony release a 120GB "FAT" PS3??? See this is why I know you are BSing about you owning a PS3. Sony never released a 120GB FAT only SLIM. The highest FAT was 160GB next was 80GB.

And seriously are you arguing about HDDs!!! Something not all the 360 consoles even have as mandatory!!!

"Does the 360 require installs? Last time I che...

5142d ago 24 agree1 disagreeView comment

At least it's a good step in the right direction. Now apologies for the remaining XXXX amount of wrong prediction you have made.

5242d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5302d ago

Kamikaze... I don't care for what reason it's an exclusive, I just don't want the devs to gimp the game for the gimpbox360... OPEN WORLD games take a huge hit when you have space issues (FF13 HELLO!!!). I just want an open world game, with great graphics and the Rock* trademark quality (I forgive them for GTA4)

Just for once I want to see them create an Open world game with awesome graphics and GTA kind feeling. Is it too much to ask for? It's really a pain to play FF13 you know....

5302d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup instead of us fbs fighting like cats and dogs, all of us should be pissed off at Nintendo for bringing this motion control crap in the market... The only reason I am intrigued by the PS MOVE ATM is cause I love RTS games and at every conference I hear Sony executives saying that how the thing can be used to play RTSes (even in yesterdays minority.. video).. So I guess they have a new RTS game up their sleeve.

If not, I give a sh!t about these things...

5302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SOCOM has a huge following and MAG community is thriving really well.. It's not my cup of tea, but I know a lot of friends who just love MAG... Also, devs learn from their mistakes and they can take a lot from MAG and implement it.... I always give the devs a chance.. Who knows, SOCOM 4 will come out and stun people with PS MOVE implementation.

Mod... People said the same thing about LBP and now look at it... 2008 GOTY, 3.2 million copies sold, more than 1 million user created co...

5302d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

First 2 studios- Zipper and ICO are owned by Sony, so no chance of those going multiplats.. Also, Sony got Agent in place of La Noire... Sony already had spent 10-15 million on La Noire when Rock* took it up, so Sony got the game in exchange meaning chances are Agent will remain a PS3 exclusive.. Again don't hold be for it, since M$ paid 50 million for GTA DLC and then too it's coming on PS3, but still at least for a year, Agent will be exclusive.

5302d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. The Last Guardian

2. GT5

3.Twisted Metal


5.Killzone 3 (already confirmed)

6.Infamous 2 (already leaked to be in development from the lead characters voice)

7.FF vs 13 (real FF unlike the gimped one due to the 360)

8.Resistance 3 (also another game from Insomniac as well as confirmed)

9.SOCOM 4.

10. ModNation Racers.

11. Many MOVE games unlike the stupid ...

5302d ago 22 agree3 disagreeView comment

We will also see KZ3 in the near future and it's already 95% confirmed, so that is another huge title along with Resistance 3 and Jaffe's Game (Twisted Metal)... Oh not to forget FF vs 13 as well.

All in all, great time for gaming.

5302d ago 25 agree2 disagreeView comment


It will probably be a year before I could afford 1 of those lol.

5302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude you living under a rock or something? FF games are ALWAYS System sellers regardless their quality. When this game came out last year in Japan, it sold more than 2 million copies in a day and the PS3 sales became something like 200K that week alone (A massive bump from the usual 40K).. Not only that, that month alone saw as many PS3 sold as the number of 360 sold more than 2 year in Japan.. If that is not a system seller, then nothing is.

5305d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

There is a difference between 576P UPSCALED to 720P and 720P NATIVE... What you just said is like saying 720P UPSCALED is as good as 1080P Native..

Seriously why are we even arguing, the videos speaks for themselves, the game looks significantly downgraded from the PS3 version BOTH in-game and CGI wise... Read the digital Foundry analysis for better knowledge. Not only does the colors seem not up to the mark, the 360 version is 'Grainy' which is the real problem with SUB-HD games...

5305d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

LMAO fox God you would have been the first 1 to mock the PS3 version if it was inferior even by 1% and this is on a whole new level lol. Don't be a hypocrite for once and just admit that you got a 'Really' bad port... I even heard a few of you say FF13 360 would look better lol.

"You consider 1 inch difference to be a whole foot difference"

Ya, but in this case, it's 576P vs 1080P for CGI and 720P vs 576P in game... Thats a lot of pixels missing.. Nearly 2w...

5305d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment
5305d ago

Lol, GOW3 looks even better than UC2.. And the real crazy thing is that the game actually runs at a higher frame rate than UC2 which really shows what's under the hood.. The game has variable frame rate, but seriously people should stop comparing an UE3 game to this... Even at 60FPS, this game pwns Gears in the graphics department. Just pop in the game and see the main screen with Kratos grunting and you can see how superior the engine is... UE3 is a multi-plat engine designed for the lowest ...

5306d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dead, even if you love yourself and want something to really blow you away, then open the thing and just enjoy the best 10 hours of your life.. Trust me on this, no other single player comes even close to the sheer Epicness of this game. I can bet you, you will probably play the game entirely in 1 play through cause you won't let loose of the DS3 from your hand..

Sure games like Yakuza could give you 20 hours, but really man this games 10 hours will be better than most of the gam...

5306d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Alpha, I like the way you frankly talk, but seriously put a stop on the essays... It's 12.30 past midnight here lol and I really feel sleepy seeing such a wall of text.

On Topic... If the devs pull that 100-130ms to a reasonable 75-80ms, then I don't mind. Anything above 100 will be evident, so they should aim for anything less than that.... Besides, I am 100% sure the thing will have less lag than Natal or the Wii mote... It will be great to see games like Socom 4 and many other...

5306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment