
CRank: 5Score: 18470

OMG Thanks dude you made my day... BUBBLES!!!!

5239d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why can't official mags drop the integer system and go with the point system... Sometimes it seems unfair like here. "It's inches away from a 10" meaning it's what 95? 96? 98? If it's inches away give it 10 already!!!

5240d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's a 9 guys... OPMUK always gives integer scores, but it's great news since they rated GOW1-60 and GOW2-90.... But still if they say it's inches closer to 10 might also mean it's a 10? Who knows. UK mag is usually a lot tougher than US or AUS ones....

Still no review score is gonna stop me from getting this game.

5240d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

See this is why I cry out bias every time IGN posts something... They gave MW2 a friggin 10 in the graphics department... Didn't know that MW2 didn't have any low res textures lol.. Heavy Rain sh!ts on it in the graphics department yet they complain tch tch.

5240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^ I never said it was downgraded due to the 360, hell I said it will look better than UC2 on PC.. Even Crysis 1 looks better, so of course C2 will look better than UC2... With that said, run Crysis on medium setting and then compare it to UC2 and you can clearly see UC2 looks better... And medium setting is the best I can expect even from C2 when it lands on consoles. If it beats UC2, then well and good, but logically speaking, it's gonna go against something that is optimized for a partic...

5241d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

On PC yes, but on consoles, KZ3 will beat Crysis 2 if it comes out this year.... Sorry, but no multi-plat this gen can compete with exclusives made on custom engines..

5241d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

^^^ Those were tech demos mate, the final product is never as good as the demos.... The demos were impressive, but there was nothing happening on screen, it was just you roaming in a jungle.. Besides I still think the jungle in UC2 beats anything on a console even Cryengine demo....

Crysis 2 on PC will beat every game (well maybe Rage on PC will give it a tough fight), but on consoles, it's hard to beat UC2.... Personally feel KZ3 will take the crown, but GOW3 is also looking rea...

5241d ago 10 agree16 disagreeView comment

^^^^^ Actually Macs read Docx files, but you have to have proper software installed like Pages or some Free software like Neooffice...

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^^ LOL you don't know DarkSniper!!!!! He is one of the oldest N4G users.. Saaking and Darkride are newer lol. He does that for fun too bad you butthurt bots always take things way to seriously.

"PS3 will not catch 360"... Lol get ready to lose. Besides, the PS3 has caught up even after a year late launch (year and half in Europe).... Just wait sometime lol PS3 is always gonna go up in Japan and it's already beaten the 360 in Europe... What do you have NA lol PS3 isn'...

5242d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Too many big hitters this year and sadly games which release early will probably be forgotten at the end of the year just like KZ2 was last year. ME2 is a phenomenal game, but so are the many games landing in 2010.

I am willing to bet GOTY goes to a game landing after September... At least that is what the usual trend has been for the past 3-4 years (2007-COD4, 2008-LBP/Fallout 3, 2009-UC2).

5242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your statement make little sense since you still game on a SDTV.. "The difference between 720P and 1080P isn't big graphically".. I don't even want to go into how moronic the statement is. Maybe someday you will grow a pair of eyes to actually appreciate Full HD.

5244d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

We don't need Gods, we have someone who kills them. Can't wait to see your sorry faces when the announcement comes.

5244d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Flame war in the report section.. Wow thats new.

5245d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

KZ3 with destructible environments.... Now that would be BFBC2 on steroids!!!!

Man just imagine if this releases this year lol... The complete Halo graphics hype train will derail. Catch KZ2 while we get KZ3 lol.

5245d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's on meta so you can check it there if you want.

5246d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It needs a fu*kin UMD slot and a cheaper price tag. Sony should have just replaced the older PSP3000 with the new PSPGo with UMD (same flip out design) and a cheaper or more or less same price tag (of the 3000). The price tag is ridiculous. If you go to a shop and see a Go for 250$ and see a PS3 bundle with 299$ what are you gonna buy?

And on topic... I think a new Twisted Metal is gonna be announced this E3 for a late 2010 release. Something in my gut tells me it's gonna happen....

5246d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

You forgot to add a SARC tag at the end.

5246d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really don't think we will see a PS4 or a 720 before 2012.. I have a gut feeling a new console will be showcased at E3 2012 but slated for a late 2012 launch which gives the current gen consoles at least 6-7 years of lifetime which is pretty decent if you ask me.

Nothing apart from the Wii 2 might be announced next year. PS3 already is future proof and I don't see M$ announcing a new console a year after they introduce Natal (if Natal fails to capture a market and M$ presses t...

5246d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@polow... Don't feed it. I am a PS3 fan and even I say ME2 was a freaking blast to play. ME2 wasn't gimped in no way and wouldn't have looked any better if it were launched on the PS3 same day as the 360 version. The game looks great although I haven't seen much of it on the 360 (have the PC version).

5246d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

ME2 should be more than 80% even 90 if you ask me. Those codes no matter what Bioware says to cover up shows that PS3 version is or was somewhere in development (apart for the fact that some codes aren't a part of UE3). The question to be answered is whether it was cancelled which is a whole new topic for another day, but it's pretty much confirmed it's landing in 6 months time. Expect an announcement at E3.

I agree the rest don't interest me (L4D a little, but always played it o...

5246d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment