
CRank: 5Score: 18470

You guys take thing way too seriously. The guy has his own style and he loves to flaunt it.

@Biggest... Do you know that HHG is still the most respected Journalist in the field. He has more followers than any other journalist and he gets more interviews with huge devs than any other journalist in the industry. You are naive to think that people find him repelling due to his style. Every vid he posts has hundreds of thousands of hits and that is what most devs are looking for... m...

5224d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

From IGN preview of GOW3

"There have been some rather lofty claims tossed around about God of War III's graphics, and I'm happy to say that they're all true. This game looks stunning, not only due to the unheard of sense of scale, but largely because the texture detail is sharp as a razor and the lighting is film-like. Kratos is probably the single best-looking character ever seen in a videogame. While he looks great from afar, when the camera pans in up close and you can se...

5224d ago 31 agree1 disagreeView comment

WTF did I say wrong to get my post deleted? All I said was that there will be no mandatory Arc for KZ3 and just joked that if it's mandatory, then Sony's gonna get a lot of hate mails from me WTF is wrong with that!!!!

You guys ignore the stupid Bungie trolling, but delete my post cause I just joke about something!!!

5225d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment
5225d ago

I disagree Sakking... I feel Sony will showcase KZ3 at some grand even like E3 or GDC (E3 more than likely).. Tomorrow's game will probably be Motostorm 3.

5226d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^ Sorry for the broken links people including you Pixelsword... Here are the 2 working links...

Preview:- http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Latest Article:- http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

5226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Pixel sword..

Dude Digital foundry never has done a preview of FF13 360 version... Here are the 2 links of the latest FF13 discussion...

Preview(PS3 version):- http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

Latest Article:- http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

In the 2nd article they say "Website Ve3tro.com has reported the NXE hard...

5226d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When Digital Foundry did an article about the Saboteur AA, they were informed about this by none other than GOW devs themselves... Here check out the Updated version..


So these guys know what they are talking about... Hope all Sony First party devs pick up this technique.. Couldn't see a single jaggie in those GOW3 videos.

5227d ago 24 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^^ There is no competition. Even the Gods are afraid of Kratos, the competition shats seeing him in action.

5228d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Obviously, the game is a huge step up visually from the previous games, displaying the best graphics I have ever seen in a videogame -- yup, even better than Uncharted 2"

That is for all the non believers who doubted Santa Monica in pulling off the best looking game on any consoles... This game is gonna show the difference between the PS3 and it's competitor (not that it has much left to prove after UC2), but still, the game is gonna break the bar IMO.

5228d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you want to see real panic, go to Yahoo answers PS3 page and see how many stupid people are posting the same question again and again (more than 200-300 same questions in 2 hours)... People don't even take the pains to scroll down a web page to see if something relevant was asked.

If this thing doesn't gets fixed within the next 18-24 hours, then it's time to really start worrying, but if Sony issues an update, then it's just a hurdle it passed.. Maybe in the next update Sony ...

5228d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

UnCyrus... I have a Fat PS3 (160GB) and it works fine.. I can even log onto PSN... I can even PM you my PSN ID if you want to see if I am online or not. I think I am 1 of the few lucky one's (Touches Wood).

5229d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My 160GB PS3 'Phat' is also alive and kicking... It's an odd problem, but it will sort itself out.. Till then people, we have plenty of time to surf N4G and see articles like these... Isn't this like the 15th article stating the same issue?

5229d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

My 160GB PS3 'Phat' didn't have the issue (still works and I could go online all day) whereas my friends 40GB model had the issue.. Funny, but it's something related to the models which were released before 2009.

5229d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope, they will open some other story, but the character will ALWAYS be Kratos. GOW's soul is lost if you take Kratos out of the equation...

5229d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ME2 had like 250-300K pre orders a week before and the number rose in the last week... I predict the same surge with GOW3 in the last week to around 500-600K, the game is gonna sell. There are many who go on day 1 to buy a game and the game has won the most anticipated game of 2010 for various sources including VGA.

If UC2 could cross 3.5 million, then I can easily predict the same if not more for GOW3... Not dissing UC2, but GOW3 has a far huge following. Even 4-5 million isn't ...

5230d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cold you do know that GTTV vids are always in Sub-HD 960*540 resolution don't you... And all the pics posted by various sites are just taken from there....

You are in for some serious awakening when GOW3 lands... The game looks as good as or even better than PS2 GOW2 CGI which is saying something.... Seriously I know some people here are fanboys, but after seeing that ingame CGI of GOW3 and the scale of the Titans, I can safely say this game is as good looking as the best PS3 ga...

5230d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best thing about that the servers is also the fact that you can wirelessly transefer the files onto the PS3 HD which is a boon for me as I hate putting the things on a USB from my PC, going to my PS3, unloading the thing and then deleting all the files from the PC and USB stick... This works like a charm.

Thats another feature that hasn't been talked about much. I don't think the 360 HDD can be used to put in movies and stuff can it? I have more than 200GB of videos on my PS3...

5230d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game was cancelled cause the devs fcked up for more than 10 years and blew millions of $ on it.. I remember the game adopting and ditching engines like it was a free for all. It's like the devs would create something in 1-2 years and then suddenly they would see that some X Engine has come out and now this game looks outdated compared to those games, so they scratched the thing and went back to the drawing board.. This happened nearly 3-4 TIMES!!!! They never had any freaking faith in the...

5230d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, the reason why Sony might be charging is cause it's an Episode from GT... It was full of GOW3, but usually such episodes feature many games (it did feature 3-4 games in that Episode), hence Sony must charge for it mainly cause they might have some tie up with GTTV...

Either ways I do agree Sony should post only the vids on PSN for Free download... Can't wait to see how the thing looks in Full HD...

EDIT: looks like Gaffy beat me to it.. But here is the catc...

5230d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment