
CRank: 5Score: 18470

"And just watch --Mass Effect 2 will beat Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 was da most overhyped game of last yr"... FACEPLAM X2

Bookmarked to show the stupidity of you 10 year old gamers.

5356d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

After 2 years you get 1 game to brag about (which is a MULTI PLAT) a suddenly the 360 is superior to PS3...

"ME2 is better dan Uncharted 2"... Faceplam. Didn't know UC2 had burnt you bots so badly... I guess an overall score of 96 with more than 40 Full score is something to brag about isn't it? UC2 WON nearly ALL GOTY awards last year. Lets see how many ME2 wins at the end of the year... Game which launch early in the year are sadly forgotten at the end (best example K...

5356d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

^^^^^ PS3 has been outselling the 360 since launch in Japan... I Europe, PS3 has been outselling it SINCE LAUNCH.. The proof is in the numbers... Both are at roughly 11 million (according to VGZ, PS3 is ahead now), so PS3 even though launching a YEAR AND A HALF later in Europe, must have outsold it to gain over the 360 in such a short time.... US is 360s main market.. PS3 has been keeping up there during the last few months.

In short, EU and JAP are PS3 market and US is 360's mar...

5356d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Usually in my country piracy occurs due to hardcopies being sold... 360 games are downloaded by some vendor and then he in turn sells them or loads them in the HDD (you have to provide him obviously) for something like 15-20$. Still you can get it for Free if you waste you Bandwidth and take the pains to do that, but most my friends who own a 360 (before the M$ pirate ban) used to just go out and get the games loaded in he HDD. 20$ is a heck of a lot cheaper especially since you get the games...

5356d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Proof? PS3 sold more in NPD December and sold a bucket load more in December... Infact after the Slim, the PS3 outsold the 360 by a whopping 3 million (ending the year with a 2 million lead)... So ya PS3 IS outselling the 360. Hope you come out of your dreamland soon.

5356d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Captain Even without those hefty improvements, the game still scored a solid 8 from sites which means it's at least a good game unlike the usual BS going around by FBs tagging it as Haze or Lair.

Such games take time to reach full potential and sadly there is no review in this world that can summarize the game for you as frankly it's all up to an individual in what he is expecting from the game. If you play it like COD, then you are gonna suck at it and in turn you will feel the...

5356d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It happens, but once you refresh the page, the disagree or agree is on the same person you intended... At least that is what I have seen.

5357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aww come on man give the game a chance man. I ain't expecting AAA scores either, but still the devs have put in efforts and are trying to bring a 256 player experience. Even I don't understand the lack of a headset, but still while playing the beta a lot of people had headsets... The game is targeted at SOCOM and Warhawk player who do have a headset and I am pretty sure most will migrate to MAG. The game has over 330K pre-orders so it will probably break into a million which for a new IP is g...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My God the guy has 10 agrees... Damn and look at the Disagrees here even though I see only 1 troll lol... 10 accounts TWO FACE LMFAO and you accuse people here of not having a life lol...

Too bad you won't be playing GOTY 2010. Come on bring on the disagrees.

5357d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anything is better than a 'Wand' or 'Gem' sheez it those names feel eh........ so gayish.

Play the game with my Gem.. Lol
Play the game with my Wand... Lol
Play the game with my Arc.. Hmmm..

First 2 feel like some porn thing happening.. While Arc sound a little more better....

5357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is what these guys are hyping about.. The trailer might be some part of the gameplay (the gameplay as per IGN didn't even last more than 3 minutes), so that itself can be the trailer although I don't think thats the case...

The main motive of this new "Trailer" is to show the world the new Titan Gameplay feature and that is what the gameplay/Trailer was... Don't be surprised, if Sony just put some music score and just showcased the gameplay as a Trailer... Either w...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you been living under a rock for the past week? Where were you when the media blowout occurred when previews of the new trailers landed...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, it was HHG who first came out (with N'Gai) and told about the jaw dropping trailer they had seen.. After that it was all hype.. Sony must have said the embargo to speak about the trailer lifts on the 18th and HHG must have thought that the trailer will be shown on the 18th... It seems like a series of miscommunication. And when Sony felt things were getting out of hand, they emailed HHG about no trailer being shown... That might be what happened.

5357d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey guys, do you see those weapons in the hands of Hades??? I say those are the other weapons Kratos will get after beating him.... Just a gut feeling.

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both are the same except that Trophies can show the skill of a player... When my friends go "my Gamerscore is XXXXX", I am like should I think he is great or just another person showing off (I don't won a 360 so don't know what a good score is), but with Trophies, when someone says I have 13 Platinum's, then you do know that the guy plays a lot of games.

In the end, they add re playability and that is all I care. But I am always more attracted to getting a Platinum sinc...

5358d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

^^^ Say that after more than 100 reviews and an average of 96 (40 Full score) with no score below 90 (well 1 but who cares).... Not taking a dump on ME2 (hell it's my favorite WRPG), but it's comparing Apples to Oranges... I know the guy said something stupid, but don't feed it.

5358d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

How exactly did Beyonetta outshine GOW3? The game got rave reviews, but shouldn't you wait till GOW3 lands before passing a judgement? All this hype surrounding Beyonetta is mainly cause of the poor port and nothing else. 360 fanboys acting as if it's exclusive to their console sheez. Same thing will happen with Dante's Inferno.....

Beyonetta came and went not even touching GOW hype. Hell last week few screen shots came out and the entire internet went crazy.....


5358d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hey CARRIER, you do realize that every footage of Brink shown till date was on a PC and NOT on either a PS3 or a 360?? The devs themselves confirmed that they used a PC but played with the 360 controller.

Besides, KZ2 level designer and Heavenly Sword programmers are working for making the game on PS3, so I have little doubts about Brink being good, but trust me the final product won't look like KZ2 at least not the console version (leave alone KZ3 cause that will put every game ...

5359d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Biggest failure of 2009= Patcher's predictions of 2009.. Seriously the guy hardly got a thing right and what he got could even be predicted by a 3 year old.

Patcher is becoming a joke of the industry. Even if you tick all the answers Yes in an exam without seeing the question, you are bound to get more right than Patcher.

5359d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Heavy Rain looks awesome.. I have said it before and I am saying it again that it even looks better than Uncharted 2 in terms of character models.. Alan Wake also looks good, but seriously just look at the first shot and you know that Heavy Rain characters are a class apart.

Besides, gameplay vids are all that matter and not bullshots. From the night scene of Alan Wake and some Dark scenes of HR, one can easily see why HR is better looking.. Alan Wake has good lighting, but so do...

5359d ago 46 agree15 disagreeView comment