
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Is it in Full HD, cause I downloaded it off GT yesterday and checked the resolution and it was 960*540 which fits into the Sub-HD category... Thats the problem with most GT videos.. But still looked damn impressive when I used a media server and watched it on my Big Screen.... It will look crazy in Full HD!!!

5324d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, a 1K drop accounts to 29% lol. It's funny how sites find different ways of putting the same thing.

5324d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Vega that is pure BS. PS2s problems weren't as wide spread as 360s RROD (and there is a reason why 360 is called the most unreliable console ever built... I even doubt if it's only consoles, it might be even in the entire gadget stream). YOUR PS2 broke 3rice not the entire world's... Maybe it was your bad luck or you didn't take proper care of it or you are just pulling things from you @ss it doesn't matter to me. My PS2 is still kicking great after 6 years on rigorous gaming on it and believ...

5324d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry Shaman, no one except 360 fbs called that GOW:HD... GOW:HD is what GOW collection was. If someone saw that Head ripping and still called it GOW2.5, then someone needs to rip his head. But you will again come back and post your PC specs in my face and somehow downplay GOW3... Carry on with the jerkfest.

5325d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who said they need to start with 256? They can at least push till 30 with KZ2 sort of graphics, then to 60 and then to something in access (can't believe I wrote access instead of excess... Man it's 6 here in the morning so sorry for that) of 100... It might be about dedicated servers and sadly M$ doesn't even set those for most of it's games....

5325d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

@Carlton... Waiting for the 720. It would still technically be a correct statement if they beat it then.. Then we will hear Greenburg pump his chest at how a 720 game beat a 4 year old game on the PS3.... Trust me he will find a positive spin on that one as well.

@Sevir.. Ya I know and when KZ2 dropped and surpassed anything on the 360, all were like, Halo is more about gameplay and graphics don't matter, but they still kept on saying Gears 2 was as good looking as KZ2... Then U...

5325d ago 27 agree2 disagreeView comment

As usual a BS knee jerk reaction from an alternate account of Bungie.. Whenever something happens on the PS3 side it's always 'catch up to Halo', 'look as good as Halo' (LMAO) or 'Sell as good as Halo' cut the crap. It's a slogan that hasn't changed for the past 4 years sheez move on. Welcome to my ignore list.

5325d ago 42 agree0 disagreeView comment

Twisted Metal was Awesome!!! How can you say that it was average??!!! The game was really fun to play with someone in co-op and just spend a weekend... It had humor, but dark humor which was another great thing to see.. If Twisted Metal falls this year (and it probably will), then it will be an awesome end to 2010.

5325d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^^^ Who cares man, the game looks phenomenal in action and that is all. I feel it's the best looking game mainly cause it maintains the graphics of near UC2 level at 60FPS. It doesn't matter what is technically more superior, but it's all about Art style and GOW3 pwns both UC2 and KZ2 in that...

And the Titans do count as being something technically challenging. Naughty Dog were given high praises for the Train level in UC2 mainly cause they actually created a real dynamic lev...

5325d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

People should really stop talking about Alan Wake in a GOW3 thread.. No offense, but if someone saw the GOW3 footage of the opening scene and then saw AW, then he is in for some real disappointment... GOW looks out of this world. Not only the graphics, but simply the feeling of Epicness that rushed into me while just watching that video... Maybe I am a die hard GOW fanboy, but even you can't disagree that the EPIC feeling one gets from GOW3 isn't even touched by AW...

And don't e...

5325d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW!!! That is all I have to say... That freaking opening sequence *Spoiler from trailer so go away all people who haven't seen it* with Poseidon hitting the Titan Square in the Chest literally made my hair stand up and that fight with Hades where he rips a chunk of flesh was so great.. And the FP view when you kill MAN THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Spoiler ends.

Anyone doubting the graphics and the scale should be shot. The GT trailer wasn't even in 720P HD and the thing looks freaking ...

5325d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^ LMAO Bubbles!! But even I would be an extreme fanboy if I were given a million dollar paycheck just to spew out crap about competition.

5326d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is something wrong with those pics and I feel that the pics were taken when fast motion is going is... 60FPS games don't photo well in motion... Trust me, the demo looks better than that and it's an old build..

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man I was expecting a new build... But whatever, hope you people enjoy it, I have played the thing more than a 100 times now and it still keeps blowing me away.

5326d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

A 1000 bucks for just added portability? I can buy a brand new laptop for 1100 bucks with the same space!!! But good to see where the industry is heading. Man I would love to have 1 of those.

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alan Wake was shown off at E3 and still UC2 swept most if not all the 'Best Graphics' awards... GOW3 has taken a huge leap from the E3 demo so if the reports are true, it's already looking better than UC2 in scale and is at 60FPS.... In short GOW3=UC2>AW at least in the graphics department.

5326d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

Don't worry we believe you... Just keep posting regular updates about good changes please.... I so hope there is a trophy room this time.

5327d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Burn360 has slung crap on PS3 before, so this review is also worthless to me.. You guys can go f*ck yourselves...

5327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does it even matter? In the end it saves nearly 5 Gigs on my HDD and there is hardly any difference between in game and pre-rendered... Pre-Rendered are just cutscenes used to mask loading screens, so that the engine doesn't have to shed resources to the footage... That is why MGS4 had installations and UC2 & GOW3 don't.

5328d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

"that is why I bought the 360 for its quality and leadership and drive to push to new hights in the industry."... Wow BUNGIE, you say QUALITY LMAO what about the QUALITY of the hardware lol? LEADERSHIP?? What leadership?

Again NPD... Sigh. 50K lol that is what PS3 outsells the 360 in Japan within a span of 2 weeks lol. Don't see you commenting in that thread eh troll.

5328d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment