
CRank: 5Score: 18470


"“Edits to the initial concept of a game can come from a number of sources including the amount of time given to develop the title, HARDWARE CONSTRAINTS, story elements, or other factors that can detract from the experience. We are confident that consumers will not be disappointed with Lost Planet 2 and the variety of massive Akrid, powerful vital suits, beautiful environments and deep level of customization included in the final product.”

I wonder wha...

5234d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment
5234d ago

To the people asking about the scores above, OPM UK gave it a 9 whereas PSM3 gave it a 10....The scores probably aren't updated..Besides the OPM Uk guy cut score for similar gameplay and too much gore(how lame), 2 things I actually like. Opm gives integer scores only so that might be another downer..I recollect them saying 'It's inches closer to 10'...Great enough for me.

5236d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey already said in the review that they felt it was better than UC2...I recollect them stating best game on the PS3,so it's epic..But that was expected from GOW

5236d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cold the only one who seems to be bitter here is you.. Why do you boil so much when someone lists ME2 or Splinter Cell as a multi-plat game? I didn't play ME2 on a 360 (awesome game btw), so stop whining and generalizing the PS3 crowd as the ones who are bitter.... Seriously 8800 GT card can play all those games with better resolution so why the hell should I buy a 360 lol?

5236d ago 30 agree9 disagreeView comment

Dude you want solutions besides adding Blu-Ray, then here are some solutions.....

Step A) Drop the Arcade model all together and replace it with the old PRO model. The more Arcade models in the market, the more the devs and M$ will avoid bringing games on multiple discs with mandatory disc installation.

Step B) Drop the price of the HDD from 100$ to a reasonable 30-40$ so that current Arcade owners can upgrade easily... You really think it costs M$ 100$ to produce a ...

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony already has games like GOW3 and GT5 coming out (with Heavy Rain and MAG already out), then they have their studios already producing games like TLG, Insomniac rumored to be working on Resistance 3, GG already working on their next title (KZ3), Sucker Punch already working on Infamous 2, Rock* working on Agent, David Jaffe with rumored Twisted metal... then they have games like FF vs 13 still in production and announced only for PS3....

These are just the confirmed/semi-confi...

5237d ago 14 agree9 disagreeView comment

I own a PC and yes I do think it's the best platform. Both my PS3 and PC get equal time... For exclusives, PS3 wins hands down for me, but when it comes to playing majority of the games, I prefer the PC for obvious reasons (price, better graphics, mods...).

And it's really cheap to make a rig that plays 99% of the games (that 1% comprises of Crysis at Very High).Even a cheap card like the 9800GT from Nvidia can run nearly all games currently available on high settings. So people ...

5237d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ok Crab, but just for a sec think from a neural stand and just imagine if GTA4 was a PS3 exclusive utilizing the Blu-Ray space, don't you think it would have had a larger city and more content?

Here take a look yourself, Rock* official stating the issue...


The Quote....
"Rockstar creative VP Dan Houser was asked, &quo...

5238d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really? How about GTA4? I thought it was a downgrade from SA and I REALLY (I cannot stress enough the emphasis I am putting in that really) HATED the fact that the city was smaller than it's predecessor.

It might have been designed that way who knows, but I personally feel it was DVD9s limitation that pulled it back (even a few articles with devs claiming it cropped up). It's an issue which I feel will plague GTA5 as well.... GTA games with more than 1 disc can cause M$ problem ...

5238d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"You have to install pretty much all PS3 games to your harddrive before playing "<-------- That is wrong my friend since most current games don't require a HDD install be it KZ2, UC2, GOW3, FF13... And the major difference is the fact that ALL PS3s come with a mandatory HDD unlike the 360 which is still selling a SKU without a HDD.You are a part of a small group here or N4G that knows about this, but if devs made mandatory installs, then it would f*ck the millions of Arcade owner...

5238d ago 30 agree25 disagreeView comment

This will probably be the first year where we know what the 360 has instore for later and we know nothing about the PS3... I am pretty sure, TLG and Resistance 3 are lined up for late 2010.. Then Jaffe's game (rumored Twisted Metal) also can release late 2010. Not to forget Agent as well....

I think KZ3 will be coming out next year along with Infamous 2. But still, Sony will show it's First party force throughout the year.
All in all, it's shaping up to be a great year... H...

5238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya Jason, you are right, DD will soon take over Blu-Ray, we all know what a blockbuster success the PSPGo has been don't we??? Oh wait!!!

DD suck ballz. I can't imagine downloading 25Gigs and then waiting for my network provider to call. Even the next gen consoles WILL have a drive of some sort mark my words. Can't believe you lousy fanboys hate on something that is an advance tech in every way to the DVD. If you defend companies cutting content for a game and agree to buy them l...

5238d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Safe to say something that ends up being released later in 2010... At least that's the trend I seem to see with all those awards.

It might even be something that hasn't been announced yet... Great year.

5238d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imalwaysright don't speak the truth,Shaman knows more than ND devs how dare you question his knowledge!!!!

Having seen both Aw and UC2, Uc2 still has the edge...I still can't believe how great the jungle levels look!!!
But GOW trumps it in scale and 60fps!!! This is only 3years in ps3s life!!!

5239d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hope people buy it, these guys have always made good games and I would have supported them if it were on the PC, but ah well, it's shaping up nicely

only reason why I dread is cause it gets released with a lot of big hitters like FF13,BFBC2,LP2..The last thing they want is a kid going to a shop and not buy it since he thinks it's to be played with a flashlight...

5239d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This could be a real blessing in disguise for the PS3. Not only can this spell the end of the UE3 (no more sub par ports), but this can actually turn devs who always complain about the development woes cough Valve cough (although I doubt...) on the PS3.

Hopefully this Engine comes out soon and more devs take it up.

5243d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

KZ2 will be nearly 2 years old by the time Reach comes out and probably KZ3 will be announed by that time, so it's no use comparing both. Just look at the ground textures and compare, KZ2 really benefits from Blu-Ray storage (High Res textures=more space).

Yesterday I just popped KZ2 in after playing Falout 3 and I was again Blown away (for the Upteenth time). Just playing online with 32 players with those graphics is a treat. Best FPS I have played period.

5243d ago 91 agree24 disagreeView comment

WTF is error 403?

5244d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did people see the 1080P version thats up on the front page DAMN!!! Sorry, but I was at work and could only catch the crappy SD version and I was like ok, this is great, butnow I am at home and seeing the HD version and I am OMG WTF!!! That looks freaking CGI quality!!!

People should stop making fools of themselves (especially sites with 360 in their name) and ompare GOW to Halo in the graphics deparment.. First beat your own damn exclusive known as Gears 2 and then talk.

5245d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment