
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Here read the latest Digital Foundry....


From article.... "Bearing all of that in mind, and recognising that we don't know how much latency the display itself is adding, I'd say that a ballpark figure of around 133ms of controller lag (give or take a frame) seems reasonable"

And that is adding to the fa...

5306d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Man GOW3 is really turning the heat up in the reviews...

5306d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Butthurt cause your console can't handle this AAA awesomeness? Go play you so called 'KZ2 killer' AKA 2033 and leave us alone.

EDIT: Below.. The only jerk I see here is you and your lousy attempt to downplay a Blockbuster game. And stop stealth trolling.. I can smell the camp sh!t heads like you come from a mile away.. good night.. Late here in my country... Tired from playing GOW3 the entire day :) Best game I have played.. Even higher than UC2.

5307d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

I completed GOW3 just a shy above 11 hours which is longer than GOW1 and 2. Not to mention I will have a shot at it again in the hardest difficulty setting and will probably play it 3-4 more times, so in short I will easily play it more than 40-50 hours which is great news.. I usually exchange only single player games, but in this case I am gonna make an exception as it's really Epic....

IMO for an only Single player game, the game should be anywhere between 8-XX hours.. I won't ...

5307d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kotaku trying to bring down a game which is better on PS3... Wow now that is new/sc

5307d ago 39 agree6 disagreeView comment

The only thing that is getting destroyed here is Metro 2033 in the reviews...

5307d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN Metro 2033 review.. 7.5 What do you have to say about the eh bots?

5307d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's pretty obvious to us lol.. We just like to point out and laugh at Walruses who work for M$ at the highest post and fail at 1st grade Math. And knowing this Walrus I am 100% sure he forgot the World on purpose just to spark a fanboy war and look good in front of the less informed. Great to know that 360 fbs and this guy share of common gene of mistaking the World as America....

Still wondering how 20/2=12??? 2 Million are a lot of people.

5307d ago 43 agree5 disagreeView comment

It took me nearly 10 hours to complete GOW 1 & 2 and even they can be completed in under 5 hours (they have a Trophy in the collection to complete the game in 5 hours), so that doesn't mean the game lasts 5 hours... I take my own sweet time with games...

And really why are people so hell bent in putting GOW3 down.No seriously you guys don't find any thing to nit pick in the game so you bring on the longevity issue. It's not gonna affect my purchase and if it does for you the...

5307d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Out of all the things you have mentioned, GOW3 one ups every one of them...

Story... Seriously does Beyonetta even have a story!!?? GOW games always have some of the best stories and set pieces

Bosses and Monster... GOW3 bosses scale and sizes sh!t over Beyonetta's... Dude you fight Gods and Titans, need I say more?

Characters... Ya if you compare Beyonetta to Kratos then I am gonna laugh so hard in your face lol.

Music.... Again GOW3 wins.....

5307d ago 14 agree6 disagreeView comment

Lets see what would I want at the start of this gen....

1)A Blu-Ray less gimped PS3 that would limit my gaming experience, but would have sold an @ss load more due to it's cheaper price.


2)A PS3 with Blu-Ray so I can enjoy the best games like GOW3/MGS4/UC2/KZ2 which utilize more than 30GB of space and are IMPOSSIBLE on the 'OTHER' console....

I guess I will have to go with the latter. Sorry guys, but I ain't a sales executive person nor h...

5308d ago 54 agree3 disagreeView comment

So it doesn't live up to the hype cause it doesn't have a moveable camera.. Wow now thats lame. And people accusing of devs not utilizing the power to create a moveable camera need to know that it's a design choice and not a technical limitation. Just saw a few GOW3 vids and in NO WAY can you make a player experience such great camera angles by giving them the hold of it... Sorry, but I actually think it's a + that the cam is still cause I get to experience the most brutal scenes the way they...

5308d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well judging by the fact that I have played GOW3 Demo for more than a 100 times now, I don't think re-playability will be an issue. Besides, reviewers always rush through a game, especially AAA and blockbuster titles as they have to get the reviews out as soon as possible... So I guess 10-12 hours is enough. Also judging by the fact that I finished GOW2 within 8 hours (and I found it quiet long) also makes me even happier...

5308d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

... and will cost you your house and your kidney.

5309d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Gaming without controller happened on the PS2.. So stop smoking whatever you are and stop living in a delusional world saying M$ invented it.

If PS3 mimicking the Wii is a step backwards, then Natal mimicking a last generation tech is even worse.

"Sonys simple eyetoy and made it so it can recognize you in 3D space".. Move can be recognized in 3D space.

"Speech recognition".. Confirmed as well

"can track ...

5309d ago 15 agree8 disagreeView comment

"This is purely me talking personally, but I think maybe it's slightly more a device for the core than it is for the casual market, because I think it's quite precise."

What a retarded statement is that??!!! So in short, it's better since it's precise, but it's not targeted at the casuals and so is worse. I am a HC gamer and care crap about casual stuff... So for me a FPS or TPS being played by Move is a 'Good' sign and not a flaw like Mr Molyneux sees.... So he also co...

5309d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment
5309d ago

Sony should just Blacklist EDGE from reviewing their games.. I mean what harm does it cause Sony, in fact it would send a strong signal to other biased sites like Eurogamer to keep their sh!t together and review games from a neutral stand point.

5309d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah someone's butthurt cause they are missing GOW3 on their console lol... Soory kids, but this 40GB of awesomeness is ONLY ON PLAYSTATION 3.

5310d ago 29 agree9 disagreeView comment

And all the reviews say that if you were blown by the opening, then you have seen nothing yet.... Imagine the madness later in the game!!! Man I can't wait to get my hands on this.

5310d ago 21 agree16 disagreeView comment