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Boy Uncharted 2 is sweeping all the awards. Top contender of GOTY 09.

5572d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did I hit a nerve there Saber? Oh right Alan Wake and Splinter Cell look leagues better than UC2, KZ2, GOW3 according to you? Sorry the only people delusional here are 360 fanboys who just cannot agree that PS3 exclusives look better. Oh ya so now I have to wait for KZ3 to finally appease you.

5574d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

Move on guys, it's not even worth reading the article. I stopped at the 'Inferior GPU' part.. Yup, it might have some bottlenecks in performance, but am I the only one seeing vastly superior looking PS3 exclusive?
There ain't no bottlenecks when PS3 first party takes a project under their hands.

Is it worth developing games for a PS3... Well was it worth developing a game for the 360 a year back when it too was in it's 20 millions... Well yes so why complain now?

5574d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

lol the only thing Sony has to do to spur up the Japanese sales is just throw in another a FF demo (vs maybe) and see the PS3 sales sky rocket. Looks like the Japanese are pissed at no price cut.. Don't worry, just wait till the end of year when FF13 gets released and then see a volcano erupt in PS3 sales (lol the demo only sold more than 50K PS3)...

5574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude I mentioned the PC mainly to answers Soda pops crap written by him. If he can post crap like Sloppy Second, then I just posted facts how the 360 gets Sloppy Second exclusive. Tell me where the hell am I wrong? The PC always gets the best looking ports due to hardware benefits. First just read Soda pops crap and then come and bite me. I never start a fight with someone or post BS crap, but some 360 fanboys on the site really behave like 8 year olds.

Yup I proudly own a high e...

5574d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well judging the way KZ2 ended, a sequel was bound to happen. Boy, just imagine now people are saying that UC2 looks breathtaking and blows competition... Same things were said about KZ2 a few months back. Guess KZ3 will be even better looking than UC2 whoo hoo...

The one feature I want in KZ3 is playing as a Helghast soldier. Maybe create a separate campaign for both ISA and Helgast soldier (optional like Infamous) or even better Sev realizes that ISA is unreasonable and joins t...

5574d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

"This gen some of the biggest & best titles are multiplat and I wouldn't want to settle for sloppy seconds when it comes to games like Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3, Red Faction: Guerilla "

Dude you do settle down for sloppy second cause all those games look best on a PC with 16xAA and better textures. What do you have to say about that. Oh ya I also remember that L4D2 is also on PC, oh wait, even Splinter Cell is on PC, so is Alan in the dark and Mass Effect 2... Oh a...

5574d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

People make such a huge deal about minute differences. Sometimes one even has to pause to note the difference. For all 360 fanboys the difference in multi-plats is a console selling factor LMAO. Looking at recent console games like RE5,UFC,Prototype,RFG... I can't even spot the difference. Apart from Ghostbuster, all the other games look so close.

Yup All time greatness... keep saying that al 360 multi-plats are 100 times better than PS3 versions to yourself till the next good lo...

5574d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wow a Xbox site saying PS3 is inferior... Something new here!!!!

5574d ago 12 agree13 disagreeView comment

lol isn't it funny that all the sites give Best E3 to M$ and the Best games to PS3? So that means, nearly all the sites have given these awards to M$ solely due to a casual gamers fantasy-Natal and Speilberg+Beetles...

Apart from Forza 3, nearly all the 360 so called 'Exclusives' are available on the PC with better graphics (L4D2, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell, Alan in the dark....).

M$ did have a flashy show with Natal and Milo, but sadly they got beaten by Sony in t...

5574d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup Wally, but isn't it ironic that every site out there who rates the best games of E3 gives the awards to Sony exclusives? Isn't it funny. So that means that M$ won E3 in the eyes of all these sites only due to a 'casual gamers fantasy'-Natal and Speilberg+Beetles....

Disagree all you want, but so far every new about gaming awards posted at N4G have gone in PS3's bag (GT,GS....). Uncharted 2 has been rated the best looking game of the show by countless sites and GOW3 took nearl...

5574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude why can't 360 fanboys except that Natal is virtually useless in playing shooters which is 360's biggest market. Just remove the thick coat covering your eyes and accept the fact that Natal is for casual gamers. Just tell me how the hell will you move with it, or reload with it? Aiming and taking headshots will be tough as hell and what if the thing glitches while playing online like it did at the showing (that foot of Avatar thing?) Don't tell me it's great for playing mini games.

5574d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was excited when I saw Infamous 2 and then I read HHG... Yup again throwing crap, hoping something would stick. IS it only me or do people agree that these guys should be shot in their Asses?

EDIT:no @whothedog... They should be shot for posting crap articles which reach 1000º only cause the headline is catchy. I still remember that article which they posted few weeks back... about how some multi plat game(running on 360) looked better than KZ2 and then it turned out to be...

5575d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

@kewlkat... Dude it doesn't work that way. That acronym usually gets updated. So if you type GOW3 now and search in google, GOD OF WAR will show up, but since Gears 2 came out late, Gears has more searches in recent 1 year and so GOW2 will yield more Gears searches. That is the way Search Engines works... If Gears 3 debuts in 2011, then type GOW3 in 2011 and it will yield more Gears result.

Both the franchises are equally popular. But during the PS2 era, games hardly crossed that...

5575d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

lol @Splinter.... Is it me or did every site out there rate UC2 and GOW3 as the best games of E3... Oh ya and wasn't Alan Wake nominated for 'THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT OF E3' by Gametrailers? And SC wasn't even nominated for any E3 games awards (oh by the way GOW3 stole those awards along with UC2)?

Of ya and anyways this game along with Alan Wake will be much better graphically on the PC... So ya enjoy the game on 'medium' setting of PC on the 360. After all the PC is the Xbox ...

5575d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol Dude he is mentioning the best games of E3... not the best games of 360/PC.

The only game missing in the list is GOD OF WAR 3.

5575d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stop fighting like babies. It's not about ego and whoever gets GOW is superior or anything like that. It gets damn confusing when someone call GOW... Just keep GOW for God of War and Gears for well Gears... It's just typing 2 more letters.

Nothing about being a fanboy, but God Of War gets the title since it came out early.

5575d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Whatever people want to say, I completely agree qface that the future of gaming will always be a controller. Natal might usher in new genres of gaming like 'on the rail shooters' where it guides you through the level and you have to just shoot or bend to use cover.. those kind of games. Natal is simply useless in playing shooter which is 360's biggest market. Just tell me how can one walk or run or reload or use cover? Even Fighters will be hard to replicate... You don't expect me to do thos...

5575d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
5576d ago

Activisions consists of greedy bastards. I mean they sold more than 4.5 million COD4 on PS3. Yup that isn't as high as 360 sales mainly due to that extra 7 million 360's out there, but still nearly 4.5 million are AAA sales. Have they lost their marbles!!! Even if a game sells more than 2-3 million units, then too it reaps great profits for the developers and here is this company who repackages a music game every six months and sells it for 200$ (with drum kit and various peripherals) and sti...

5576d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment