
CRank: 5Score: 18470

MGS4 vs SC... Well MGS4 is legendary for a reason.... EPIC story+Epic Gameplay+Epic Bosses.... From all SC I have played, Gameplay is spot on, but lacks the depth in story.. Maybe SCc might bridge that gap, but from the promo, that Father going after daughters killer isn't quiet groundbreaking.. But all respect to SC as well, it looks great.

Resistance 2 vs Halo:ODST... Well ODST's an expansion so it's unjust to compare both.Althought the sales will be ground breaking, but still ...

5576d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol if low sales means companies cut off support, then the PC will be the first one to run out of 3rd party support. Again empty threats for more MW2 sales.

5577d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol Activision just wants a price cut before MW2 so their game gets a kind of launch title sale. They do know that a PS3 price cut could really spike the sales of the PS3 and subsequently MW2 sales.

It would be really dumb for Activision to drop nearly 50% revenue from all the PS consoles they got last year.

It's Sony's call and not Activisions if they want their support or not.

5577d ago 24 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol @cherrypie.. Isn't that your wet dream? That is quiet a thesis there, if Greenberg would read it, then he would make you a 360 mascot.

Lol dude seriously do you expect Activision to just throw out nearly 50% revenue (check any above link). Yup, all of it doesn't come from PS3 (PSP included), but still the revenue is nearly the same as it earns from M$ (PC included). If it ditches Sony, then trust me it's their loss.

Dude and a PS3 price cut would surely increase...

5577d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment
5577d ago

lol PS3 is really clean sweeping these Games awards. So that means that all those sites who gave M$ the best E3 showing was because of the beetles show and a casual gamers fantasy-Natal.

For me E3 has always been about games and PS3 delivered big time. lol Sony didn't even show all it's cards at E3 leaving games like Quantum, White Knight Chronicles, NGS2, FF vs 13....

Guess I can even catch Splinter Cell and Alan Wake with better graphics on the PC.... So nothing l...

5577d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The flying part was also there during the E3 (not on the live stage demo, but after that). Try GOW3 e309 pt 5 at Gametrailers.

The game is gonna be awesome.

5577d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup, I know what you mean dartv, but again the one thing that is working in PS3's favor this gen is the fact that it's churning out GAMES. All those consoles lost cause they couldn't match the top contender in the games section. This ain't like 'History repeats itself', but in fact people should learn from the previous mistakes. There is no doubt that Sony screwed up initially with the price. I even say M$ has done loads better than last gen, but the main reason why PS always wins is cause of...

5577d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dude all those consoles failed the third time mainly cause of the lack of Software support... In fact every console till date has failed against PS1 & 2 mainly cause of lack of Software support (Xbox-check, Gamecube-check,Nintendo 64-check,Sega-ckeck).

People keep on saying that PS3 is like last gens Xbox...Better hardware but low sales... Well one thing people actually forget is that the Playstation brand always has been a winner due to the games which is where M$ failed las...

5578d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Too bad Nintendo might take this gen. This gen is really divided into Casual and Hardcore. Casual... Well Nintendo of corse, but hardcore is the thing to be seen.

The main aspect that always works in Sony's favor is the fact that they always back up with games. Just see all the consoles in that list and the one major reason all failed was due to the lack of games or one can say the abundance of games on the Playstation platform. I must applaud Sony for creating such a huge first ...

5578d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Dude it all boils down to what the devs are capable in the end. Well at least after this, I can safely assume that no dev will risk puting out a sub HD multi-plat to a PS3. The GB devs thought that they would bring out an inferior version and no one would notice, but the even if one site brings out a comparison, we can safely assume that the article will be posted here and it's dooms day for the devs as a lot of people look into N4G comment section. Even the devs might be looking here and thi...

5578d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol here we go again.....

5578d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

So now the dev complain about the lack of RAM huh? Frankly, after seeing those GT trailer comparison, I hardly found any difference between both except that the PS3 version was lighter and 360 was darker... nothing that cannot be handled by just tweaking the brightness and contrast of the TV. One seriously has to strain his eyes to spot the difference. But the 360 fanboys won't stop beating the dead horse. For them all multi-plat look way better on the 360... The difference is striking I tell...

5579d ago 22 agree24 disagreeView comment

Firstly, try to learn how to write and leave paragraphs at appropriate places. Secondly, I did mention 'console exclusive' for FF14 in the bracket so next try to learn how to read and then learn how to write.

Secondly, I own a 100" Plasma with a core i7 processor+Nvidia 9800 card and a 720+PS4.. You see what I just did. Even I can make half empty claims and claim I am unbiased. It's the net and you don't get fined for what you speak
This discussion is about a PS3 and ...

5579d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, I do get what you mean. I feel Wada should be kicked out. That guy is a serious nuisance. But I do feel that vs 13 will remain a PS3 exclusive. They even said it when they were inquired about if vs 13 was a PS3 exclusive after they announce FF13 and they said yes... Well it's SE, so nothing can be said about true assurance, but at least for now it's a PS3 exclusive on record.

I feel it's M$es plan to steal one PS3 exclusive per E3. If FF vs 13 goes multi plat, then we will k...

5579d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

3rd party field leveled? Last time I checked Agent, FF vs 13, FF14 (well a console exclusive at least), Quantum all were PS3 exclusives.

Agent and FF vs 13 are the significant ones. Only a fool would disregard a game made by Rock* as a small exclusive. And FF vs 13... Well I hate SE and Wada for their stupid policies, but still a FF title is always welcomed.

What M$ needs is more first party devs. Nearly all their huge games are coming via 3rd party devs... Gears, Sp...

5579d ago 26 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony is saving that game for the Tokyo show. That could be another big surprise package. The game didn't get nominated mainly cause there was no playable demo at E3... Only a trailer (which showed the gameplay, but doesn't count until you get to play the game)

5579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol... What happened Murder boy? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed or finally accepted the reality?

Oh ya and the footage was in game my friend... The previous version leaked was inferior... that is how one knows it's in game.. Why would one release an inferior CG movie and then release a better one at E3? This ain't M$.

5579d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"When did M$ promise that the 360 would last till 2015? We'd probably have a new xbox already if the economy didn't suck."


What were you living in a cave when E3 was going on? Greenberg himself said that Natal will give the 360 a few more years. Check the above link for proof from an IGN interview after Natals unveiling.

These consoles ar...

5580d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sad for what? Sony has more than 20 first party devs who create games round the year. If you think a low selling game would hamper a sequel and stop Sony from making games, then sadly you are mistakened. Just look at 'Shadow of the Colossus' for example.. The game sales were not great, but still it's getting a sequel-The Last Guardian. Ya I agree that PS3 games don't sell like Halo, but even if a game sells more than 2 million units in it's lifetime, then the devs have earned a good profit an...

5580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment