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@Xi.. Alan Wake won't move 360s, sorry if you are expecting that to happen since there is hardly any hype around the game now and new IPs apart from few like Gears hardly sell consoles... ME2 also isn't gonna move 360s mainly cause the first 1 although sold well (2 million), didn't have much impact in moving consoles.

M$ as usual will bank on Halo and Natal in marketing. Halo won't move much since everyone who wants to play Halo has a 360. Natal might move 360s in NA so that is p...

5287d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Japan will be won through out 2010.. PS3 will realistically speaking outsell the 360 every month by a good 100-150K in Japan if not more. GT5 will take care in Europe for quiet sometime and Sony will stay on 360s back in NA.. In short all PS3 needs to do is keep the gap in NA as small as possible and Japan and Europe will do the rest. So I feel PS3 will go in really strong at least till the 1st half of 2010.

5288d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even FF14 is being developed for PS3/PC and no one mentions it when they pull out a list of PS3 exclusives.... I agree with pennywise... Even I don't own a 360 and played L4D2 on PC and will do so with ME2 and SC:C (also AW if it comes out)..

5288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@The BS... I call it BS lol.. While early 2010 looks awesome, 2009 had it's share of good games.. KZ2,SF4 Batman and Infamous all great titles in early 2009 before September Even games like Red Fraction were pretty decent.. And we also saw great games like Uncharted 2,AC2 land in late 2009... Honorable mentions... MW2 and L4D2.

2010 seems awesome, but 2009 did well. Maybe the reason was cause only 1 console was leading the way in 2009. Not to mention MW2 scared the sh!t out of ha...

5288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cold add in games like White Knight Chronicles (again a RPG people need to look out for.... Can be as good as Demons Souls was), ModNation Racers (This here is the next LBP)... And do you seriously think PS3 is gonna have no games in late 2010? Resistance 3, KZ3 and many other can be expected, I know it ain't announced, but I am 90% sure we are seeing R3 next year. We might even see Agent next year.

I ain't denouncing the 360 line up, but both have a great line up in 2010. I was ...

5288d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sadly, having too many games isn't a great thing cause that means you miss out on many titles... I for one am gonna miss out on Beyonetta, Darksiders, SC and many other so that I can get a few I like more like GOW3, ME2 and GT5. Just look at the early 2010 and it's evident that not all games will have good times in sales as most will eat each others market... GOW3 and GT5 will be the first preference among many PS3 owners.. On the 360 side, ME2 will enjoy good numbers, but can't say the same ...

5288d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

-Biggest line up..... Even if you consider all those titles appearing on PC as 'Exclusive', then too both consoles have an equally matched up line up. Besides, we don't even know what games are gonna be announced for late 2010.

-360 relaunch.... Wow you seem to know something I do not... Shooting arrows in the dark are we?

-Natal... Given, but do you think that a late 2010 show will overshadow an entire half years outselling.... Don't think Natal will have much impac...

5288d ago 29 agree14 disagreeView comment

We will see who wins.. At least the first half is in PS3s pocket with GT5 and GOW3 releasing. GT5 means absolute Europe domination. Late 2010 seems a little hard to predict as we don't know what games are gonna land, who will have a price cut or some odd deal that might crop up and be great for someone (like the MW2 deal for the 360).

A huge factor here is that PS3s win in Japan far far exceeds the win 360 gets from NA.... It's like if 360 gains 100K in NA, PS3 gains that in a w...

5288d ago 34 agree15 disagreeView comment

For the first time I feel guilty as a console owner..... I loved Crysis and it's open world.. Hope they don't change it too much. If it's a step back from Crysis 1, then it's bad for gaming. Have high hopes for Crysis 2.

5289d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

For me... GOW3, Red Dead...., Heavy Rain, TLG and Mass Effect 2 (PC since don't won a 360).... Might also pick up Splinter Cell, but have never played previous SC games, is the story continuing or is it new?

Modnation Racers is gonna be the sleeper hit of 2010 mark my words.... And by Sleeper hit I mean LBP kinda big. The customization seems huge.. Also, don't know what Sony's gonna throw for late 2010... Agent? Resistance 3? KZ3? Who knows, but Sony just has to give out the dat...

5289d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

LMFAO... How can 360 be in it when PS2 is the best console (in terms of sales, and gaming catalog)... Are you telling me that 360 has had more impact than a console which has sold more than 140 million 0_o Seriously, if I even were to pick a current gen console, then I'd go with the Wii mainly cause of the user base it's generated.... FAIL.

5289d ago 21 agree10 disagreeView comment

Alpha... Crysis is the best looking game, but when you see the feat achieved by ND on a hardware that has limitations, then you can see the leap UC2 is over Crysis.... Try playing Crysis with PS3 spec PC and see how the game chokes the GPU to death... I doubt it will even run it on medium settings with decent frame rates...

No KZ2 in the list baffles me... It should be in the Top 3 along with UC2 and Crysis.

5290d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

If I were to bet my money on who can buy Onlive, then it would have to be Apple over Google or M$ or Sony. Google ruled out cause simply they haven't shown much interest in the gaming depart... M$ and Sony both for ego reasons... Besides, both have their plates full ATM and shelling out gazillions for something that currently can cater only to a neige crowd is silly for both... Apple obviously has the intent of jumping in the game business and such a tech can interest them as Apple tends to ...

5291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least one thing HHG did well in that interview was ask about if GOW3 was the last GOW game and when the guy said no I jumped in joy... Can't imagine the end of Kratos so early.... Either ways, the brother concept is always there if you want to expand the story.. In fact even Hercules is Kratoses brother (since he is Zeuses son) and that can be taken as a story angle as well... The GOW universe aka Greek mythology is always an Epic setting for great stories. Can't wait.

5291d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

He might be hated, but he does get interviews with some really important people. Like for example todays show... I am pretty sure not many of you saw it, but it contained an interview with one of the lead guys of GOW3 and he got some valuable info like GOW3 is not the last GOW game straight from the horses mouth (last game in trilogy, but not the last game with Kratos of the GOW title)..

Then also some info about how much the length of the game will be and the graphical updates....

5292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol Physics breakdown. Soon this place is gonna turn into a battle field.... *Puts on protective gear*

5292d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess the gap between PS3 and the 360 will keep on diminishing at least till the first half of 2010. Conquering Europe will be a breeze with GT5 and PS3 will at least be on par in America. The main place that will hurt the 360 is Japan... Just last 2 weeks combined, PS3 outsold 360 by half a million which is a serious dent in 2 weeks (The official 2nd week numbers aren't out, but Famitsu predicts it at 250K which I don't doubt with FF13).....

Wii is probably untouchable... But...

5292d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a Poem.

5293d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You see that reaction that those guys had while talking about Beyonetta... Well thats the exact same WTF reaction I had while I played the demo... As far as DI, all I have to say to it is get ready for some really rave reviews for being an exact copy of GOW3... They have not left a single element.. Lol they even copied the health orbs, only thing different is the fact that you drink from fountains as opposed to opening chests.
And my jaw was floored when I saw Dante ride on that big mon...

5293d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vista should be 1 followed by HD DVD at 2.. How is Aibo at 1 lol, I haven't even heard much about it. The list is also missing Zune the so called iPod killer. Then again it's Yahoo, so M$ products should be at the bottom always or else big daddy will spank the writer.

5293d ago 13 agree12 disagreeView comment