
CRank: 5Score: 18470

Boy all you above gamers should just go out and buy the freaking games... GOW1,2 and SOTC.... Just make sure you try them before GOW3 or TLG lands. Those games are better than 95% games this gen lol.

No one can call themselves a hardcore gamer without playing GOD OF WAR or SOTC. 2 of the best games last gen

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol... Only Kratos is enough for all the Japanese characters.... The guy rip heads of Gods for crying out loud.

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

140 freaking dollars for a GAME!!!!!! Wow no wonder you pirate. Feel sorry for you since PS3 games don't pirate.... The exclusives are great, but 140$ is way too high. Don't you have illegal vendors who import stuff?

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demos are really important to me as well. I bought Haze for 60 bucks on launch day!!!!!! If only I had tried the demo, I would have known that it was a piece of garbage. From that day, I made it a point to check out the demo and then buy the game. I immediately knew that Infamous was worth it when I tried the demo and the game didn't disappoint. The same implies to Red Fraction Guerilla... I bought Prototype without playing a demo (since there isn't one), and regret buying a game bet suited a...

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5460d ago

LMAO@ Marcelles.... Just google it if you want, but the GOW3 engine is made from scratch.

GOW3 engine can only be judged after the game releases. Although the engine is far more superior than other in the list (the bottom 3 to be exact), then too it gets official only after the game is released. That is the same reason Cry Engine 2 isn't featured here. I can bet CE2 looks better than UE3, but then too there are no games launched on it and so cannot be featured.

I am...

5460d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a shoot out between the 2. KZ2 is the best looking game till date on a console until UC2 arrives, but in terms of engine comparison, UC2 is ND's second shot at the PS3 and boy they hit the bulls eye. I am pretty sure that if GG make KZ3, it will be better looking than UC2.

In the end, it is the Sony first party after all. Both ND and GG help each other in making games and share ideas... That is why, all the latest feature developed by any studios are seen in both the games....

5460d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude ME2 is out next year and UC2 bagged more 'Best E3 Game' awards than ME2 and SC combined so STFU.... Even GT and Kotuka along with countless other sites have given UC2 the best game of E3 along with the best looking game till date on a console.

Play the first one... it's the best third person shooter out there 10X better than Gears. And the second one looks 2wice as better as the first one.

And by the way, next years GOTY is GOD OF WAR 3.... ME2 will be lucky i...

5461d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Last I checked it was Turn10 running it's mouth on Forza being a 'Definitive Simulator' and nothing comes close. They event went further saying GT is stale and hasn't evolved..... Of course you must expect a back lash from the Franchise owners of a game which has sold more than Halo, Forza and Gears franchise combined...... Those are a lot of people and half are fanboys.

Kind of like Halo franchise.... Try mocking a Halo title and you get a zillion disagrees... Now multiply that ...

5462d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Valid points there, but just read the recent N4G article to see that nearly all the big companies are willing to support Chrome. Everything has a start. I feel that Chrome even has a better chance mainly cause unlike Apple it doesn't have to stick to only 1 company. The more the merrier.

The thing is primarily being built for Netbooks which now are on are the best selling computers.I don't see people gaming on a netbook. Yes, Google doesn't have a powerpoint killer or a Word equi...

5464d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They said the same thing about Apple OSes and look how much market they are covering every month. It's not easy to shake off M$es grip on the OS sector, but only massive companies like Apple and Google can do it.

If there is one company I am willing to bet my money on, it is google. Apple might be giving a competition to M$ in the notebook department, but the netbook department is still up for the grabs. Windows XP has to retire sometime and Windows 7 still doesn't have a light v...

5464d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey Lloyd, aren't you the same guy who said above that Halo looks better than Crysis? LMFAO Halo isn't even HD boy.

Ignore him dchalfont... By the way, thats a powerful rig you got there.... whoo hoo.

5465d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude it's simple logic. PS3 is twice the price of the 360. You might be under the impression that Sony loses money on PS3, but it compensates with PS2 and PSP sales. Even if Sony lost money after pooling all the cash, then too it will cut the price mainly cause they have to stay in the competition... A loss now by a price cut would reap benefits in the long run. Till date, only the games and the PS brand have been puling the PS3 out of the waters.Even last year, despite a price cut, the 360 b...

5469d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

@ATG... How much low do you expect the price of the 360 to go huh? Greenberg himself said that the 360 will be around at least till 2014-2015. As per my knowledge, the cheapest 360 SKU is available for around 200 bucks. So do you expect them to cut the price now and sell 360's for free during the later half of it's life?
Even a PS2 hit 99$ after nearly 8-9 years. Unless 360 really gets an ass whopping by a PS3 price cut, don't expect a 360 price cut for sometime.

On topic, ...

5469d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol Eiffel it's from Rock* and that is all I care. I know where you come from and I bet you are hoping this one fails cause it ain't on the 360. 10 buck says if a rumor of this coming on the 360 creeps up, then you will be the first one to join the hype bandwagon.

5478d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

@iistuii... When did I say Halo sucked? I just posted my opinion that I liked COD and KZ2 more. Halo was a good game, but I didn't really like the single player campaign. The online was spot on I must say, but still COD has an equivalent online mode. As I bolded the words IN MY OPINION.

It's just that the franchise gets too much hype. For example, the game wasn't even HD (640P), yet it scored perfect scores by many sites on the graphical department... Now just imagine Halo 3 was...

5478d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

Yup Gwave I agree, the game really went under the radar at E3. This is probably one of the biggest announcements for me. I always loved Rock*'s work. Though I was slightly disappointed with GTA4, I still loved the game.

Agent is a AAA title for PS3 (anything under Rock*=AAA). Hope this takes full benefits of the PS3 hardware and blows our mind when it comes out. I would like this to come out next fall vs Halo Reach. That would be really interesting.

5478d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO Xbox Empire. Just because a thing sells well doesn't mean it's the best 'Quality' product. If that was the case, then Wii fit's would be the next best thing to sliced bread.

Yup and that Halo better than every FPS crap again.... Dude it's the M$ mascot like Mario for Nintendo. I ain't saying that Halo sucks in anyway, but play all those games you have mentioned in that list and then compare them (I am sure you haven't played them). Firstly, Halo 3 was released when there was...

5478d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

Sorry wrong reply

5478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you, but mate Crackdown 2 isn't coming out this year... Maybe next fall.

Infamous as an overall package is better. I think Yahtzee nailed those flaws in Prototype. Apart from a few powers, others seem less important. With Infamous, the thing is balanced. Even the Good and Evil powers are balanced exceptionally well.

I enjoyed Infamous more than Prototype.

5478d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment