
CRank: 5Score: 18470

@FoxGod: I get what you are trying to say, but the fact remains that GOW3 is an over the top 3rd person game where as UC2 has a typical 3rd view. It makes a hell lot of difference. Just look at Kratos in the closed corridors where camera zooms in and you get a similar UC2 view... The texture detailing and water animations from what I saw were as impressive as Uncharted 2. It's just that you cannot battle 30-40 people on screen (excluding big cyclopses and chimeras or minators) with that kind ...

5590d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even Uncharted 1's cut scenes were rendered in game... I could tell it simply be seeing the screen tear occasionally in the cut scenes... But with UC2, they have taken care of every issue I have with 1... Aliasing, Screen tearing... everything is taken care and polished. Well done Naughty Dog...

@chrisnick... I agree, but I am pretty sure that GOW3 trailer is upscaled 1080P not native... The devs said that the game will come out at native 1080P... think how great it will look if ...

5590d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kratos, Nathan Drake and all Heavy Rain characters say hi to M$.

5590d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is where the PS3's CELL comes into picture..... GT5 is running at 1080P+60FPS+16 player+Twice the cars... (twice as many as Forza) on screen... Compare this to 720P+60FPS+8 players.... Even I am not bringing Forza down, but fact remains a fact. GT5 is better looking, with more AI and things happening on screen. That is where the emphasis should be more than over stupid paint jobs.

And just look at the arrogance these Forza devs are portraying... That is what pisses me big ti...

5590d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tch tch.... You see this is what really pisses me off. Have the Forza developers seen how GT5 is? The GT developers haven't seen what Forza can do... So they are keeping their mouth shut... But these arrogant devs can't stop spewing crap from their mouth. Maybe Forza can out do GT5, but leave the conclusions after both game hit the market.

This is just bullsh*t said to hype the game. Just give some respect to the opposition for once. The GT series has been legendary and is around...

5591d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

The game looks awesome if you ask me. Just look at the amount of things happening on screen... and there are still 9 months to go. Also, they demoed the 720P demo at E3... cause a question by G4TV about the 1080P native thing was asked to which the devs replied that they are still working on it... So that means that the final build will be better looking than the current one displayed.

Frankly, the part shown by them didn't really have different colors to really judge it now. Jus...

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really feel that Sony are cooking something big with Nvidia in the field of 3D gaming. PS3 processor is powerful for 3D gaming... they even showed a demo somewhere if I vaguely remember (behind closed doors that is)..... Man it would be really awesome if games like GOW3 came in 3D... the sheer violence....

As far as GOW3 maxing out PS3... well I must say I was really impressed with the demo. And that too the demo was in 720P... If the game comes out in 1080P as promised, then i...

5591d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Omega4: '"You PS3 fanboys are sad, just because MS done something that Sony couldnt even dream of you try and play it down."... Are you freaking serious or what. That tech was developed 8 years back..... PSeye.... It does the same thing disagree all you want. Ya Milo is new, but until I see a LIVE demo of it, I will have my doubts that the thing was scripted.
IF M$ has achieved such advancements in AI technology, then hats off to them... Even NASA would be interested with it....

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oops... wrong reply... Sorry.

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS:Rising is not being directed by KOJIMA!!! All you 360 fanboys won't know that since you hardly have tasted what a genius KOJIMA mind can create. KOJIMA is a HUGE factor for MGS... And even he seems unimpressed according to the interviews given.....

If your Logic holds true, then no PS3 fanboy would be hyped about FF13... Ya we were pissed at SE, but we (at least I) think that FF13 will be the best RPG this gen.

Play MGS4 and you will know what THE KOJIMA FACTOR d...

5591d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is getting ridiculous by the minute... '360 has Maxed out- EA' and then '360 beats PS3 at E3'.... all such articles are ONE BLOODY PERSONS THINKING.

As far as E3 goes, I admit M$ beat Sony on the hardware front, but even 360 fanboys cannot agree that from the software stand point, Sony kicked royal ass. Ya I was impressed with Alan Wake (graphically) and Splinter Cell... Uncharted 2 level impressed- NO CHANCE. You must be blind to think that Alan Wake looked better than Unc...

5591d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya... the same way you 360 fanboys are hyping Halo:Reach without any info on that as well. I must admit it's a damn good policy from M$... Release 1-2 Halo titles per year and so at every E3, a Halo title gets announced and all 360 fanboys start a native Red Indian dance around a bonfire.

5592d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Um... Sony is publishing the game.... So in short, it's Sony's money being used to create the game.... meaning it CAN NEVER show up on M$ (unless Sony is felling really generous)... This is like KZ2 or Gears... Though devs being third party, they can't go multi-plat since initial investments are made by a company.

Edit: Oh OK... But I still feel that if Sony invests the money in a games development, it should always be released on PS3... Unless M$ throws in 50 million again to R...

5592d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not only about changing the disc, it's also about royalty which M$ charges per disc. If a 360 game came out in 4 DVDs, the developer would incur serious losses as the development cost increases + paying royalty per disc to M$... You see how it hinders the process of bigger games showing up... No dev wants to incur losses and so follows the safe path... lessen the scope of game and compress it. Thus games like GTA4 which could have been massive, had to be cut down.

This is wh...

5592d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

"To try and say that ANY handheld game is going to outdo a console game is just utter and complete nonsense. "- Not with KOJIMA behind the wheel.

Ya I get your point... Rising will be good as well, but I am interested more in the MGS story line over Raiden's story line. I even was more enthusiastic when I saw Big Boss photo and so were countless other MGS fans.

And KOJIMA is a BIG factor trust me. A MGS title without him seems unreal and that is why most pe...

5592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol.... they are comparing their game to the most epic legendary tactical espionage series.... Frankly, I was impressed with the Splinter Cell showing, but it's just too damn early to even start comparison of this with MGS4. It could come around and bite them cause if the game doesn't live up to the high hopes, it's gonna be a real embarrassment. Cause parallels with MGS4 will be drawn for sure and for all those who have not played MGS4 here (360 gamers).... We all know that MGS (the espionag...

5592d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why I respect the Devs so much. They are willing to treat the game as their babies and not compare with others (cough Forza cough). The devs could have easily taken a jab at Forza devs after the E3 conference when they announced that even a PSP game would have twice the cars Forza will have (the previuos day Forza devs were gloating over 400 cars fact.. man they must be feeling like asses), but these guys are professionals. And people still think that any racing game out there could c...

5592d ago 53 agree9 disagreeView comment

Ok I will prove you wrong lonz358....
In this game you can change the weapons on fly and design combos in the way you like..... The previous games had 4 combinations (4 weapons = 4 combos... since you couldn't change the weapons on fly for combos...) where as with this one, along with the 4 weapons, you also have the blade pull (you get pulled towards objects bigger to you where as smalled objects get pulled towards you)... that makes 5 set of ways to kill someone.. and changing ways on...

5593d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't care if it runs at 720P or 1080P... the game looked freaking awesome at the demo. The graphics might even be comparable to games like Uncharted 2. The animations were spot on and the gameplay seemed even more gruesome then ever. This is GOW we are talking about. Even if the game has PS2 graphics, then too it will kick any games ass even on a bad day.

I just want to play this bad. The game looks good enough for me. The villas in the demo looked magnificent. I can't wait to...

5593d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with the above posts...Just how the hell am I suppose to take head shots in a game like COD4 or play a game like SF4.. You don't expect me to jump like crazy in my living room don't you?
I never doubted Natal not working. It's a great concept as well... But the only problem is it's applications in hardcore gaming. Apart from Racers and sports game, inculcating this tech in shooters or fighters or RPGS where button mashing is required is gonna be a hell lot difficult.

5593d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment