
CRank: 5Score: 18470

^^^^^ What happens to people who live in countries where PSN isn't supported and they login via a US or UK PSN? Do you think it's fair to make it mandatory to pay for it and completely cut their access to PSN? Don't be so selfish as not everyone can afford to pay on a monthly basis due to reasons that are out of their control . Besides, didn't Kaz confirm that the current PSN will always remain free? Thats more than enough evidence for me that all the current features will always remain free....

5254d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well if the Sisters also didn't know that Kratos was coming to fu*k them and Kratos did kill them... So in short, everything changed when they died. If the sisters already knew they were gonna die of the hands of Kratos, they would have given up without a fight.

5255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not 1 or 2 games, but it has to be that 1 game that pushes you off the ledge and make you pick one. For example, I own a PS3 and a good spec PC, so there isn't something on the 360 ATM to have forced me to jump off the fence cause I hate Halo. However Gears is a series I like (played and loved 1 on PC) and I might just pick a 360 when 3 lands cause ATM there isn't much of a 'wow' factor in it. I am also intersted in Alan Wake, but am still skeptical.

It all depends on what ...

5255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Omega won't even believe it even if EA and Sony came out and announce it together. The level of denial is astonishing.

5255d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aww look at poor butthurt bots crying cause they lost an exclusive.... 360s got no games lolz.

Maybe all you bots should chip in 5$ each every month instead of paying for LIVE to help M$ build some 1st party devs so their exclusives remain exclusives.

5255d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

3rd party exclusivity Dead= M$ Dead.

5255d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Omega...a dual layered Blu-Ray is more than 40GB which is enough space to hold both games like someone said, even twice over. Besides, all PS3's have a mandatory HDD, so even if they design it to dump load on the HDD, then too it won't matter to most.

"Also their engine was designed for the 360/PC"... pfft it's Unreal Engine. The game can be ported to a iPhone as well if the hardware was there lol that engine is that versatile.

Looks like someone is upset ...

5255d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

1st party means a game studio owned by Sony/M$/Nintendo themselves hence when someone says a 1st party game, then it's 100% exclusive... It's mainly a Sony show here as they own more First party than M$ and Nintendo combined.

3rd party means a company like Sony/M$ signs a deal with a game studio to make a game exclusive. In short games like Agent on PS3 are 3rd party Exclusives since they are made by Rock* exclusively for the PS3, whereas games like Gears are 3rd party exclusives...

5255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony themselves confirmed it, so how is this even valid? Such trash shouldn't be approved here.

5255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is why it's called a YEAR OLD DEMO.... Just read the below preview from IGN about the latest build....


"If the two minutes I just played of God of War III are any indication, this game is going to be a visual spectacle. There are sweeping camera angles, constant action, the orientation of levels changes on a whim, and some truly jaw dr...

5255d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well thats what you get when you draw verdicts from a youtube video :/
Besides, frankly those aren't new builds either and it's really hard to spot much off a youtube video. Show me some Titan footage that floored most journalists in December... That would make my day.

I know you are scared of Kratos Chuck Norris lol... Everyone fears him. Even Gods.

5255d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Didn't you buy ODST with 4 HOURS of gameplay running at a Sub-HD 640P 30FPS for 60$.. And you whine cause we PS3 owners get more content LMAO.

"Videos take up place on Blu-Ray"... This isn't your half arsed DVD that we are running out of space lol.. Go play your Dante's Inferno and think you don't want GOW3 while we play GOTY in march.

5255d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

The thing already have a 100 ms lag and that too with 1 player onscreen. Make that 4 and that number will shoot up. And that too it's the "Said from the company" thing... It's like car company who say this car gives an average of 15KMPL so you count only 10-12.. Same is the case here. If the dev say 100ms, we can be realistic and map out 150ms.... Now add another 100ms for online due to latency and there is no way something with a Quarter of a second delay is working online.

5255d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

"No, if they had a deal they would talk about it." See this is where you fail to understand the 'Timed Exclusive' contract. According to it, you cannot talk about the game landing on the 'Other' platform until the tenure of the deal ends... Even I can pull out stuff like the GTA DLC deal or the Bioshock deal where all we heard was No comments and it ended on the PS3 eventually. And yes Bioware does own the ME IP. If not ME1, but EA published ME2 which means it's their money in the ...

5255d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where did you get that Bioware isn't interested in making it for the PS3? Hell they made Dragon Age and last I checked the PS3 version ended up superior. There were even articles about Bioware excited to work on the PS3...

No comments means they aren't denying it or confirming it... But in this industry it also translates to "I can't speak about it now since we have a deal, but come after 6 months and ask'... The same thing happened with Bioshock, the same with Fallout DLC, ...

5255d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"360 leading the PS3 by 5.9 million according to VGZ"... So it's safe to say that the lead has shrunk to 4.5 million isn't it?

5256d ago 12 agree5 disagreeView comment


Scroll down to see the list of all the sites included in meta... I don't see this anywhere.

5256d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^^^ Frankly speaking, there is too much shovelware on the iPhone and IPT and the same is gonna be the case with the iPad. Even big banner games like Assassin's Creed, MGS:Touch suck soo bad and they actually get good reviews!!!! I haven't tried GTA:ChinaTown since it's not compatible with my first gen IPT, but I think that could work sell...

I ain't absolutely giving up hope, but I personally feel that an experience one gets from a PSP or a DS is far more richer than an IPT in...

5257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

YES!!! Buttons are needed and the sooner people learn this the better... I own an IPT and it's a fu*kin PAIN to play half the games due to the inaccuracy of the accelerometer (besides ,a single jerk on a Bus or train can set you character . Imagine playing a FPS on the Pad.. You touch the enemy and you shoot wow thats cool..... FOR A NOOB!!! IPT rules for games like Bejeweled or Peggles, but for someone looking at it replacing a PSP or a DS for hardcore gaming, then you are being unreasonable...

5258d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work..... Not to sound arrogant, but just type it in Google and you get the answer.

5258d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment